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Topics - Kathmor

Pages: [1]
The Hydlaa Plaza / Neglected Holidays
« on: December 21, 2003, 04:08:30 am »
I just wanted to say Merry Christmas, Happy Hannuka, Happy Kwanzaa, or whatever it is you celebrate if you celebrate anyhting at all. I just noticed all these posts about Christmas and thought it was unfair to people who celebrate something else or don\'t celebrate anything at all. So heres to you, cheers!

Guilds Forum / Bloodlines Guild
« on: July 10, 2003, 12:08:22 pm »
Site been Redesigned!

Hey everyone,

 The city of Yliakum is a melting pot of races with different culture and origin, mixed and integrated by living together over the centuries. Unfortunately not all of the races have got along as well as they should. Our goal is to change that. We believe that all the races of Yliakum should get along and coexist with each other. We realize that most races like to stick together and be by themselves. We have created a guild where the races of Yliakum can be alone without having to be in a one race guild. We believe this is the best way bring peace between the races.

Our guild is divided by bloodlines(aka races). Each bloodline will have a leader. The leaders of each bloodline will be representatives of their bloodline and form the United Bloodlines Council (UBC). This way every bloodline will have a say in guild decisions. All guild decision will be decided by voting and the majority wins. Only the council votes unless we find it necessary that everyone should be included in the vote.  

Bloodlines will be one of, if not the, most representative Guilds in the Planeshift world as we strive to represent all races on an equal basis. Mutual repspect for each other\'s culture, history and excentricities is the backbone of our Guild policies and our aim is further peace and harmony between all races in our world.

If you can associate yourself with these ideas and aim you need look no further for a \"home\" in Planeshift. Welcome, join us now by registering on our forum and become part of a dynamic Guild determined and bound to make it\'s impact felt in Planeshift.

Bloodlines is alignment neutral, which means everyone can join. You do not have to have a neutral alignment yourself. Good, neutral, evil, they are all the same to us as long as your orientation does not prejudice you towards other races. You have to have a neutral approach to all races and adhere to the ideals of racial equality, and -accommodation, as well as interracial peace, harmony and co-existence within the Planeshift World.

As long as you can stand in for the abovementioned ideals the Bloodlines Guild will be uninteressted as to whether you are a goodie-two-shoes with a shining halo, a regular grey mouse of non-destinct nature or an obnoxious little evil-doer pestering all other living things.

Join us and let harmony Reign!

Bloodlines Site
Faster URL

Guilds Forum / Need Server
« on: July 08, 2003, 10:41:05 am »
Hey everyone. I have been spending the last few days making a guild and a website. Yesterday the server that I was hosting my site on went down and I have no idea if it\'ll ever be back up. Now I need your help. Does anyone know of any good free servers that can be edited with ftp?

Guilds Forum / Wanna create a guild?
« on: July 01, 2003, 09:44:47 pm »
Anyone want to help me create a guild? I have experience in webdesign and graphic design so i will make us a website.  If you are interested in creating a guild post here, PM me, email me, or IM me. I hope to hear from you soon. Please also specify if you bring anything special to the guild. The first few will be part of the guild council and be admins. Well that\'s all I have to say for now. When I get enough people for the council we will decide on a name/purpose etc.

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