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Topics - shangralah

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The Hydlaa Plaza / Keep at it PS team!
« on: April 28, 2016, 08:31:19 am »
I just wanted to say I love how far this game has come, and I love where it is going. I've been on and off(mostly off) since crystal blue, but I plan to be around and become a regular again. My life is finally all together and I have plenty of free time, especially on the weekends. I hope I get to know all the regulars again, if you haven't already met me(Bobodar Stinkfoot) in the last few weeks. It can get lonely only knowing Mordaan, Venalan, and Gonger lol. I can't wait to RP and annoy all of you lovely people!

Guilds Forum / [ GUILD ] The Blitzers!
« on: November 21, 2012, 05:35:13 pm »
So after getting a drifter, making a million tria, and nearly maxing out my strength completely on my own, I got the sudden urge to re-create a old guild of mine. I now have the means to help others, even though I dont have much expertise at crafting. I Need at least four other members before I start this guild. I will take anyone, but I would prefer someone that knows a little about crafting to be my second in command. This is a goal of mine, and I will soon achieve it. PM me on the forums or seek out Bobodar in the game. When I get enough members, I will get this show on the road!       ( Im not much of a forum person, so bare with me.)


The Blitzers was a guild founded in 2003, by a beautiful and deeply missed Bora. At one point the blitzers was the richest guild in planeshift, and we hope to reclaim that title once again. We are a neutral guild with warriors, mages, crafters, and anything you wish to be.

Goals, and words from the late Bora:

We are a neutral guild equipped to do everything ranging from fighting to merchants.

The Blitzers are...

Individuals of mostly neutral alignment, protective, mild capitalistic, carefull manipulators for a balanced and enjoyable world. The Guild exists to help, support and defend it's members. We want this guild to strive and grow, we ain't here to rule the land but we will not be ruled. We do not hate any other guild nor do we fear them. The philosophical neutral sees good, evil, law and chaos as prejudices and dangerous extremes. The middle way of neutrality is advocated as the best, most balanced road in the long run. Followers of this way can act naturally, without prejudice and compulsion.

Bora is the stonehammer in the middle, and next to her in the brown is the once bald Bobodar  ;D


You will have a active leader that is on at least four days out of the week. A 10k tria signing bonus. You will recieve protection or help from me, or whatever other guild members you will have.

Newbie Help (Start Here) / weapon identification
« on: November 12, 2012, 07:45:33 pm »
I hate to be a bother and sound like a super noob, but someone should help me figure out how to identify weapons in game. I know there is a spell or something like that. If you got nothing else to do just send me a tell when you see me on.

My in game character is Bobodar, by the way.  ;)

General Discussion / Any REALLY old oldbies? Bobo misses you :(
« on: September 22, 2012, 11:45:52 pm »
I go by Bobodar Stinkfoot in the game, and used to be a member of the blitzers. If you look at my profile you can see i registered around 2003. I HIGHLY doubt it, but I was wondering if anyone from back then stuck to it or came back? I was really active from 2003-2005 and came back a few years later. I know of Mordaan but I think he doesnt remember me or he's really busy with the Explorers because he kinda just sits there whenever i see him. Anyways, if you see Bobodar Stinkfoot around, you should team up or get to know him.  ;)

Newbie Help (Start Here) / The Winch???
« on: September 22, 2012, 11:32:16 pm »
Well first off, I'm kind of the opposite of a newbie ... I was around a loooong time ago under the name Bobodar, and came back a loooong time ago, and now I want to be back for good. Well anyways I'm kind of wondering where the winch is. I'm also wondering if I'm even allowed in the winch. It says I finished the joining the guards quest, but I think I did that quest before the Winch even existed. Anyways, any help would be appreciated, and i can't believe that this game got this far. I'm super happy with it.  :oops: nevermind i think I already figured out what I got to do. I found the doors.

Wish list / more screenshots
« on: January 24, 2004, 12:39:29 pm »
Id like to see more developement screenshots to see how well its going

General Discussion / about the weapons
« on: January 22, 2004, 09:23:08 pm »
is it true the money will refunded for your weapons when you transfer crystals into tria? cause i was gonna sell my sword for real cheap but someone told me this.

General Discussion / How will the Klydros fly?
« on: September 06, 2003, 09:55:22 pm »
It says the Klydros will be able to fly for a short time i am just curious how this will be done? Will it be like a few jumps in the air or will it be like it takes down your stamina quickly? ?(

Wish list / a guide npc???
« on: September 06, 2003, 01:49:31 pm »
i dont know if this was mentioned yet but:

I think there should be a guide npc in the game near the spawn point that auto talks to first time joiners. It would have all the FAQS that are on the web page so people dont have to answer the same questions all the time(it gets very frustrating) it should tell you what you can and cannot do and how to do it. Even though it says it all on the web page probly about 80% of the newbs dont read it.

Wish list / Given titles
« on: August 10, 2003, 12:14:58 am »
this has probly been posted and alot of you wont like this (not giving out any naaames) but i dont care and i can post whatever i want :P

If you have done something couragous or something really terrable or maybe even done alot of quests you should be given a title like  Bobodar the Gory  or something like that. You dont have to take the title if you dont want too when it gives you a choice.

PvP,PK and Thieving / awareness for pickpocket
« on: July 21, 2003, 02:08:55 pm »
There should be another trait or skill that involves your awareness that you are being pickpocketed. This way if you have the trait there is a higher chance that the thief isnt gonna be able to make the pickpocket on you. And if he fails it will say in yallow letters at the chat box that the person attempted pickpocket on you but i think only a few races should be able to have this ability or you have to have a good amount or intellegence or agility to get this trait.

Wish list / Cooking
« on: July 21, 2003, 08:39:59 am »
I dont think you should have to eat most of the day but i think you should be able to cut logs out of trees and use a tinderbox, magicspell,  or a torch to light them on fire and use any meet you found or bought to make food. If your a cook or chef you could make serious profit out of selling cooked food to people without good cooking skills. Of course if your in a town you can just use a stove lol. If you dont like the idea ....... its just an idea lol.

Wish list /
« on: July 20, 2003, 03:44:20 pm » another site were they look for ideas...

General Discussion / new npc
« on: July 20, 2003, 12:17:26 pm »
Cool new npc

Wish list / towns and places i want to see
« on: July 19, 2003, 01:06:29 pm »
I saw some ideas and people are talking about tree castles and places in the clouds there good ideas but im old fashoined and get my ideas form books and movies im kinda a cheaser lol. Well i want to see places like a treefort town like in eq. It would be cool if there was a necro class and there town would be like the crypts or a giant tomb or if there was a water city alot of this may be lame for most but its reasonable.

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