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Topics - Lozza123

Pages: [1]
Collaborative Stories / Hanava (open)
« on: May 31, 2003, 01:46:22 pm »
\"I am a 23 year old human.  I came from far away, but am still on the run as the agents are still chasing me.  I can\'t say why, yet, but what I can tell you is that my name is Hanava, the fencer.  Keep it quiet, and please, do not talk to the riders in the red and black capes.  They seek me, and I can do nothing but hide, and find an ally.  Could you aid me, please?\"

ooc: please contribute to this in any way you feel necesarry to make a decent story.

Newbie Help (Start Here) / Pre-alpha testing
« on: March 02, 2003, 07:45:50 am »
\"It\'s in it\'s pre-alpha stages\" everyone says whenever somebody asks a frequently asked question that isn\'t in the FAQ.  What I do understand from this is that pre-alpha means very young and incomplete.  So in our pre-alpha state, what features already stand?  It\'s a bit of a bad time to ask this as it\'s about to be updated but maybe I could get an answer from a veteran or even moderator please?  I\'m so confused  ?(

General Discussion / Light at the end of the tunnel
« on: February 26, 2003, 05:04:00 pm »
I was browsing the web a few weeks ago having got SERIOUSLY bored of a crappy game called runescape.  I wanted something fresh, something free and for the sake of the good Lord something beautiful.  For my sins I discovered Planeshift, and looking at the screenshots I fell instantly in love with it.  We all know how it goes, some teenagers like to pin up a poster of their sexiest dream-boat and hope for the best.  I have waited for the server to come very patiently and have ignored the various posts that nag for it to return.  I ask myself this when I visit the forums:
\"Am I doing this because I love its looks or because I really do care about it?\"  I always answer
\"Yes, it is wonderful.  The website is being updated and my patience is about to pay off\".  It seems to be coming true, and we may all see light at the end of the tunnel now.

Wish list / Potter-Esque Mail-System?
« on: February 26, 2003, 04:32:08 pm »
I know that most of us have heard of Harry Potter and how they use owls to communicate with each other instead of magic mailmen or something.  This could be implemented into the game so that a player can have an inbox, outbox and ignore list.  Essentially it\'s similar to MSN messanger but is only related to Planeshift, not what your Grandma ate for dinner last night.  Owls would make the communication real but not slow.  And you\'d be able to have your own owl to do your mailman jobs for you so you can sit at home comfortably (or uncomfortably, if you send your owl off to find help) and hope for the best.  :]

Granted or negated Wishes / Pvp for certain areas
« on: February 08, 2003, 06:56:04 pm »
There has been a lot of dispute over pvp and how it should be enforced.  As a hardcore RPGer I have played Neverwinter Nights and noticed that only some of the areas allow pvp.  This would mean that instead of walking off to find a plain old arena you could just step outside of town and lose your friends outside of any settlement.

Wish list / NPC guild guards?
« on: February 08, 2003, 06:21:36 pm »
With guild houses, castles, towns, etc I think that the guild leader should be able to simply \"buy\" NPC guards and soldiers and be able to use them in guild wars.  This means that if a guild settlement was under attack and only the leader and a couple of pals were online then the actual town would keep \'em company.  Also it would be fun to see them as pawns on raids and attacks just running in and shooting/stabbing/burning enemies on the spot.  It would add depth to war and a passer-by would have no trouble in taking a few thoroughly entertaining moments to watch battle erupt in full force.

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