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Topics - Khaydra

Pages: [1]
I downloaded all the files and double clicked on the Run-Me-First file, and nothing happens.  What should I do?

Wish list / Customly Built
« on: July 07, 2002, 09:29:37 pm »
I think that there should be a store (or maybe a few of them) in planeshift that makes and sells custom equipment, like weapons and armor.  So you could tell them what you want it to look like and how heavy it will be and other things also.

General Discussion / The Game
« on: May 05, 2002, 12:40:28 pm »
I just installed Planeshift onto my computer, and I got my character created.  But when it says the world is loading up, my computer freezes or it says it has performed an illegal action.  If anybody knows a way to make this stop happening, please tell me.  THANKS

Newbie Help (Start Here) / comp
« on: May 04, 2002, 05:06:56 pm »
Is there a requirement for the game on the speed of your comp?  I only have a Pentium 1, and I\'m not sure if I have to have something better.

Single Author Stories / The History of Khaydra: Part Two
« on: April 20, 2002, 05:40:04 pm »
While Khaydaris was roaming the lands of Ylakium looking for people who needed help in attacking or to go on a quest, he met Starmina.  She had brown hair and green eyes and a smile that could melt the heart of any man.  She was waitress at one of the pubs in a far of city.  As soon as Khaydaris walked in the pub and saw her, he knew that they would live for the rest of their lives together.  He went over to chat with her a little bit.  After about an hour of talking, they knew very much about each other, and Starmina was staring to like Khaydaris.  

The next day when Khaydaris woke up, he went down to the pub and found it trashed and destroyed.  He ran all over looking for his sweet Starmina.  He finally found  a door underneath one of the carpets on the floor and opened it up, finding that Starmina had hidden in here.  She was sleeping, so he went over to wake her up and found out what had happened.  An evil group of about 250 came quietly through the town and attacked everybody in the pub.  They had not touched any other part of the small isolated town.  Starmina told Khaydaris that they were looking for Loria, one of the waitresses at the pub.  They had found her, brutally killed her, and then killed everybody in pub.  Starmina was in a back room getting ready to leave when she heard the commotion out in the bar.  Since the only way out of the pub was through the door in the bar, she hid in the secret room all night.  

Single Author Stories / The past history of Khaydra
« on: April 17, 2002, 10:24:28 pm »
Khaydra, a very strong and tall human, came from a long family line of strong and smart fighters.  His father is the well known knight across the lands of Ylakium whose name was Khaydaris.  Khaydra\'s life-long dream is to become the man that his father once was before he was killed when surrounded by a group of cast-outs.  Khaydra travels across the land to find people to help in quests and other things as well.  He tries to put forth the best effort he possibly can when trying to help other men.  Rumors have been going around that Khaydra is almost unstoppable when he is helping on a quest.  They say that he would rather die the most painful death than give up on any person when they are in need of help.  Khaydra will help out anybody that needs help, and he will always be here.

Wish list / Pretty cool ideas
« on: April 14, 2002, 11:49:53 pm »
I was on here looking at the posts when I came up with some ideas they might be able to put in the game.
1) If you are bleeding, you should walk slower and/or feel dizzy.  If you are losing a lot of blood, it would be a cool idea to slowly lose life until you get it healed.
2)Get married and have kids.  When your kids grow up and get married and have kids, it would be neat to make a family name that can be passed on like this.
3)Pets.  There should be many different kinds of pets you can buy.  If you treat your pet badly, it will die fast.  You can train it to do things-go get something for you, attack a person.
4)Stars and planets.  There should be stars and planets that people can name.  There should also be comets.

Newbie Help (Start Here) / Help on Signatures
« on: April 14, 2002, 10:18:00 pm »
I\'m new to this place, but have been looking at the site for a couple of weeks now.  
  -My question is where are some good places to find images for your signature?  I\'ve been to a few places, but I can\'t get the name for just the image.  Please help.

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