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Topics - Bebel

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General Discussion / New npc Rulayne Ogrin
« on: March 15, 2006, 03:57:02 am »
The guardian of the Dark Crystal !
I\'m proud, after reading his story that the background that I have developed has been used ( have to study it many years to understand its power, link with the gods ect ..);action=display;num=1135366676

Roleplaying (Communitive Storywriting) / One more corrupted
« on: January 30, 2006, 06:59:21 am »

The large round doors of the Palace of Ojaveda were closed.
 I crossed the crowd of Akkaio\'s market by quickly forgetting this diplomatic mission which the Reagent of the Empire had entrusted to me.
 The Enkidukai people were small, I overhung this crowd of poor farmers and hunters which tried to sell their thin product.
 My stature and my horns did not pass unperceived, a vacuum was formed naturally with my passage, to be closed again just afterwards.  
Passing close to a merchant of carpet and exotic products, my eyes fell on a display of small bottles of various colors,
dyeing for hair... Puzzled, I bought two of them, one containing a dyeing white-silver plated and the another red-blood. Maybe my dear spouse Narita would appreciate it ...
Not finding anything interesting to make, I then decided to leave the village.  
The night started to cover with its dark coat the landscape which ravelled in front of me when I saw celandines crossing right through the darkness.  
A ridiculous small being struck her magic on a robust masked combatant.  
It was a wounded delightful female Lemur who tried in vain to escape the fast blades from this brigand.
 I carried on my way some steps moreover but an idea came to me....  
Calling the powerfull forces of nature I transformed the brigand into an enormous ice floe which finally broke while falling.  
Her skin was pale and brilliant, her hair of fire covered an almost perfect frail body, which inspires the burning desires, and which it could not be hidden behind the pearly fabric veils which composed her clothes.  The female Lemur lay unconscious on the dusty ground.
This time I called the forces of Crystal sun to heal her.  
While the fate took effect, I thought :  \"the destiny wanted that this ridiculous small being to cross one of the lord of the darknesses cell.  
The Evil you will like, the Evil you will serve\".  
Her eyes opened slowly, and first with a scared glance, she asked : \" Why did you come back ? And who the hell are you ? \"
I introduced myself and she told me her name \" Nurandia \". I started to corrupt her...

The malefic aura of Setill functioned as a magic charm, the beings with whom he spoke were attracted towards darkness and ended up serving the Evil.

[If a moderator thinks this story fits better in the roleplay ingame section, please move it. I never know where to post]

Roleplaying (Communitive Storywriting) / Love create Hatred
« on: January 09, 2006, 11:35:51 pm »
This is what happened during the ceremony of my wedding :

(22:23:05) Triston tells you: Why did you turn your back on us?
(22:23:36) Triston tells you: Why have you become the very thing we set out to destroy?
(22:24:54) Triston tells you: If you go through with this... you will be cast out of darkness.
(22:34:20) Triston throws a dagger at setill feet. And scowls.

I wondered why this guy warned me during such an important event in my life and who was behind him.
The guards and the spies i hired didn\'t catch him.
Now I know why.
few days after, i was becoming more and more paranoiac.
I was at the Plazza when a voice wich I knew so well came into my head.

                   Alhana tells you: I wouldnt trust Soreef If I were you.
(23:32:35) You tell Alhana: I trust nobody now
(23:33:40) Alhana tells you: Maybe you should ask your friend Satayne about Soreef and Naritas little chat. Im sure Satayne told you about this?
(23:34:18) Alhana tells you: Leave devilous to me.
(23:34:43) Alhana tells you: I have him on my destroy list.
(23:35:17) You tell Alhana: i don\'t trust you neither
(23:35:25) Alhana laughs
(23:37:00) Alhana tells you: Trust is a word I have come to know recently. Makes people easier to lure and possess there bodys .
(23:37:59) You tell Alhana: Your words are like poison , each of your words are burning my veins
(23:39:19) Alhana tells you: My ears are everywhere, my infection has spead far. My enemies become my allies.
(23:39:51) Alhana tells you: You failed me setill.
(23:40:26) Alhana tells you: When you married that bitch you fail me
(23:41:11) Alhana tells you: You were to be mine Setill.
(23:41:30) Alhana tells you: Couldnt you tell I loved you!.
(23:41:40) You tell Alhana: you can\'t say that !
(23:42:04) Alhana tells you: When I merged with zorbels... I realised it can.
(23:42:29) You tell Alhana: No, you don\'t know my feeling
(23:42:45) Alhana tells you: You hurt me in the greatest way I have ever known pain.
(23:43:28) You tell Alhana: You can\'t feel that , it\'s not possible
(23:43:42) Setill Karunor shakes his head
(23:43:44) Alhana tells you: I can... and I do setill.
(23:44:05) Alhana tells you: I was at your wedding.
(23:44:29) Alhana tells you: I possessed another body to go to your wedding.
(23:44:51) You tell Alhana: So....It was you !
(23:44:56) Alhana tells you: It was I who thew the dagger.
(23:45:41) Alhana tells you: I was in a Ylian known as Triston.
(23:45:58) You tell Alhana: Why ? i m not your enemy
(23:46:45) Alhana tells you: Setill my dear, why would I hate someone that has been with me since i awoken.
(23:47:01) Alhana tells you: You was always there for me.
(23:47:26) Alhana tells you: I treated you baddly, yet you still followed me.
(23:47:46) Alhana tells you: Zorbels showed me what love was.
(23:48:06) Alhana tells you: And now... it burns me.
(23:48:27) Alhana tells you: I have spent many days crying myself to sleep.
(23:49:40) Alhana tells you: My master called to me, I returnedd to him... but I am still bound withZorbels.
(23:51:09) Alhana tells you: Since your wedding, I am in great pain.
(23:51:52) You tell Alhana: I don\'t believe you
(23:52:02) Alhana sighs in saddness.
(23:52:05) You tell Alhana: I m not the cause of your pain
(23:52:16) Alhana tells you: I knew you wouldnt believe me.
(23:52:20) You tell Alhana: You seek for emotions and feelings
(23:52:28) You tell Alhana: It\'s all your fault
(23:52:54) Alhana tells you: I told zorbels along time ago... I liked you.
(23:53:31) You tell Alhana: see how living is painfully
(23:53:36) Alhana tells you: Yes.
(23:53:43) You tell Alhana: better if you return to your ancient form, souless
(23:53:44) Alhana tells you: And I want it to end!
(23:53:49) You tell Alhana: and no more pains
(23:54:06) You tell Alhana: no more emotions
(23:54:27) Alhana angers \"Dont you think that if I knew a way to reverse whats happened I would have done it by now!\"
(23:54:29) Setill realizes that Narita is now in danger and tells Alhana: \" Kill me then \"
(23:54:43) Alhana tells you: No... not you.
(23:55:02) You tell Alhana: It will free you from your pain
(23:55:11) Alhana looks at Narita from a distance.
(23:55:44) Alhana tells you: I will kill her instead! If I canot have you she will not ethier!.
(23:56:41) Setill Karunor shouts \" never ! \"
(23:56:51) Alhana tells you: Already my minions are preparing for war.
(23:57:18) You tell Alhana: we are in the same side ...
(23:57:27) Alhana tells you: No.
(23:57:44) You tell Alhana: you are destroying your own goals
(23:57:48) Alhana tells you: You love Narita... that makes us opposites.
(23:58:00) You tell Alhana: she is the product of you
(23:58:02) Alhana tells you: DAMN with my goals!
(23:58:08) You tell Alhana: you made me and i made her !
(23:58:18) Alhana shakes her head.
(23:58:29) Alhana tells you: No!... I dont believe you!
(23:58:34) You tell Alhana: we have corrupted so much poeple to the evil side
(23:59:05) Alhana tells you: I cannot live with this pain.
(23:59:11) You tell Alhana: And now you want to destroy all this work
(23:59:24) You tell Alhana: Remember who you were
(23:59:31) Alhana tells you: You are trying to trick me!
(23:59:47) Alhana tells you: I know of your plans to decieve me!
(23:59:59) Alhana tells you: It will not work!
(00:00:07) You tell Alhana: i don\'t have any plan
(00:00:12) Alhana tells you: You lie!
(00:00:14) You tell Alhana: I use your own words
(00:00:34) You tell Alhana: You made me
(00:00:40) Alhana looks down at Satayne.
(00:00:56) Alhana tells you: You plan with him, the one called Satayne.
(00:01:30) You tell Alhana: No I don\'t
(00:02:05) Alhana drops to her knees.
(00:02:19) Alhana tells you: Why did you leave me to the darkness!
(00:02:29) Alhana tells you: I waited for you!
(00:02:50) Alhana tells you: I waited for you to rescue me... but you never came!
(00:03:44) You tell Alhana: I .. I didn\'t know that
(00:04:11) You tell Alhana: And what\'s wrong with the darkness ? I like it, don\'t you ?
(00:04:20) Alhana tells you: They took me to a horrid place. My master torchered me for days.
(00:04:40) Alhana tells you: And now.... I am back to were I was.
(00:05:48) Alhana tells you: I cannot leave the darkness.
(00:06:20) Alhana tells you: The eternal void...
(00:06:30) Alhana tells you: I am there now.
(00:06:54) Alhana tells you: I speak to you from the void...
(00:07:02) Setill Karunor smiles
(00:07:06) Alhana tells you: My body is too weak...
(00:07:27) Alhana tells you: I cannot leave the void for many days yet.
(00:07:35) You tell Alhana: this world need someone like the Alhana i knew before
(00:07:51) You tell Alhana: not a emotive Alhana !
(00:07:57) Alhana tells you: I dont want to be her!
(00:08:17) Alhana tells you: Why should I!
(00:08:32) You tell Alhana: \" her \" ?
(00:08:34) Alhana tells you: No life, smiles, happiness....
(00:08:45) Alhana tells you: She knows no love!
(00:08:46) You tell Alhana: Sorry i don\'t know you , i know \"her\"
(00:08:56) Alhana screams
(00:09:01) Setill Karunor smiles
(00:09:12) Alhana shouts: Free me from this pain!
(00:09:28) Setill Karunor screws his eyes \" she made me \"
(00:09:29) Alhana tells you: You must know me!
(00:09:47) Alhana tells you: I am Alhana! We ruled together!
(00:10:10) Alhana tells you: We planned together.
(00:10:21) Alhana tells you: And now... even you hate me.
(00:10:44) You tell Alhana: i don\'t hate you
(00:10:52) You tell Alhana: i have pitty for you
(00:11:04) Alhana tells you: Pitty... but not love!
(00:11:19) You tell Alhana: I know Alhana, she can\'t talk like you do
(00:11:34) Alhana tells you: What is life without Love....
(00:11:45) Alhana tells you: Nothing!
(00:12:15) You tell Alhana: True ...
(00:12:23) Alhana cries.
(00:12:25) You tell Alhana: I must admit
(00:13:17) Alhana tells you: What I was, is no exsistance!
(00:13:28) Alhana tells you: I knew so little!
(00:13:42) You tell Alhana: [ arf you make me sad ]
(00:40:44) Alhana says in a whisper \"I will show you how much you mean to me... soon you will know... soon\" Alhanas voice fades away.

And I can\'t hate her, but I can\'t love her neither.
The one I love is Narita, and more than my life ...
I learn something today... Love can create hatred and engender a demon.
From my office, I look at Narita sleeping. She is beautifull.
     \"No dear dark Lady Alhana you will never kill her ... \"

General Discussion / Narita & Setill's wedding announcement
« on: December 30, 2005, 03:57:42 pm »

Are pleased to announce their marriage
wich will be celebrated on saturday, the 7th January
at 21:00 GMT in the Cathedral of the Death Realm

Narita and Setill.

( Do i have to use the petition to ask a GM to come at the wedding ? )

In-Game Roleplay Events / [RP] Working with good poeple ...
« on: December 22, 2005, 04:02:10 pm »
When i arrived into akkaio, the groupe was ready for the expedition. Good warriors where here, some were nervous, other were excited.
they looked at me, all this good poeple, maybe wondering why an imperialiste was here ....
Gag knows, we all need trasok. As a mentor of many disciples, i have to send them to train with trasok,and his missing wasn\'t good for my business. ( ooc: wanted to give a reason for the presence of an \" evil\" person in this good group)
We started to walk as a little army, we did a stop at Grok, resting and preparing weapons and potions. Zog and Satayne were designed as our scouts and we set out again. The investigation leaded us near the ruins ...
the drama. Two ulbernautes rushed the group.
I saw inexperimented hunters falling under the claws, i saw good hunters working in team and good warriors striking fast. I kept my distance and hit the ulbers with magics... Magic arrows rained on the ulber.
The two ulbers died and not a hint at ruins. We walked again, the groupe was reduced to half, the other half was taken by the two ulbers... i was impressed by the courageous good poeple, weak but brave, sacrified themself to rescue trasok.
A part of the group found levrus, he told them a hint, i didn\'t hear it and decided to follow.
Finally we found the crater. Two rogues and a fanatic mage kept trasok. The courageous good poeple rushed to save trasok but a magical barrier removed all of us, there wasn\'t way to reach trasok ...
Physical attack was impossible. Once again i cast a rain arrows, they didn\'t know where the attack came from and didn\'t move... they were stabbed by the arrows.
Trasok shouted \" the mages ! find the mages, five !\"
we understood, the mages hunt begun. They were found and killed and then the magical barrier fell. Trasok was save ....

( Sorry again if my english is not good )


Wish list / use more /roll
« on: December 18, 2005, 09:18:37 pm »
i don\' like this :
\" /me try to push xxx away from the chair\"
\"xxx resist and stay at his place without moving \"
because i always loose ... and it\'s like rp on an irc chan or msn and ignoring the PS potential

i would like this :

\" /me try to pushes xxx\" ( /roll 100d + strenght and it gives the result automatically)
\" xxx try to resist \" ( /roll 100d + stenght and compares the result )
we can roll, like the rpg with pen and paper but in 3D, why don\' t we use it ?
what i would like is that we could tape /roll 6d + stats

is it possible for devs to do this ?

/me try to charm the dev\'s ( /roll 100d + char100 = 200) i won :D

General Discussion / Range ??
« on: November 12, 2005, 02:08:58 pm »
Just a simple question : do the weapons\'s range work ?

It happened to me 3 times now
a window appeard and its written: \" mesage from server back : you should not normally able to see this \" and disconected (kicked?), took me a long time before re-connect

I have noticed nothing special before the probleme, but during the the time i m disconected, it seems that i cant connect to this forum , and also the laanx fragnetics website .

What is it ? if i understand well this message, it said that i m not allowed to see something that i can see ?
does it mean that i have a cheat or something like that ?
(i\'m not )

Roleplaying (Communitive Storywriting) / A Bloody day
« on: November 05, 2005, 04:42:41 pm »
There is very a long time ago, when it was believed that the evil had disappeared, a malefic entity had succeeded in joining together a small army of chaos.  First of all hidden from the eyes of the citizens of Yliakum and while living with them, grewing and becoming powerful with times.  In his immaturity and his impatience, the Malefic decided  to act by attacking the village of enkidukais.  The attack was fast, the surprise had given them the advantage... the massacred inhabitants, the plundered houses, blood ran, all burned in Ojaveda.  The \"malefic\"  laughed, all was as in his dreams.
The few survivors of the massacre ran with the fear at the bottom of their entrails, never stopping nor being turned over until Yliakum.
The inhabitants of Yliakum met on the place to prepare the release of Ojaveda.  the day after, great lords, warriors, and magicians unified.  The attack would occur in the twiligh. thus came a bloody night...

You want to know the end of the history?  I propose to you not to write the end but to play it. (the npcs are on hollyday, we could do it before they\'ll come back)
The rules will be very close to the reality:
_only one death allowed (waiting in DR until the end of the battle)
_Two seperate clans : evil and good
_the evil will hide their guild name, the good have to show the guild name

If any guilds are interested please reply after and add ideas, rules (choose day, number of guild)
There is more good than evil , please to neutral to choose the right side ;)

You can contact me ingame : Setill

Edit : rofl i called the post \"the bloody day\" and i can\'t change it to \"bloody night\"

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