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Topics - Calmus

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / suggestion: changes to the defense skill training
« on: April 27, 2014, 02:44:50 pm »
I think that defense training is a bit flawed in planeshift. If you attack multiple unchallanging creatures with fast attack speed (example: clackers) you can level up your defense skills much faster than if you train on just one challanging creature. I think this should change.

I propose that someone doesn't get progress with successfull dodges, but instead make something similiar like there is with body development. Only if a creature attacks you with a certain relative amount of your health, you should progress. In return you could reduce the levelling curve of all (defense) skills a bit, otherwise the progress would be too slow.

Or a alternative way to improve the current system could be: to cap the amount someone can progress in a skill per minute. Clackers attack amazingly fast, while some other creatures attack multiple times slower. So this change would help the current system at least a bit. Progressing in defense skills is much easier than with weapons.

Forum and Website Discussions / game statistics idea
« on: February 08, 2014, 06:53:42 am »
Hello there,

I have an idea about game statistics, which I think could be fairly interesting to have. And I also found a way how it should be quite easy to implement these on a (static) website.

Wouldn't it be interesting to have various diagrams with graphs which show the training progress and level statuses? I am thinking on average values, not on per character statistics which would be considerable more hassle and probably better to kept private.
two examples of diagrams:

The same statistics could be done with magic, crafts, stats and defensive combat.

The JavaScript library dygraphs could be used to produce nice visualizations of the data (the example above, makes use of this library). This library can use csv files as data source. So there would be scripts needed to update these csv files periodically, e.g. one time each week.

So if developer or players are interested in such statistics, I could work on a Ruby or Python script which produces CSV files. This script would have to be executed periodically with a cron job on the server. I suppose cron and ruby is available on the server.
I know that all the relevant data to produce these CSV files can be found in the game database. The rest, embedding this JS library and displaying the data on a website is even easier.

A demo diagram using dygraphs is on their webpage I linked above. JavaScript has to be enabled.

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