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Topics - Gripen

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The Hydlaa Plaza / Bush for president of Planeshift (& SCoY)
« on: April 03, 2006, 07:11:27 pm »
Following is an excerpt from this link:

Editor, Capitol Hill Blue
Jul 28, 2004,

President George W. Bush is taking powerful anti-depressant drugs to control his erratic behavior, depression and paranoia, Capitol Hill Blue has learned.

The prescription drugs, administered by Col. Richard J. Tubb, the White House physician, can impair the Presidents mental faculties and decrease both his physical capabilities and his ability to respond to a crisis, administration aides admit privately.

Its a double-edged sword, says one aide. We cant have him flying off the handle at the slightest provocation but we also need a President who is alert mentally.

Tubb prescribed the anti-depressants after a clearly-upset Bush stormed off stage on July 8, refusing to answer reporters\' questions about his relationship with indicted Enron executive Kenneth J. Lay.

Keep those [bleep] away from me, he screamed at an aide backstage. If you cant, Ill find someone who can.

Bushs mental stability has become the topic of Washington whispers in recent months. Capitol Hill Blue first reported on June 4 about increasing concern among White House aides over the Presidents wide mood swings and obscene outbursts.

Although GOP loyalists dismissed the reports an anti-Bush propaganda, the reports were later confirmed by prominent George Washington University psychiatrist Dr. Justin Frank in his book Bush on the Couch: Inside the Mind of the President. Dr. Frank diagnosed the President as a paranoid meglomaniac and untreated alcoholic whose lifelong streak of sadism, ranging from childhood pranks (using firecrackers to explode frogs) to insulting journalists, gloating over state executions and pumping his hand gleefully before the bombing of Baghdad showcase Bushs instabilities.

>> Very interesting, \'course he is no stranger to drugs so his tolerance should hold.

[Note: the \"durners\" in \"motherdurners\" is the PS forums edited version for what was actually said.]

Edited for language.

Mac OSX Specific Issues / mac os mirror d-loads
« on: March 17, 2006, 09:35:15 pm »
Mirror one operates at only 3 to 8 kbs
Mirror two is good at 130 to 150, but it was up before the other mirrors (so is it the file for 10.2.8?)
Mirror three is a dead link with \"also a 404 error\".
Mirror four is a gaming rating page, with the only download button being for a download optimizer.

Is the file on any or all of these the one that was flagged so 10.2.8 would still work--after the other file that was on the torrents was checked in a different form?

Hello, I found one answer to the problem--it deals with using gcc3 for recompile instead of gcc4.  See links:

$if xcode 2.2 is not fully implemented, link:

+May also become helpful, link:

I continue looking for other options-------->

Possible, but probably far more complicated option, links:

**a side sim-issue you will  no doubt encounter--links:

Well, I\'m done searching for now.  NOTES: 1)  gcc3.3 compiles universally, gcc4 may be called universally, but in fact forces pre 10.3 out of the games.  2) the final version of gcc4 (with 10.3.9) is optimized for binary play--currently only applicable to very few available mac systems, but quite important for future mac binary platform wishful speeds.  3) The speed benefit of gcc4 is directly targeted at the future mac binary platform, but only compatible with 2 current mac platforms--accomplished by double accessing float point calculators, which, in fact, slows down the current mac platforms.  4) Conclusion: we don\'t need to worry about binary (although gcc3.3 does in fact do this) compatibility until Apple fully implements it into their OS by doing away with their seamless interaction aspect of their current \"binary\" OS.  Also, gcc4 only speeds up Mac binary OS, but right now it will not do much for such systems because the game is not binary universal. [I don\'t condone mac binary \"universal\" apps until Apple goes 150% into mac-binary systems--especially since with gcc3.3 they will be compiled truly Mac universal.]

Mac OSX Specific Issues / Mac Os X?
« on: March 07, 2006, 12:04:07 am »
With the comments of 10.2.8 being outdated (he,he,he--I must snicker) I got to wondering just how many mac users there are on PS and how many actually use 10.2, so I read the systems stickie.
It seems most of the mac users on PS are mac newbies.  Must be the first systems for most of you.
Because no one in their right mind who was around for the 10.3 release would have upgraded from 10.2.8 to 10.3.  Mac hadn\'t even finished clearing up the bugs from 10.2.8 before coming out with 10.3.  Within a few months (I know that is a very long time for computer newbies) 10.2.8 was pretty much bug free, but 10.3 almost couldn\'t even run the internet--so many bugs with everything causing the processors to run so hot it may have melted plastic.
Now they are going intel, I am going to wait until there is support of a much bigger community for os 11 before I even think of getting another mac.  10.3 is still buggy for everyone I talk to--although some of them think it is working because now their 17\" p-book no longer melts their polyester pants.

I have no problem at all with my 10.2.8--literally, 0 bugs--which is totally contrary to macs reputation.  It came with a g4 1G 256 12\"pbook--I boosted to 768ram \'cause last time I used mac for art I had to wait 20 minutes for it to refresh a 17x24 poster.

Now, I can work on murals with 3-d effects, while accessing the internet, and uploading changes to workgroup site with 10 applications open (varying from stickies to text to all of creative suite) and it still refreshes within 1 minute--usually just seconds.
[No time to go get water.]

The only time I experienced lag is when I first tested it by opening every single application I had and making them do something.  The lag was mostly in the dock bar--I couldn\'t get around to all the apps fast enough to keep them all going. [Oh yeah, the fan came on--only time I remember it going full speed]

Did I mention that I will not upgrade any mac until the I11 or what ever they call it is bug free.

(The rumors tell me that they released a nominally buggy OS with 10.4, and for some, but free.  I WAS thinking about getting that untill they went intel--so I figure within a year 10.4 will be \"outdated.\")

[Oh, and don\'t buy a 12\" pbook, they are mostly imac hardware--not really professional, the 15\" is definitely worth the extra c-notes]

I HATE THAT PS DOES NOT CURRENTLY RUN 10.2.8 [halls echo] (oh, sorry, did I sat that out loud.)

General Discussion / IRC
« on: March 04, 2006, 12:05:40 am »
I just read through all the subjects on this, and it seems it to be kept a secret.  I thought it was a website--no wonder I couldn\'t link to it.

Through google I finally found the page at which tells what it is and how to use: apparently, it is a closed chat network for which you must download their free client in order to use it....(got to tired of all the reading--never found how to use the client even after getting it, probably have to get it and try for 3 days, but I guess they might be more up front about it, there).


Mac OSX Specific Issues / Azureus 4 BitTorrent on mac
« on: March 03, 2006, 03:08:46 pm »
chaos posted a link to azureus in a bit torrent thread, here is another just for mac.--it is a Java ap.

***For OSX 10.2.8 use the older version (2.2) and do not update it to the newer 2.4 version.  The 2.3 and the 2.4 will not run on osx10.2, and if you update then your torrent will be lost.***

BUT AT LEAST IT WORKS ON OSX10.2.8, and it works very well and easy to get started.

Just have to get the .torrent file from the laanx download page.

+++Now a question: When I fresh downloaded Azureus because updating screwed it up, I had to redo the torrent thing to get a seed--much slower today--but I already have the dmg; I wanted to seed it.  Any ideas so the \"swarm\" doesn\'t have to wait for me to download again?

Mac OSX Specific Issues / Many less bugs to update?
« on: February 27, 2006, 07:17:43 pm »
I notice in the forum section for those other people that there are many bugs associated with the attempt to update the old version to the new version because the updater or bittorrent believe those files are already there.

So, would it be better for Mac users to do a full clean install of the new version (when it is available)?  Then either reset their settings for the gui, or back the files for them up?

Wouldn\'t this prevent many problems and so called bugs that occur during the changeover of versions?

Also, will the updater jars provided in the stickies still work--particularly, the updater old jar--or will these also have to be downloaded new?

Mac OSX Specific Issues / .3.013 tween .3.012
« on: February 24, 2006, 09:23:41 pm »
Just a note
The mac os client status stickie states IN BOLD that mac can currently run PS and that mac users can currently log onto the server.
Unfortunately, that is incorrect--since mac client is .3.012 and that version will not run on the server.

/me bangs head while slobbering through mumbles \"wish I fully understood the code\" moan slobber bubble bang bang bang \"I could\'ve rewritten so much in my 2 months of being laid up.\"

General Discussion / "the big wipe"
« on: February 19, 2006, 08:58:07 pm »
About \"the big wipe\"
After reading forums I understood it to be \"the big character wipe\" where all the characters are wiped.  Then I read that the character wipe had already happened (in April?). Yet, it is still mentioned as going to happen.  Is this \"big wipe\" a wipe of more than just the characters?
Or, do big wipes happen every so often?  Particularly, complete character wipes?

General Discussion / Current quests
« on: February 15, 2006, 04:27:37 pm »
If we discard a quest can we no longer get it?
I discarded one of the first quests I found in Hydlaa, because I forgot and lost the info for it--but I can\'t get the npc to activate it again.

My real question is about discarding quests.
If finished, does it reset it so we can do it again, or take away experience?
If not completed, does it still stay as though you got it and you can\'t start over?

General Discussion / Skills development
« on: February 15, 2006, 04:01:39 pm »
I have some questions on skill development.
The manual says that Physical development helps the hitpoints and such.

I started with 0 pysical development, trained it up as much as game would allow, but it is not going up to 1--what does a person hav to do to get this skill to advance?  (it has been all green for 3 days.)

Are all 0 starting skills stuck at 0 since when they are 0 you can\'t use them?

Is this a bug?

Or is there a gym in some distant village that we must go lift weights at?

My stats advance 1 every time I green them up--what\'s up with the skills?

Forum and Website Discussions / Editing subject lines
« on: February 12, 2006, 07:02:30 pm »
Is there any way to edit a subject line?

General Discussion / Development questions
« on: February 12, 2006, 02:38:52 pm »
I am a little bit interested in wtb, just what it is.

Does game development include story development, or generating concepts for new places/maps/worlds?

Does it also include art development?

The way I understand the main site is that it does, but I\'d like to verify, and everything I found on forum had to do with the program and code devving.  This is certainly not that.

In-Game Roleplay Events / [rp] Hole in the Fabric of History
« on: February 10, 2006, 06:36:03 pm »
   {Hello:  Affter much searching through the records of Planeshift3d, I believe I have discovered an unexplained gap in the story of Yliakum.  I intend to exploit this to repair the warp and the weft of the fabric of history, fill in the pattern, and bring it up to the current in game happenings--so to speak.

I will use braces for when I\'m speaking, brackets for narration, and of course, all else will be the story.  I hope everyone enjoys it, and I also hope it becomes a part of the official tale.  Please, use elements of it in your role-playing, and perhaps things in it will also be developed into the game.

Being a newb, I am no game master; I do not know about all the different beasts, items, glyphs, spells, etc.. This is a work in progress for which I don\'t have all the time in the world to instantly complete, but it must start now due to changes happening in the game.}
Smerge:  The joining of two spiritual beings in a pleasureable embrace, somewhat like a hug, except there bodies merge through and into one mass. (verb and noun)

The Vast Plateau:  A place heretofore unknown to be in Yliakum, and completely inaccessible, except through a treacherous cave high in some very distant mountains at the edges of the known world.

The Cave of Chasms:  The largest cave in Yliakum, unexplored, and undiscovered by the populace.

[Everyone who is able to read knows the tale of Talad and Laanx as young lovers, of old Vodul who wanted Laanx for a lover, and Laanx being turned into rocks by a chaotic release of crystal power.  There is very little explaining the reason and the events around this happening.

[It is also known that Talad and Laanx spent much time together working magic, after he had approached her with the deceit of Vodul showing him how, and that the magic performed was far more powerful than any that Laanx had learned--but what was that magic, what were the effects of those spells, and what of Talad\'s and Laanx\'s personal relationship during this time?

[This is the time when our tale begins.  Of course, it is more than just a tale, for these things have taken place, and the relevance of these events will affect the entire world--now and forever.]

Technical Help: IN GAME bugs (after loading world) / command change bug
« on: February 09, 2006, 03:33:20 pm »
I tried to get onto the bugtracker, but the page kept returning page not found on this server. I have no idea what to search for to check to see if this bug is reported, because it affects so many different things.

The commands have changed so that there is not an underscore between words, this is causing the shortcut buttons to not be operable for such things as \"Next NPC\" (at least on a mac).

Of course, this means that the commands listed in the /help are also incorrect.

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