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Topics - Ibica

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Fan Art / Would anyone like to make ME a sig?
« on: January 09, 2004, 01:03:23 pm »
Sorry to make a new thread, i know there are a few others just like it but i was afraid you would all miss it! :)
Anyway I have been looking at the stuff you guys have made and WOW is it impressive... i love them... aspecially the one draklar made!!

So I was wondering if you guys would like to have a go at one of my ideas? ;)

I would like one with green, something like leaves or plants of some sort in the background and my name (Ibica) in red or blue in front, preferably with the Planeshift font. If it looks like shite in red or blue, white will do just fine ;)

Ill leave the rest up to you guys... thanks

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