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Topics - Samoth

Pages: [1]
Forum and Website Discussions / In game activities and events.
« on: September 27, 2005, 07:49:19 pm »
A new forum catagory.

Instead of these going in general discussion under gameplay.  This would allow people to easily check and comment on activities and events.

If the suject names had the RL dates that would also be helpful I think.

General Discussion / MTNDEWBUZZ and GM guidlines
« on: February 24, 2005, 08:13:23 pm »
Yes, I know this is not a democracy.  And yes, I know all the GMs have been in the Planeshift community for a long time (as have I).  But personally I can\'t for the life of me see anything wrong with the guild name \"MTNDEWBUZZ\".  I\'m sure if you drink enough MTNDEW you will get a buzz, a sugar and caffeine buzz that is, but it?s far from being even a vague reference to illegal drugs.

The admins that Lackatee are referring to are not employees, they are volunteers.  And from personal experience they are doing a fantastic and invaluable job.  A more dedicated group of people would be hard to find.  All that being said, I think that only a very few of them have any experience being on the other side of the ability to ban players.

And that brings me to the topic of my post.  Do the GMs have a decent set of guidelines?

If so I am not sure if even the most common instances of GMdom could be covered.  For example, if I would like to, why can?t I be rude (not obscene, just rude) when someone asks me a question.  I?m a large stone man with two swords.  According to my bio I am an orphan.  I may be role playing or I may just be a jerk.  My point is that just because PS is free, it does not mean ?players? should not be dealt with as professionally as possible.  In order to do so GMs need well defined guidelines and procedures.  There also needs to be a well \"publicized\" recourse to being banned.

The GMs in Planeshift currently have ultimate power and ? , well you all know where that can end up.

P.S.   I am interested in hearing what others think about this subject.  This post is not
offensive or sexually explicit, harmful, threatening, abusive, defamatory, obscene, unlawful, hateful, racially or ethnically offensive language, offensive imagery or content
so please do not close this post ? if I am really off base it will die quick enough of loneliness.

General Discussion / DEV Q&A
« on: March 31, 2004, 10:22:50 pm »
Inspired by Harwen\'s serious post about news.

Planeshift forum magazine presents ...
Questions for the devs about Crystal Blue.

First off we would like to thank you for stopping by to answer a couple of questions about the new release.

Probably the first question on most gamer?s mind is how will combat work?  Will there be big enough challenges for the adventure seeking player who wants to fight the the big bad local wild life?

We already know from the many posts that there will be no player classes.  That being said, how will Crystal Blue stand out as a significant new role play release?

Acraig mentioned a new renderer engine in a recent post.  Will the average player notice the improvement to the graphic engine?  Will the hardware requirements differ greatly from Molecular Blue?

Tell us about the new player interface.  What new capabilities will it allow?  Many players are interested in creating a community.  Does the new interfaces lend it self to this type of play?

please post your own questions

Forum and Website Discussions / New wish list sub forums
« on: February 28, 2004, 11:28:12 pm »
As seen on

Can somebody please set up some more sub forums in this list?

A Wish list forum is too general!

Footpunker60 is right. Besides \"PvP,PK and Thieving\" there should at least be sub forums for combat, skills, places, and magic. There might be a couple of more, but many of the posts should fall into those categories of otherwise be left in the general wish list.

This would cut down on all the duplicate post and allow everybody to find stuff that they want.

This would be very little maintenance since it would only require someone setting it up.

... unless the devs are really not that interested in what we have to say ...

General Discussion / More players of the fairer gender.
« on: November 29, 2003, 11:41:05 pm »
From what I have read so far, this game is going to be very community oriented.  Also it seems like there is a remarkably high balance of males to females amongst the forum fateful.

How do we make sure that the \"army of young men\" who want only to just hack and slash do not overrun this game and it is given a chance to evolve into someplace that people will want to go to visit regularly?

If an army of young women want to come to only hack and slash then I guess I am wrong.  :)

I guess what I am saying is that I am really not sure what the female MMORPG player wants to see in PS.  But I think it is important for the devs to know.

P.S.  If this belongs in \"wish list\" please start a thread there.

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