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Topics - Kythag

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Forum and Website Discussions / Popups?
« on: December 31, 2005, 11:59:57 pm »
May I ask why the AOL browser is suddenly blocking popups from this site left and right?

Not completely against it, just wondering why.

Forum and Website Discussions / Search difficulties...
« on: December 27, 2005, 11:54:40 pm »
This is my second forum.  When I put obvious terms into the search engine, like \"vampire\" or \"faces\", I get no results.  What am I doing wrong?  I have looked at the options, and it looks to me like it should find something when it is searching all posts for exact match.  I know there are three vampire threads and one faces thread, but it is finding nothing.

Forum and Website Discussions / Home link on bottom of page
« on: December 27, 2005, 10:19:55 am »
Could someone implement the yellow button bar at the bottom of the page as well?  I\'d like to have access to the Home and Search functions at the bottom of the page as well.  Some of these threads get quite lengthy.  I can continue to scroll tot he top, but it would be nice to have access at the bottom of the page as well.

I did a search for this, so if I missed something feel free(I am sure you do :D ) to move this or direct me to the link I missed.

General Discussion / I searched the world over...
« on: December 12, 2005, 12:27:07 am »
I searched this thoroughly and found nothing.  I used spawn, camping, owning, and various combinations to no result, so I am making this thread.  Feel free to move it(I am sure you do :D ) if this fits elsewhere.

What is the etiquette on sharing a spawn with other players?  There was an incident I was involved in where the /say command didn\'t reach a players ears, so he treated me like a spawn stealer.  This is reason for the question:  There were 3 trepors, did I really have to ask to share that spawn?  

Whenever I am using multiple spawns to level and someone comes along I share the spawn without being asked.  I respected the idea that he wanted to be asked(when I discovered there was a miscommunication problem), but I am confused for this reason as well:  Why ask, are you going to say no?  

If it is proper etiquette to ask, the /say command\'s reach desperately needs to be extended.  If I can\'t use /say in the trepor pit without not reaching across the pit, then it definitely needs extending anyway, regardless of this topic\'s discussion.

Looking forward to a useful discussion on this.


General Discussion / Glyph system
« on: December 11, 2005, 01:28:21 am »
Nice to see the glyph system expanding!  Now I have to level a way!

Was that vague enough and still be able to say, \'Yay.\"?


PS: Pun Intended(groans are welcome)

In-Game Roleplay Events / Kythag's Vocabulary Quest
« on: December 11, 2005, 01:03:10 am »
There has been some confusion as to when this learning period will take place.  I assure you that this will not happen quickly.  Here are some things to be aware of:

1) When Khythag goes up in Intelligence, he will proceed to Hydlaa Plaza.  During that trip, he will try to learn a new word on the journey, and it will be easy to recognize that this is happening.

2) Roleplaying teaching Khythag a word when he has not gotten a point of Intelligence yet will still have a shot at teaching it to him when he gets the point of Intelligence.

3) There are criteria I have set for Khythag going up in Intelligence.  I will not speed up this process nor tell you about the process, so do not ask.

4) This quest will have a reward, and it will be worthwhile.  I am hoping to give out a nice weapon, but I am having no luck in finding above a 5 slash weapon.  Otherwise, it will be trias.

5) No posting of word suggestions here, they will be ignored.

6) Do post ideas to improve the quest.  This is designed to enhance and increase roleplaying in game.

7) If you are going to joke at Kythag, do it in character please.

8  )  This is being done ingame only.  It must be roleplayed, so suggesting words ingame without roleplay will be ignored.

I hope to see you ingame soon.


General Discussion / My attempt to try to stay in this game...
« on: December 09, 2005, 08:54:27 pm »
When the GMs imposed a ban on weapons, they refused to roleplay against Kythag.  Therefore, he is running around with a pickaxe killing rogue\'s with one hand tied behind him.

My issue is this:  If we are wanted to roleplay, the GMs should be roleplaying as well when they come into the game possessing characters like that!  The Kythag character naturally believed that he was told no big bad stick ever.  If it had been roleplayed properly, I wouldn\'t have issue with this.

I also have suggestions to help me with this:

1) Someone come in game and roleplay this through.

2) Someone official tell me it is ok to not roleplay my character anymore.

This game was turning out to be very unique.  Where is the uniqueness if the game officials break the very atmosphere they say they are trying to create?  I know I am going to catch all kinds of negative comments over this, but I do not care.  This is how I feel whether you believe it to be right or not.  I am making this post(turning back on my word to never post again) because I really like this game.  It is the only RPG with any RP at all.  This is my attempt at saving its uniqueness, freshness, and liveliness from degrading into \"just another online game\".

With great sadness and dread.


The Hydlaa Plaza / Leaving the forums
« on: December 08, 2005, 02:58:21 am »
I regret that I will not participate in these forums anymore.  Zanzibar has decided to post on every subject I do because I have said I want nothing to do with any posts he makes.  This makes me have to go back on my word or locks me out of every subject I post in.

Hopefully, he doesn\'t decide to target me in game, I will leave it too.  I came here to have fun, not be targetted by someone who\'s idea of fun is ruining everyone elses.


General Discussion / Roleplaying is for all
« on: December 04, 2005, 11:44:24 pm »
During a recent unfortunate NPC server \"downtime\", some creative and helpful PCs staged a roleplay in Hydlaa plaza.  Kythag, my less than intelligent character who is an exercise in the \"minmax\" concept, became involved because he is too stupid and ignorant of reality to understand he was being rude and obnoxious.  Since I was aware, I fed clues to the other roleplayers around me(I couldn\'t believe no one capitalized) that would lead them to shutting Kythag up.

With an Intelligence of 33 and a Will of 18, roleplaying him quiet would have been the most minor of tasks.  However, I was told in OOC brackets to shut up and furthermore that I had no understanding of the concept of \"rp\".  I want to say several things regarding this action:

1) It was rude and uninventive.  I fed you the clues to shut me up and you refused to utilize them.  One of the players began to roleplay it, then decided to roleplay ignoring me as a simpleton(applause).

2) I was made to feel unwelcome in this public roleplaying forum.  This is not a personal roleplaying server.  I began roleplaying with them, and I noted that others were too.  One person decided that we didn\'t have the right to roleplay.  I was highly motivated to roleplay by two very inventive people that were going to great lengths to provide something fun for us all.  Instead I became involved in an OOC bracket argument that spoiled the entire thing.

3)  An OOC bracket commentary of any kind during roleplaying always takes away from the roleplay.  By telling me to shut up in brackets was far worse than roleplaying annoyance(I was roleplaying).  Even more so, I was using my roleplaying to direct others to stop me.

4) The idea of this game that appealed to me is \"realism\" that wants us to all to \"rp\" at all times.  I haven\'t been experiencing this, so I was enthused when I saw this occurring.  I vigorously began roleplaying my character, hoping eveyone would become involved.  If this element becomes the sole right of a select few, then why would I(or any other) that are excluded feel welcome or want to continue playing?

5) I believe the authors of this game intended a true roleplaying environment without limitations.  A true environment will see talk amongst all to be \"in character\".  If you decide you don\'t like me, roleplay it.  I\'m game.  If you think my character needs to shut up, roleplay it.  This has made me decide to be in character at all times.  Respect this and roleplay it back.  Anything else is against the idea and purpose of this game.

Finally(yes I\'m longwinded), I want to apologize to those individuals who brought back this idea of true roleplaying online to me.  I had forgotten my way, and I helped participate and destroying your efforts.  I am truly sorry this occurred.  The next time you see me in this game, you will be dealing with my characters, not me.


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