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Topics - kyosan

Pages: [1]
The Hydlaa Plaza / floating heads
« on: November 05, 2003, 11:50:57 pm »
Ok now this was kinda odd :P was plaing like nothing happend and poof :P evryone is either cut in half or only a head :)

Single Author Stories / Kyo's story
« on: September 07, 2003, 08:52:45 am »
Well its long since somone posted new topic :) so i be the one ^^
Pliz dont be to mean cuz i NEVER i repeat NEVER wirted somthing before so corect me if any errors are found ^_^ (there will be a lot ;)
Here we go:
\"?Spread out! Search every hiding place you?ll see!? The search party was moving to the east. It was like five minutes after they spotted the shadow. ?Do you really think it?s possible to find him?? asked one of the members, ?He moved so fats that there was no way to follow him?. ?I don?t know, but orders are orders.? said team leader, ?Still anyone who spied on us was caught after several hours?. It was getting a bit cold and from minute to minute darker, it was almost impossible to see right now. Just when leader was staring to think that might be the first one that may get away from them, there was a scream. They ran to the direction where the voice came from. They found one of team wounded in legs. ?What happened?? asked leader, ?It was him I?m sure of it... And I almost had him too? that bastard aimed for my legs and ran away.? It was not a deadly hit, but was just enough to make him unable to move. ?That was a hell of sharp claws? You two get him to healer, now!? yelled leader. ?He went to that forest over there? said the wounded one, just before he was taken away. ?Move out!? yelled the leader. With each step he wondered more why that spy did not kill that person, it was obvious that he will show the way he has gone. They entered the woods with weapons ready, they know now that he is armed in claws not a ranged weapon but always... However, inside it was impossible to see for more than one to two meters, leader started to curse that no one form team is able to see in darkness, and they made lots of noise moving trough it. Leader was still thinking about that accident and because of that, he was not concentrated on search. He suddenly noticed that there are no more noises of walking people, and he could not see any one. Calling for them now would give out where is he, so he decided to find them with out making any noise. He found two of his men knocked out, tied up, and weapon less. He thought that more must be here somewhere. He moved a little more where the rest of team ?should? be. He arrived at treeless space. In the middle of it, there was a shadow of female enkidukai, she was busy tiding up two more. He spotted another shadow, of another cat, but that one was small. ?A kid?? he thought. That was his advantage, if he could sneak up on that little one, the female would not try to attack him?\"
To be contunied

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