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Topics - Abydos

Pages: [1]
I was down in some sewers behind the tabhern/pub killing some rats and when i tryed to leave i ran up the steps.. But i kind of "Fell through the steps" and i got stook on some fence or wall. and when i try to move my char is not responding or when i move the communications/guild/buddys... ect windows they stick where they are and mess up the whole screen..

I tryed to logout and back in again but its the same thing when i log back in.

What do i do?

Just installed the game last night and when i came back in today it loaded fine but when i selected my character and pressed ok..
But next i got an error about Exception_Access_i dunno there were numbers here, and i clicked ok and it saved a diagnostics file..
You can find it at 29 2006_Addr00FC9170.dmp .. I uploaded keeping the name incase it was important.

Any idea why i got the error? or what it is?
Im going to try load my game again, if it crashes again i will reply or edit this post!


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