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Topics - Vaneal Serozen

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General Discussion / Whats Happening?
« on: October 15, 2016, 07:31:26 pm »

After speaking with my guild mates and sharing our mutual concerns and questions I decided to make this post.  My goal is to inquire about content that has seemingly been forgotten or perhaps silenced.  Answers from well informed players, devs and gms are welcome.  We have played ps for a long time and are well aware that it all takes time.  I believe that our concerns reflect those of a great deal of the player-base and even if not our guild alone can make up 25%-50% of the active player base assuming that none of the players are alts.  Regardless of the game being free to play I believe we deserve some honest answers.  We have invested a great deal of time into ps and hate to see so much inactivity in even the most faithful of players and guilds.  Here are some of our biggest gripes.

Content stuck in Limbo - This goes for many things that were promised over a year ago in some cases.  This includes but is probably not limited to:

Mastery changing/reseting - Currently this only effects magic but according to the dev team it will grow to involve combat skills and crafting as well.  We have worked hard to reach full potential in many different skills and to have all but 1 or 2 skills in each category limited by an end-game system that, in all honestly, looks like a slightly reworked class system is a real slap in the face.

Weapon Balancing - This applies to all weapons.  Looted weapons were balanced so you can potential get one that is better than the current best crafted weapon.  Not a bad idea in my honest opinion but the changes to the chance to loot good names in general have been reduced to an abysmal low.  I don't want to know how many hours it would take to loot something that is even comparable to crafted gear.  Looting aside, what about two handed weapons?  Their damage per delay ratio is always worse than duel wielding two one handed weapons and they have no noticable damage reduction or block advantage or rating on them.  On the opposite side of the spectrum daggers have a fixed delay that cannot be modified by either enchanting or looted names.

Shindrocks Crater - This project has some serious excitement building but it seems to have fallen off the face of Yliakum.

Laanx Mind/Wrath Weapons - This fix was expected at least 4 months ago in a mini update but seems to be being delayed and coming in a different mini update with other stuff?

Quivers - Not essential but given the insane amount of arrows it takes to kill stuff we are really missing it.  I almost think a weight and size reduction is also in order for arrows or a accuracy buff for bows.  Seems at the moment ps is bent on making ranged weaponry very inferior to that of close quarters.

Mastery Wands and Gear - These were worked on probably over a year ago now and I've not heard anything of them.  I have wondered if this is due to the magic system being delayed until weapons catch up for I don't see the point in this when close quarter melee weapons when combined with magic buffs/debuffs have always been top dog when it comes to spike and sustained damage regardless of pvp or pve.

I believe that the majority of our problems comes from the large amounts of loose ends that are left dangling.  Has this content been aborted?  Is it being developed for the Unreal Engine 4 client?  Is there even an Unreal client or what is exactly meant by "A working demo"?  There are so many questions and concerns for the furture of ps but there is so little information to be found.

If I had to stress the major problems that I personally have with the game at this time, I would have to say the mastery system, weapon balances and loot chances.  Now, I'm not saying that I hate the idea of having a few skills picked out at a time that you can reach maximum potential in and not the others.  I think it could be a good opportunity to create more defined play-styles but to make it so that a player can NEVER change his masteries or make it so it will potential take hours of questing to change just one of them is not acceptable.  Had I known this was to happen I would have invested in 2 or 3 characters instead of just one.

Please forgive any glaring errors in my post.  I broke my glasses and have yet to get a new pair.

Thanks for reading.


Ok, let me make it clear that I am trying to remain calm and civil in this post but I assure you I am feeling anything but that.

This post is in regards to the DarkStars Duelist Championship rewards.  The rewards consist of several 300q weapons with various names that have previously only been available on looted weapons.  These names include stats bonuses, defense multipliers and attack multipliers.  They can be seen at the Hydlaa arena entrance by a tent and bulletin board. The damage of these weapons ranges from a bit high to absurdly high.

What in the name of sanity are you thinking?!  >:(

If there are no plans to make these items craft-able for everyone else in relatively short order then you have absolutely no right to be doing this.   :thumbdown:
Need I remind you that you just nerfed the relative power of ALL the looted names less than a month ago because they were to powerful!?  And now you want to give a few players exclusive ownership of weapons that make even the old looted items pale in comparison?!   ??? 

How do you expect the player base that is not into pvp dueling to feel about these insane weapons being given to whomever can win the competition.  Having a competition will only ensure that he player with the best hardware and internet connection has a much larger chance of getting items.  Not to mention that the players who are most likely to win the competition are the ooc pkers.  :@#\

The whole event reeks of deception and a biased distribution of power.
You might be thinking, "Really man, you are over reacting".  I think not.
Look at the forum post announcing it, you will only see rewards listed as  "tria and special items". 
There is no indication as to the nature of or the identity of the "special items" in that post.  It is conveniently left out so the only way you will see what those items are is to see them in game.  To me it sounds like there is a gm who is purposely pandering to one particular player type that do NOT need more powerful weapons.  Currently, regardless of the recent changes, weapons still greatly outperform magic so any excuse of being under powered is absurd.

To let this happen is absolute madness.  I demand action be taken.  I've played this game over a 6 soon to be 7 year period and I have never seen anything that can compare to this.  It is inexcusable.

Dev oh dev, where art thy brain?
Drunk and washed down the drain?
Dev oh dev, what's your name?
Hunt them down, end the insane.
Dev oh dev, Lie in pieces so plain.
Rot in thy grave, you tortured slain.
Dev oh dev, rise strong again.
Rinse thy mind and wash all stains.
Dev oh dev, prove worthy thy rain.
Save player and plane from hideous bane.

Wish list / Resurrect the PVP Zones
« on: February 23, 2016, 07:55:09 pm »
Hello folks, I don't have a lot time so I apologize in advance for any errors or disorganization/confusion.

Pvp zones need to be revamped. They are no longer special.  You can only fight npc in 1 out of the 3 pvp zones that I am aware of and one of them is bare of any and all content.  Many of my fellow players have expressed dissatisfaction about the current state of pvp zones, most importantly the area that was once the dlayo pit in the arena.  I never heard of there being any form of justification as to why it was removed despite is popularity or why the loot of the dlayos was also changed.  The pit used to function as a high risk high reward area to test your metal against tough npc and players alike.  Now the pit lies empty so it can be said that the pvp zone is  still there but everything it was has been lost.  Furthermore I do not recall ever hearing a reason for the abandonment of the dlayo pit.  It was one of the most enjoyed features of the game that defined end game content and player vs. player combat but it has been destoryed. 

Sure, we do have other pvp zones but lets be honest, anyone who enjoyed the pvp zones of ps is absolutely not thrilled at the idea of having a mine in a pvp zone.  Im not saying it is a bad idea mind you but it does not even come close to filling the hole left by the disabled dlayo pit.  Furthermore, it would seem that there are other locations that would be even more fitting to have a pvp zone that do not.  For example, one would think the onyx dagger rogue room in the sewers would be very dangerous but it seems it is no more dangerous than the city streets when it comes to player interaction.

My simple request is that it gets fixed or if it is deemed out of character or against the lore of the arena to make a substitute.  And I don't mean just throwing npc into the pvp zone with bad loot, the dlayos used to have some top tier loot and so should their replacement.  The current dlayo loot would not be bad to transfer to the replacement npc but it is not what it used to be.  Restoring helmets and galkards would be an excellent start to a new and rewarding loot pool.

In addition to that, the new npc could be of a race that we do not currently fight much like the enkidukai, diaboli, dwarves and/or any others I missed.  For a name, they could be called something like a Gladiator of Dakkru for a nice rp touch.  Nothing says they have to be the same either, differing weapons and magic types would make for a very interesting and challenging fight.  It would take a lot more work  to balance and all but it would not be essential to any revamp of the pit so it could be done later if need be.

In short, what I would like to see in the pit or any new pvp zone is strong, varied npc types that are comparable to the imago consumers in difficulty and have valuable but not unique loot drops.  I don't want players to feel they are left out of getting good loot or items because they are not comfortable in a pvp zone.  Mind you I'm not talking about little "hot spots" like camp banished.  I'm talking about large areas like the dlayo pit and the platinum mine and onyx dagger room that add a great visual element and are very helpful in defining the boundaries of the pvp zone.

Thanks for reading, as we know the game is in beta and my intention is to suggest ways to restore some of things I spent many hours enjoying.  I hope it was at least a semi entertaining read.  See you around in ps.

Wish list / Magic Wand Rework
« on: February 13, 2016, 07:58:11 pm »
Hello folks.

   I would like to suggest a rework for the magic wands given as a reward from Leverus' quest and the other way quests.  My approach is to first state where the wands are currently and where I propose the developers take them followed by an explanation of why. 

   Currently, the magic wands are a 1-handed weapon and give an additional +3, +5 or +7 levels in the magic way and +10 levels in a stat depending upon the rank of the wands (apprentice, adept or master).
        My suggestion is to keep the wands as 1-handed weapons remove the flat boost from the master wands and to give all the wands a multiplier. (apprentice, adept and master).  I propose a multiplier  of about 2%, 4% and 10% or 1.02, 1.04 and 1.10.  This multiplier will affect the level of the correspond magic way and the stat that the corresponding way is affected by the most.


Unlike all other boost weapons this effect will only ever be able to be applied once per way.  This is prevent duel wielding wands of the same way. 

A master of a way should only ever be able to use 3 out of the 6 master wands.  Due to the wands being tradable, a system check will have to be made before the buff is applied to prevent players from using a wand that they are not allowed to but they can still use the apprentice or adepts wands.

         Now, as to why I have proposed this idea.  I have always felt that the master wand boost is very lack luster for the amount of work gone into getting it.  At first I thought that it should just get its boosts doubled.  Since it takes level 100 (maximum level being 200) to get, I don't think that is a valid solution as it will appear very powerful at first but will seem weaker and weaker as you get better.  Instead, I thought a item that grew more powerful as you grew more powerful would be more fitting of a master.  For the lower rank wands, I am thinking they should be given a multiplier and keep their a flat boost because when you are low level a multiplier is not going to do squat and the last thing I want to do is make things harder for the new players.   The inspiring idea was to make the master wand so that no matter what boost weapons a player has, he will always reach for his master wand when trying to get more power. 

         I encourage you to play around with the numbers and see how the multiplier will affect your levels.  According to my calculations, in the most extreme conditions the multiplier will yield 12 -14 levels more than standard boost weapons.  A nice increase but not ridiculous.   I hope the post was an interesting and thought provoking one.  Thanks for reading. 

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