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Topics - Colane

Pages: [1]
Wish list / Consealed Weapons
« on: June 28, 2004, 04:52:19 pm »
Don\'t know if there\'s one like these, too layzy to search;


i think i would be nice to have consealed weapons.

So when for some guest you must see a boss or enter some high security area, where you may not carry weapons, so therefore get \"frisked\"

you could still have some small assasins dagger or some tiny bow thingy (or - read guns thread - a small gun ) or anything sharp or dangerous

would be neat ...

Fan Art / New Lame "I can't but I will" Art
« on: March 08, 2004, 05:21:09 pm »
hey, how bout this riding creature thing

Wish list / Body Dragging
« on: February 29, 2004, 08:18:38 am »
Don\'t know if anyone ever suggested this, but what if we could drag body\'s???

Example: Assasin guy hides in the shadows, a guard is standing by the entrance of the chamber where the loot/target/... is, he takes his throwing knive and slings one right in the trhoat. now, if he could pick up the body and hide it, no-one would notice, stick the stiff in a barrel, and it never happened ;-)

how bout that ? :)

Wish list / Tobacco
« on: December 29, 2003, 06:16:34 pm »
How about u can buy tobbaco or even sigarets at the tavern or some designated shop, just for fun.

U can add a job and a plant to this,

ex. : sigar rollers could collect tobacco plants and dry them and u can use ur rolling skill to make sigars or sigarets, or even use ur pipe-crafting skill, to make pipes, and sell these, price according to the size and quality off the product.

The pipe u smoke with or the size of sigars could be a status symbol in the game, since a fine crafted pipe takes a lot of work and craftmanschip and therfore costs a lot ...


Don\'t yell at me for posting this :-S


Newbie Help (Start Here) / Stats
« on: December 27, 2003, 07:50:13 pm »
Is there a way i can call up a screen that tells me the skills and job and character settings I\'ve chosen when i made my char ?

Cause I tend to forget things :s

And also, is there a way to delete a char?
And maybe even a way to retrieve collected crystals if u\'r gonna delete a char?

BTW; even though PS is in it\'s early stage, I think it\'s a fun game with tons of potential
(just wanted to say that :D)

Single Author Stories / Querido's History
« on: December 27, 2003, 12:04:20 pm »
Querido \'s father Querodion The Fine was a wealthy jeweler
who had married 14 women by the time Querido was 12.

When Querido became 16 he was already a tall and strong young man and he loved helping Djoskell the Farmer, since he was more a father to him than Querodion even been.

Querido decided to run away from his father and live with Djoskell and help him with his crops and milk his old cow Moochie. But when Moochie started giving sower milk, Djoskell asked Querido to kill Moochie for food during the wintertime, since the water was already beginning to freeze.

Querido was shocked and couldn\'t slaughter Moochie, who had been somewhat of a friend to Querido. So the next night Querido left the gate open so Moochie could run away.

And indeed the next morning Moochie was gone, and Querido acted like he was sad, because now they would have little rations for the cold winter time.

Djoskell was woried, he was an old man and looked upon the future with a grim face.

Wintertime came, Querido was having a great time playing in the snow, but inside Djoskell was hiding that he had become ill. One winternight Querido noticed that Djoskell wasn\'t feeling right and checked under the matras for money to buy Djoskell medicine, but there was nothing. Djoskell saud to Querido, that his time has come and that Querido would get his farm and land if only he granted his last wish, to bury him next to his wife, who passed away before Querido was even born.

But Querido would not listen to this madness, and went to town to find Djoskell some medicine. He danced in the tavern for money, but when he finished there was only laughter. Querido was hurt, but acted like he was laughing aswell, and while he walked towards the door, he bumped into several drunk merchants and looted their pockets.

Outside Querido counted his loot and got the medicine needed to heal Djoskell, happy he ran to the farm and arrived the next morning. But only to find, that he was too late.
Djoskell had passed away...

Querido cried, and carries Djoskell to the grave of his wife and buried him next to it.

Now Querido had gotten the farm and the land, but he couldn\'t find his peace, and decided to leave.
Where to? He didn\'t know, aslong as it wasn\'t near the farm and Djoskells grave, because Querido blamed himself for the death of Djoskell. If only he had killed Moochie for her meat, but he couldn\'t. Now he killed someone more precious to him.

Querido walked and ran, further and further away, but he had little money left and much hunger to still, so had to steal again, and he kept stealing, even if it ment killing another man, because he couldn\'t feel anymore,

not, with his hart ...

Wish list / Dummies
« on: December 27, 2003, 07:19:13 am »
How about, to amuse the early alpha stage players, u put up a few straw filled dummies somewhere, wich we can use for basic combat training (up to a max. amount of XP)

(saw this in runescape)

how bout that?

I\'d also like to see a more advanced character looks config, now u can only choose one type of hair en such, how about some more variety in hair lenght and facial hair and clothing style and such ....
(this might be already in the agenda for when the game takes a bigger form ? ...)

Technical Help: Problems BEFORE entering the game / Mouse Looking ?
« on: December 26, 2003, 07:53:11 pm »
Sorry to come again with a thread about mouselook,
but in my search i found no thread that could help me.

OK; mouse look is activated by the \"/\" button or the \"*\" button. but none of these work :-s

i\'ve noticed that the game uses querty keyboard settings cause my camera toggle aquires the \",\" key instead of the \"m\" key, could it be that i need to press some other key?

can i change the game controls somewhere ?

cause i don\'t know how to jump either

and is there a ducking key ?

PvP,PK and Thieving / PK-ing
« on: December 26, 2003, 07:40:11 pm »

this might be in some thread somewhere in this massive forum, but i didn\'t see it yet, so ...

How about when anywhere ingame, u can get challenged by some clicking manouvre, and a window pops up saying:

\"playerX wants to challenge u to a duell\"

then u can choose:

\"i accept this duel\"
thus u begin fighting; loozer dies, winner gets loot en Xp


\"i decline this duel\"
thus u cowardly run away and u can\'t be challenged to a duell for like 15 min.

this duelling should also consider level differences
meaning that a lvl 100 cant attack some noob lvl 3 or something ...

just a thought, how bout it ?

Wish list / Mapping
« on: December 26, 2003, 06:32:54 am »
How about a map (don\'t know if there is one yet, but i never saw one :-s)

It\'s really handy sometimes, cause I tend to get lost in the starting city alone ...
(okay, i\'m bad ...)

but anyway, there are plenty of ways to add a map system in the game.

u can make it a \"age of empires\" like exploring system;
everywhere u go, gets drawn on your map, so the more u explore, the bigger u mapping knowledge gets ...

Technical Help: Problems BEFORE entering the game / Full Screen
« on: December 26, 2003, 06:28:13 am »
How can I play PS in full screen ?
I can only play it in window :-(

greets: Colane

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