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Topics - malverian

Pages: [1]
Linux Specific Issues / Gentoo packages for 0.3.011 available
« on: August 31, 2005, 04:23:42 pm »
Today I commited packages to Gentoo portage for 0.3.011. This version (as of writing) works with the default Laanx server. It is marked unstable on ppc, x86 and amd64. Test and let me know if you have success.

# emerge --sync
# emerge planeshift

and then as (not root):

$ planeshift-updater -auto
$ planeshift

If you encounter problems, please submit a bug to (NOT to the Planeshift developers)

Linux Specific Issues / Easy way to install Planeshift
« on: May 18, 2005, 10:35:56 pm »
For those of you having difficulty compiling Planeshift on your own, I\'ve created a simple set of build scripts to automate the process. The scripts do the following:

- Checks for necessary dependencies
- Retrieve cal3d, crystalspace, cel and planeshift from CVS
- Compile all 4 programs to a local sandbox (no root access needed)
- Provides a wrapper script for running planeshift and settng proper environment variables

The scripts have been tested on x86 and x86_64 Gentoo, please feel free to contact me on irc in #planeshift-build if you have any problems, or reply to this thread.

You can get the latest version of the scripts here:

Be sure to read the README file before proceding. For a primer, see the \"QUICK START\" section.


Just so people understand, to upgrade the scripts quickly when a new version is released all you have to do If you are in the directory with \"build\" and \"psrun\" is:

cd ..
tar -xvzf easy_planeshift.tar.gz
cd easy_planeshift
./build -version

You do NOT have to rerun \"./build\" to be able to continue playing Planeshift.

*** Include the output of \"./build -diagnose\" when reporting problems

UPDATE: Ebuilds for Planeshift 0.3.011 are in Gentoo portage. Please see his thread for details:

1) First off, to the Linux users, to install Planeshift:

cvs -z3 co CS
cd CS

### NOTE! You will need to edit mk/user.mak and uncomment the mp3, freefont, and and freefnt2 plugins.

make linux MODE=debug
make all
su -c \'make install\'
export CRYSTAL=/usr/local/crystal
cd ..
cvs -z3 co cel
cd cel
cp $CRYSTAL/bin/cs-config ./
export CEL=`pwd`
cd ..
cvs -z3 co planeshift
cd planeshift
for a in `find $CEL -name \"*.so\"`; do cp $a ./; done

# ANOTHER NOTE: You will need to get the map file from the windows distribution. It\'s suggested you copy the entire \'art\' directory. I have gzipped it for convenience here:

# Or: src/client/psclient

2) If you\'re having alot of slowdown, edit your psclient.cfg file and change the resolution down to perhaps 800 x 600. You can also comment out the loading of wav and mp3 modules.

3) If you have no hardware OpenGL on your video card.. use Software mode.

Forum and Website Discussions / Off Topic
« on: April 29, 2002, 10:43:07 pm »
An off topic thread is usually necessary.

General Discussion / Quick reference for the clueless
« on: April 26, 2002, 10:30:34 pm »
I\'ve been reading through some of the mindless questions and equally mindless answers that have been propogated throughout this forum, so I have decided that this thread would be a good place to attempt to give educated answers to the most common questions I\'ve seen, and correct any potentially incorrect answers.

FIRST and FOREMOST, windows users need to realize that Planeshift is IN DEVELOPMENT, meaning it will CHANGE alot, and that it is NOT FINISHED. In your defense, I understand many of you are not familiar with community driven projects that continue only by the bleeding hearts of many dedicated (unpaid) developers. Now that that is established. On to the questions...

1) Will PS run on Windows [Insert Version here]?
>> Planeshift ideally would work on any version of windows because the most OS/architecture dependent code is handled by the wonderful Crystal Space engine ( which currently works on a plethora of systems. If it doesn\'t work on your version of windows when the tech demo is release: It will NOT help to post complaints that have already been posted! And even if the complaints HAVEN\'T been posted, your bug reports will be completely useless without a complete log of what you were doing when the problem occured.

2) Will PS run on Mac?
>> See above

3) AHHAHAHGGAAHH... [trimmed due to space restrictions]
>> These mindless posts do absolutely nothing to make this community message board useful. ESPECIALLY -repeated- posts of this sort. If you really are that excited, let everyone know on Off Topic.

4) My GeForce 8 with 1024MB or VRAM...
>> These posts don\'t really add anything in the form of useful conversation to the forum either, and also belong in Off Topic.

5) Will Planeshift work on my 56K ?
>> Planeshift will \'work\' -nearly- any internet connection. Latency, however, may be undesireable.

6) Will Planeshift work on my XXXmHz/gHz speed CPU?
>> Again, Planeshift will work on these systems (assuming you are running one of the supported operating systems), but the speed may not be up to your standards.

7) So what is an ideal speed computer to have?
>> If you have a slow CPU, you will want to have a video card with OpenGL or DirectX hardware acceleration (and will want to tell Planeshift to use one of those two output plugins). If you have a crappy video card (no hardware acceleration), but a fast (800+mHz) CPU, likely software output mode will be your best bet. If your CPU and video card are crappy.. then you will have low framerates.

8) When will the tech demo be out???
>> The lead developer is wrestling with some memory leak problems which are causing the server to crash (you may read this in his journal when he has time to update it). These types of problems are extremely difficult to solve, so be supportive fellows and stop asking this question so damn much. If you want the development to speed up, compile the software from CVS, and send problems preferably WITH SOLUTIONS to Matze.

9) Amigas are ancient computers!!
>> This wasn\'t really a necessary \'question\' to answer, but I feel somewhat obligated to explain what an Amiga is. Amiga is a type of computer (read: not a PC) paired with an OS in a fashion similar to the way a Macintosh works (except less proprietary). AmigaOS is the OS used obviously. Amiga is a 64 bit architecture (most current x86 processors are 32 bit, which in fact means Amigas are ahead of the game instead of dinosaurs).

I feel I\'ve answered enough questions for now, when I see anything else being ignorantly questioned or answered, I will likely find myself creating a sequel.

Until then,

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