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Topics - Cyrandir

Pages: [1]
The Hydlaa Plaza / What browser do you call home?
« on: July 23, 2004, 12:48:12 pm »
What internet browser do you guys use?  I\'m interested because I want to know what browser I should work on optimal compatibility for when building my guild website, etc.  I\'m personally a firefox fan.

Guilds Forum / Wardens of the Spheres recruitment (RP a must)
« on: July 16, 2004, 01:52:37 am »
I am proud to annouce the foundation of a new RP guild!!

Guild Name: Wardens of the Spheres

RP attitude: Serious RP when IC.... RL information is from outside the game. Leave it there.

Guild Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Order and organization are of paramount importance to characters/guilds of this alignment.  They believe in a strong, well-ordered government, whether that government is a tyranny or beneveolent demorcracy.  The benefits of organization and regimentation outweigh any moral questions raised by their actions.

Guild mission: To support an organized and structured government and community , whatever it\'s form, by whatever means necessary, above the whims and dispositions of the masses.  This will be achieved partially through emerging from the crowd to be leaders by waoy of self-developent and recognition of the evil of the crowd  From Kierkegaard\'s On Himself: \"A crowd in it\'s very concept is the untruth, by reason of the fact that is renders the individual completely immpenitent and irresponsible, or at least weakens his sense of responsibility by reducing it to a fraction... For every individual who flees for the refuge of the crowd, and so flees in cowardace from being an individual..., such a man contributes his share of cowardliness to the cowardliness which we know as the \'crowd.\' \"

Races Accepted: All

Classes Accepted: All

Alignments Accepted: Lawful Neutral prefered, open to considering all others pending RP explaination.

Guild organization (subject to review)

Guild Leader: Cyrandir (Maester of the Spheres)

Magic/Holy users:

Led by: 1 Transcendant Mystic (none)

Units of 3 Prismatic Mystics (none)

Units of 3 Mystic Neophytes (none)

Hopeful Mystics (Nightmort)


Led by 1 Sublime Protector (none)

Units of 3 Sentinal Protectors (none)

Units of 3 Protector Proselytes (none)

Hopeful Protectors (none)

Guild benefits:

Protection of the Guild

Access to Guild resources, pending approval of Guild Leader, including Guild-owned equipment, information, Glyphs, spell components, properties, bribes, etc.  

personalized signature to be displayed on the forums

The joy of playing with RP loving people you can call friends

Guild Requirements (any and all deviations will be dealt with harshly):

Attendance of Guild functions (dependant on time zone)

Guild Taxes to fund purchase of Guild-owned equipment, information, Glyphs, spell components, properties, bribes, etc.  1/2 of all resources taken in Guild functions go directly into the Treasury, and up to but not above 1/6 of all resources taken during personal questing.

Strict adherance to Role-Playing while in game.  This includes use of outside information, demeanor to other guild members and the general public, and following the alignment/character of the person you are playing and the Guild you belong to.

Current guild status:

Recruitment has begun for all positions.  Please PM Cyrandir or Nightmort if interested with the following information:

1. General character information including alignment, class, RP intentions, etc.

2. Why are you interested in joining the Wardens of the Spheres?

3. RL information such as time zone and approximate hours per day explected to play CB

4.  If necessary, explanation of how to RP and non Lawful-Neutral character in this guild.

Websited design has begun, considering basic design elements etc.  Add-less, 24 hr. server has been located and is in the process of being configured based on website requirements.

Edit: Added Nightmort\'s contact info and resolved slight issues.

The Hydlaa Plaza / G-Mail?
« on: July 15, 2004, 03:46:25 am »
Hey guys,
Just wondering if anyone out there has a gmail invitation laying around that they would be willing to send me.  Just PM me if you can help a poor planeshift guy out.

General Discussion / New splash screen on website
« on: July 12, 2004, 01:03:39 am »
Check out the new splash screen for CB on the website! I heartily approve! Nice work guys.  What does everyone else think about it? How about the other news posted?

/me prays for CB to come out soon

General Discussion / CVS log
« on: April 28, 2004, 11:43:23 am »
Has anyone else noticed that there hasn\'t been any updates to the cvs log since this weekend?  That means more than 3 days ago.  I went back several months in the log and didnt run across one other time that there was such a gap in the logs.  Could this mean they are no longer fixing bugs but packaging CB for release?  Wouldn\'t that be great!!!  Anyway there\'ll probably be a new update to the CVS log about 5 minutes after I post this.....  COME ON CB!!!


EDIT: for those who don\'t know, the CVS logs can be found here:

General Discussion / Decaying Community?
« on: April 26, 2004, 05:03:53 am »
I\'ve only been around these fourms for a few months, but in those few months I\'ve seen some disturbing trends.  It seems that the vibrant and enjoyable community that I joined is swiftly melting into petty bickering and flaming.  No longer are such activities restricted to the new members of the fourms or those just trying to make a$$es of themselves.  Now even some of the oldest and most respected members of this community have entered the fray.  Without such backbones of honor and decency, a community such as this will quicly crumble into nothing.  Forum members are already leaving at an incredible rate, and even many of the old-schoolers seem to be throwing in the towel.  Many people have already put forward theories of why this is happening, ranging from the highly delayed relase of CB to the simple n00bish-ness of people.  I don\'t honestly care.  I DO care about the direction this forum, this community, and this game are headed.
I call out to all the leaders of this community to pull together and show some maturity, some mutual respect, and some honor to each other and to the rest of the members.  It\'s through your inspired leadership that this community has reached the heights that it has; please don\'t send it into oblivion.

A concerned observer

General Discussion / Profanity in PS - a.k.a Zleeb and likewise
« on: February 16, 2004, 01:25:57 am »
First off I would like to complain about a character named Zleeb.... spouting off very vile and obscene rhymes last night at about 12:00 CST.  Now I\'m not bothered by a little profanity, but this was excessive and really nasty stuff.  What\'s to be done?

Anyway, the real question is, is there or are there plans for any code of conduct for players?  Is this tolerable?  If there are no rules in place or in planning, why?  And if there are, who are we supposed to inform if this kind of thing persists?

Wish list / Building towns & Guild functions
« on: February 11, 2004, 11:44:24 pm »
The idea has been suggested in other places that towns could be developed, either from abandoned ruins or from scratch.  This seems to be a good idea and could be integrated into the Guild system and economy of PS.  If RPd correctly, towns could be developed into guild controlled towns and districts, giving a wide variety of options to the guild.

Economics:  With the Guild controlling prices and taxes in the town, it would be able to generate a steady group income.  Controlling Guild members and Guild friends would pay wholesale prices.  Neutral characters would pay the elevated and profitable prices within a town.  Guild enemies would be unable to procure goods or services within the town, except for illicit sources.

Spawning:  Guild control of a town would allow Guild members, Guild friends, and neutral characters a place to spawn after death.  Guild enemies would be unable to spawn in the hostile environment and would have to walk or fly if they wanted to return to the town or area.

Inter-city politics:  Fortifying the town/keep in question would be a great addition, along with the potential for guild wars for controls of towns and town/keep assaults and seiges. Inter-Guild politcs would come much more to the front as factions vied for allies against common enemies.  This would translate into city alliances and possibly even primitive city-states.  Open towns could be taken over with little effort, perhaps with the building of a Guild or City hall, which would become the focus of takeover attempts.

Intra-city politics:  As the controlling Guild, you would be responsible to everyone for the maintinance of the town.  Guards, fortifications, repairs and even the wages for trades and NPCs would become the responsibility of the Guild council, effecitvely the ruling body of the town.  Payments for Guards, fortifications, repairs, city employee wages, etc, would come from the common fund of the Guild, supported by the taxes on commerce in the town.  Periodic repairs to public buildings, roads, etc would provide a random drain to resources.

RP opportunities:  Guild control of a town would bring RP situations such as city councillors and mayors, and the prestige that goes along with these positions.  It would would also bring assasins and spys more to a useful function rather than an RP affectation, as they would be very useful in attempted Guild takeovers of a particular town.  

Example: Guild X controls the town of Waterdeep. Waterdeep is just outside a dungeon and produces a large amount of income for Guild X from the taxes on merchant transactions and healing services from people going both into and out of the dungeon.  Guild Y wants to control the town because of the profit margin and because it is close to another town that Guild Y controlls.  Guild Y sends a spy into the city who\'s mission it is to scout out the defences and, if possible, assasinate ranking officials. On entering the town, the spy would have a percentage chance based on skill to impersonate a specific person in Guild X (of the same race and gender) each time they encounter someone. The spy would be expected to discover approximately how many guards are in the city, and how many Guild X members are present.  If the spy succeeds in assassinating an individual (say the leader of the Guild), the assasinated person cannot spawn in the town under siege, but must walk to backup his guildmates, the same holding true for any memebers of Guilds X or Y who die in the assault. Guild X has the option to hire more guards whenever they want, until they run out of money.  The guards would be very loyal, but would have a chance to flee combat or give up as more and more members of Guild X die in the assault (and only as they die, meaning the guards would be perfectly loyal when there are no Guild members present, and the town is vulnerable).  Control is maintained by Guild X until Y has occupied it for some amout of time, say 1 hr RT. (Occupied meaning holding a particular building in the town or the complete abscence of any memebers of Guild X)

Since no Guild can have a major presence online at all times, towns should change hands fairly frequently, given a determined assault.  The number of guards (all NPC\'s of a varying level ability, perhaps based on payment amounts) that a Guild might hire would be based on the importance the Guild places on the income or the spawn points.  The guards would all be NPC\'s of a varying level ability, perhaps based on payment amounts and randomly on the availible NPC mercenaries in the area (thereby adding another level of randomness to ensure frequent turnovers) Their going rate should be fairly high and on a per-day or per-week rate to limit the number of defenders that a Guild could hire at a time (also helping with ensuring takeovers).  Major towns should never come under the influence of a single guild, only the satelite towns and villages.

I\'ve really been working on this idea over the last day or two, and think it poses a lot of great opportunities.  I know it\'s a big idea, but it would really give a lot of meaning to non-hack-and-slash Guild activity.  I welcome suggestions and comments, as well as questions.  I hope the devs take time to read this one.


Edit to address questions brought forth

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