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Topics - _user

Pages: [1]
Hello, i have similar topic in down, but this touch another thing.

I wanna ask open drivers users for what are the best(in they opinion)graphics cards(model,vendor,mark etc) for using with free soft driver in planeshift and maybe in another games, i will be glad if somebody who using free drivers for playing 3d games wanna share his experience here :)

Greetings ! ;)

Linux Specific Issues / Nouveau drivers and PlaneShift.[solved]
« on: April 03, 2015, 08:50:22 am »
Hello ; )

I have fps falls in planeshift on max settings but its strange becouse i have 6gb of ram, i3 processor and GeForce 550Ti(1gb) graphics card, so fps falls in planeshift are strange... But i also use free drivers from package -> xf86-video-nouveau <- ; Im using arch-like distribution.And usage of cpu and ram is low so i think its fail of my graphics, what do you think - this is fault of nouveau drivers or something else ? And any ideas how to fix that, maybe some another package are need to install or something else ?

Newbie Help (Start Here) / Why still alpha ?? questions from newbie
« on: April 02, 2015, 02:59:07 am »
Hello dear PlaneShift players,

Im newbie to this game, i was started just yesterday and i think this game is really pretty cool, but i was read on site this game are developing science 2002year, so 13 years in alpha realse ?? 13 years in alpha development realse is very very long.... So i wanna to ask: Why this game are so long in alpha ? This game non-progressing or what is the point ? I must wait another 10-13 years for full edition ? Cuz its only 0.6v.... So players what is the point of slow grow this game ?

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