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Topics - Suvok

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I recently installed Vista and upgraded the RAM on my computer, PlaneShift worked like a dream. Then I upgraded my graphics card to an nVidia GeForce 8600GT. I am now getting a pitch black screen in the PlaneShift Client window, updater window and the setup window. I can however hear the background music at the login screen and I can log into the game by pressing Enter or clicking where the buttons should be. Basically the client is working, but I can't see a thing.


OS: Windows Vista Home Premium
Processor: AMD Athlon 3200+ (2.0GHz)
Graphics Card: GeForce 8600GT (512MB)

As far as the internet and the manual will tell me, the card does support OpenGL. And I've always been under the impression that upgrading is good for your computer :D.

Thanks in advance for any help

Wish list / Editing other peoples books
« on: December 11, 2007, 10:11:23 pm »
In the recent release, the books have been changed so that people cannot edit other peoples books. That's good. Now no one can steal and vandalise people's work. But sometimes the author may want the people to be able to edit the book. Is it possible to add a checkbox or something to the book so that the author can decide whether others can edit or not?

This could be very helpful if you wanted to lend someone some paper or maybe if you want people to sign their name to a book.


Wish list / Roaming Kikiri
« on: December 10, 2007, 03:46:02 am »
( This has been discussed before, although this post is a bit more specific and if my searches are correct the old posts are nearly 3 years old. I thought that the issue needs to be readdressed. This post is also specific to a certain animal in a certain place. Please don't hang me! )

I like Kikiri. Though they may be slightly physically unoriginal, they do give a bit of atmosphere. But not as much as they should.

To make the Kikiri a bit more lively and interactive, would it be possible to put them on waypoints. We've all seen that waypoints are possible, Harnquist still hasn't recovered fully from the hangovers. I think it would make the place look and feel a bit more alive and active if a few stray wandering round, stopping now and them to drink from the fountains, or eat on the fields. Not too many, we obviously don't want infestations but enough to just give the place a bit of realism and atmosphere, like birds waddling around in the big cities of RL.

I'm unsure how easy this would be and I'm aware that there can be the problem with the NPC falling off the world, but it's been done before so theoretically it can be done again.


Technical Help: Problems BEFORE entering the game / Crash at loading
« on: October 14, 2007, 08:25:53 pm »
I have downloaded the new client and I can log on to the server, however when I select a certain character, it gets halfway through loading the world and crashes. The famous "Something unexpected happened in PlaneShift: Crystal Blue" crash. However when I log in using a different character it works fine. I am assuming they are both loading the same map (the new tutorial map). I currently can't log in as my main character now.

System Specs:

OS: Windows XP SP2
Graphics: ATI Radeon X300 SE (128MB)
Processor: AMD Athlon64 3200+  (2.01Ghz)

I have the .dmp file here

Thanks in advance

The Hydlaa Plaza / Happy Birthday Talad!
« on: October 14, 2007, 01:30:50 am »
Happy Birthday Talad!  \\o//

Many happy returns to our lord and master...Talad himself!  :D

(At least, that's what the calander says)

I wonder if release .20 was meant to coincide with your birthday

General Discussion / New Religions?
« on: October 03, 2007, 04:48:06 am »
Today I decided to scrap two of my useless alts and replace them with better ones. I deleted them and went about creating my new character. When it came to choosing the characters religion, I noticed someting odd. Two more religions have been added to the selection box. Xiosia and Dakkru. I did a quick search on these names and found nothing in the forums or in the official docs.

So. Is there something I should know about or am I just seeing things?

Wish list / Newb Information Video
« on: September 21, 2007, 07:02:40 am »
I was at Harnquist's blacksmith today and I decided to practice the ancient art of 'People-watching'. In the space of 15 minutes, I had about 2 newbies asking me for items, 3 newbies asking me 'how to play this game' and another newbie whose name I will not repeat in the forums, all in an OOC manner.

It is known of course that there are many new players in the game and that most don't read the players-guide. Many assume that this is just another World of Warcraft. I'm sure many RPing oldbies started off as n00bs. But seriously, someone coming up to you in the middle of an RPed conversation asking "can u help me i dont no how to play im a noob" is a tad on the annoying side.

Now the most frequent cause of this is newbies not reading the Player Guide. This is normal among most gamers. Many people don't read manuals. I don't normally. So is it possible that when an account is logged onto for the first time, a informational video is triggered. This video cannot be skipped and continues for about a minute just illustrating the ideals of the game. Basically, it should just say that this is a roleplaying game, what a roleplaying game is, dictionary definition of roleplaying. And where the 'Roleplaying Guide' is found.

Some will ignore it, some won't watch it, but the majority, I believe, will actually take it in. This will hopefully deter the powerlevelling l33ts and inform the willing roleplayers.

So there you go. Pick your flaws  :D

On my client, the textures in the road leading to the Magic Shop from Hydlaa has turned black. The ground, trees and grass have all turned black, as well as the problem with the bushes having a checkered texture. I checked the '' file and noticed that all of the *.dds textures have disappeared. I've tried reinstalling the game but the textures still do not appear.

There's no point in a screenshot because all you will see is a black screen. I'm having to use magic to light my way through the path.

Slightly confused as this is not happening any other people I have asked.  ???

Thanks in advance for any help...

I thought I would just mention one of thing about chat bubbles that should be implemented, it was also a reason why I got rid of my chat bubbles.

At the moment, chat bubbles display /say, /shout, /guild, /group, /auction and /tell, but, what about when certain people use the /me command for speech.

When I say /me, I mean this:

/me smiles and says "Good Morning!"

as opposed the the usual:

/say Good Morning!

One problem I had was when a newb came up to me asking for help, I used the /me command to speak to him. Unfortunately, he was too preoccupied with whatever was going to pop up above my head that he didn't read the speech at the bottom of the screen.  :thumbdown:

He then followed me around because he didn't understand why his bubbles wouldn't work  ;D

Chat bubbles do not currently have the facility to show speech in this context. Is it possible to allow the chat bubbles to display the text within "speech marks" in the /me text?

Or am I talking out of my rectum  :(

In-Game Roleplay Events / OOC: Hydlaa Rebillion
« on: August 14, 2007, 06:34:08 am »
[Correct me if I am wrong, but this seems like a very hard RP to pull off. You know, with the gods not being around and all that. Suvok is confuzzled as to what this entails.]

General Discussion / Glyphs - How much do we really know?
« on: July 04, 2007, 02:22:32 pm »
How much do we really know about glyphs? By nature, they are supposed to be mysterious shapes formed by the god Talad. Because of this, we do not know much about them. However, simple things can be assatained from simple experimentation. Here's a few questions of mine.

1. What happens if you swallow a glyph?

2. Can you break a glyph? If so, what happens?

3. Can you combine glyphs that do not naturally mix? If so, what happens?

4. What happens if a purification goes wrong?

5. If, halfway through conjuring a spell, you throw the glyph away, what happens?

6. Can you melt a glyph? If so, what properties does the liquid have?

There are a few bizzare questions. Now, with the hyperactive imagination that the PS community is famous for, they should star a healthy discussion. Or it'll be a flop and last 4 posts.

Maybe the settings team can provide insight too.

Technical Help: Problems BEFORE entering the game / Widget Files
« on: June 04, 2007, 01:11:51 am »

I know what the problem is, and I know how to fix it. I just need help in order to.

I installed a mod and stupidly did not make a backup of the original files. Now the client will not load with a message telling me that one of my widgets wont work. Now I don't know if it was me or the mod but I don't really care. I just need to have the original files or reinstall the client. The problem with re-installing the client is I will will lose all my settings and some other modifications.

It would be really helpful if someone could upload their original files for me. All I need is chardescwindow.xml and detailwindow.xml from Program Files\PlaneShift Crystal Blue\data\gui

Your reward will be the warm fuzzy feeling that you get when you have helped a fellow brother on this Earth.
Oh...and a cookie.


Wish list / Chatting background sound
« on: April 28, 2007, 07:11:58 am »
I had a pretty random idea that I'm pretty sure that no other MMORPG has done (correct me if I'm wrong).

If you stand in the middle of a city center on Earth and you listen out. You can hear the constant chattering all around you. You can hear the noise of cars, footsteps, people shouting over all this. As you walk around and travel to a more quiet, secluded spot, you can hear the distant sounds, or maybe even nothing but your own footsteps and shuffling.

You stand near Harnquist's Smithy...what do you hear...? Thats right, nothing but the 'inthedarktown.ogg' music track looping in the background.

Now the chat window shows that your character is not deaf, he can hear people speaking from 10 meters away. He can even hear that person who's shouting the closest n00b all the way over by the tavern. Yet, you hear silence. For added realism, I think the client should play certain sounds depending on where you are, and how many people are in the vicinity.

In a way, a movement in this direction has been made with the sounds of birds in the wilderness and you can hear the rain and thunder when the GMs are feeling happy. But I think a chattering noise should be heard when in populated places. Say, when there are more than 20 people in one spot, the client plays looping sound clip of lots of people chattering. When there are less than 20, but more than 10, there should be a clip of a few people chatting. Less than this, you should hear a couple of people chatting.

Obviously, this should also be relative to the area people are in. Perhaps in the Arena, it should echo. In the wilderness, you shouldn't hear much but a whisper. In Hydlaa, it should be loud, city type shouting.

In addition to the chatting noise, if you are near the smithy, should you not hear the flames of the furnace? Should you not hear the clanking and smashing of hammers and the hiss of the red hot metal when they are shoved into the quench tank? When you are in a more secluded spot, your character and characters around you should emit a shuffle of cloaks, a clank of armour, a thud of heavy footsteps.

These voices I believe should all be in a strange language that only people like the Sims or Jabba the Hut could understand. There would be nothing worse than sitting there listening to the same conversation over and over and over again.

And of course, for those select few who find the noises of chatter to be 'cramping their style', there should be the obligatory tick box to turn off background noises and back to the good old guitar and flute.

Right...'nuf elaboration. Use your imagination.

PS: I know it will greatly increase the download size with all those extra sound files! So don't go on about it!

The Hydlaa Plaza / Google TiSP
« on: April 01, 2007, 03:41:16 am »
Google have just released a free wireless commode-based broadband called Google TiSP. Sign up for the pack and get free Wireless Router and fibre optic cables.  ;D

Quote from: Google
Google TiSP (BETA) is a fully functional, end-to-end system that provides in-home wireless access by connecting your commode-based TiSP wireless router to one of thousands of TiSP Access Nodes via fiber-optic cable strung through your local municipal sewage lines.

Just as the Google TiSP slogan says "Go with the Flow"

General Discussion / Creating a sport
« on: March 27, 2007, 10:35:56 pm »
I did a search, couldn't find anything, so here it goes.

At the moment, this probably wouldn't be possible unless roleplayed. But don't you think it would be pretty good to have a sport played in Yliakum.
Sport was common in medieval times, I think it would be pretty good for roleplay and for fun to incoorperate a sporting system into the game.
For instance, each race or each city/settlement could have a team playing this sport. Large competitions can be played in the large stadium in the capital city of Hydlaa. Players can play in one of the teams if their character has been trained enough and the team wants you or support a team of their choice.
Prehaps this certain sport can be discussed and agreed on by players.

So what do all you think?

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