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Topics - blaaarg

Pages: [1]
Mac OSX Specific Issues / NEW PROBLEM
« on: August 22, 2009, 04:26:24 am »
Okay in my previous post( I was trapped in a crash cycle but now i realised that i cannot travel any where out the city limits without the game crashing. And using the portal post only makes the character permanently stuck in a crash cycle. Also the updater i downloaded doesnt work...... I tried all the solutions i saw on the forums. NONE WORK. Help anyone?

Mac OSX Specific Issues / Crash Cycle... HELP
« on: August 20, 2009, 02:34:19 am »
My game keeps crashing when i head out towards the woods from Hydlaa. Whenever i went back in i m at the part right before the game crashes. However after asking for help from the admin ppl,i was told to use the portal( the post) and when i did the game began loading and then crashed. Now when i log in again the game is at the loading screen but after awhile it just crashes loading halfway. So i m stuck in a "crash" cycle.... HELP

Oh and I tried running the updater but it wont run on my com for some reason. I use Mac OSX 5.7

I also tried uninstalling then installing it again. Didnt work either...

Pages: [1]