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Topics - Wodaj

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Single Author Stories / A minor tale.
« on: April 23, 2007, 10:29:44 am »
[This is Modnar, Wodaj's twin writing this, I just haven't gotten around to anythig atm. This is a short story a nearby miner caused me to make up. (It's mostly the original one and I didn't put too much effort into it so I challenge someone to either 1.Fix it up so it's actually good or... 2. Make it into a much longer tale that is worthy of a read.)]

"This here tale tells of the discovery of the alternative 'ulber mines'."

It began on a day when the sun was shining and the clouds were smiling.
All was well and all were happy, except for one young Fenki. This fabled feline would scour the land for the greatest of treasures.
Whom stumbled upon a secret untold, a herd of ulber both young and old.
She entered the nest without fear to find that the ulber were deadly, each with a claw the size of a man, and as diabolic as the most wicked of diaboli!
She tried to flee and it soon came to be, that the ulber swung but beeing so large and her so fast, the ulber struck gold!

[Also I realise that the biggest problem with this is the last verse and that Diaboli are not inherently evil.]

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