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Topics - Einnol

Pages: [1]
In-Game Roleplay Events / [RP]Einnol Feldorm-Alleri Acines Wedding
« on: May 13, 2006, 11:42:31 am »
[Einnol Feldorm]
Einnol Feldorm walks into the plaza carrying a stack of papers.  A hammer hangs from his belt.  He stops by one of the trees in front of Harnquist's smithy and sets down the stack of papers.  Taking the hammer in one hand and a nail from a small sack tied to his belt, he nails the following announcement to the tree:

He returns the hammer to his belt and picks up the rest of the announcments before continuing on his way.  There are still more announcements to be hung and many to deliver to friends.

[OOC: A big thank you to Jinkeen for designing the announcement.  :) ]

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