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Wish list / contracts
« on: June 01, 2003, 10:31:45 am »
to encourage trust in a community, we could have contracts, and feedback.

i\'m thinking of a scenario like this:
i want to hire a thug to follow me around for one game day. when i request this he tells me his fee is 12 diamonds(just a random cost) I pay him, and he hopefully follows me around helping me out as per our agreement.

Now once we make the transaction there is nothing to prevent him from skipping out except word of mouth. which is just not effective in most cases. so! could we have a small contract drawn for a service?
\"i offer my services for 1 day to player X for the sum of X gems\" or whatever the transaction really is
and each person could have a copy

when the service is up, you can discard the contract and give feedback on the service.
first rating. thumbs up? or thumbs down?possibly a 1 - 10
and then feedback. somewhere where you can give your glowing interpretation of the event, or the dark scummy kind.

when you go to hire someone you could ask to see their papers or something. effectively asking to see their feedback. if you see a favorable ratio of goods to bads, you know it is a worthy risk.

as a side note, i think it could promote more community building. so we could really have classes like a mercenary, which people could analyze and make an informed decision on.

this could be the case for craftsmen as well.
\"i commissioned Black_Smith to create me a magical ice sword, however when i received my sword it had no ice enchantment on it and he refused to reimburse me for the sword\"

i can see how using a contract for every transaction would get tiring. so i think it would be good mostly for major transactions.

just thought of something..... equipment rental? ehehe

let\'s discuss the flaws and strengths of this system :)

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