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Topics - karakth

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In-Game Roleplay Events / [EVENT] An Amulet for a Prince
« on: December 23, 2005, 07:59:10 am »
***From Serdin Karakth\'s Notes.***

I continue my recounting of the Troubled Times as I experienced them in my youth. Yesterday I left off with the Tale of rescuing Saradi, and tonight I shall write this account of the event that finally precipitated the Troubled Times.

It happened the week following the abduction and rescue of Saradi, and a little after the rescue of Trasok. I was relaxing with Goland in the plaza (if I recall correctly, we had both had a few ales, albeit Goland as always had got himself very drunk) when we here a deep, bellowing voice calling for someone to help finish a \"project.\" Our interest was immediately aroused (at the time I was paying for my own studies of magic by doing odd jobs here and there, and Goland, an aspiring gladiator, was similarly funding his weapons and training) and we rushed over to get the job before anyone else would. Our speed was in vain, for the Smith was looking for a group of travellers to guard, enchant, and deliver an amulet he had just made. He was an out-of-town smith, and to this day I have never seen him again. I suspect he was a travelling smith, and I suppose he was thus more suited to the task of making an Amulet than was Harnquist.

We were told our mission was a simple one: Take the amulet to be enchanted by Levrus, and then deliver it to a Klyros waiting on the Ojaveda road. It had been commissioned by a group of mages, we were told. And so, we set off to enchant the amulet.

At the Magic Shop we gave Levrus the order and the amulet, along with the money to reimburse him. He told us it was just a simple protection spell he was going to cast on the amulet. This put some of our worries to rest, but I was quickly in doubt of this whole expedition again when Levrus said something did no feel quite right with the amulet; that it felt hollow or somesuch. I begged him to research it further but he would not; in the end by pressure from my companions I reluctantly agreed to allow Levrus to proceed with the enchanting.

It went according to plan, and I volunteered to carry the amulet, since the others were wary of any taint it might carry. We had just left the shop when an icy cold wind blew at us, freezing the ground at our feet for a moment. At this point I was seriously uneasy about the whole errand we were running, and I tried to express this to my fellows. They, however, decided that we should continue on and deliver the amulet to the Klyros, deciding what to do then. Against my heart I followed them, and it was not too long before we found the Klyros we were seeking.

He was a weary one - looked as if he hadn\'t slept in days. I remember clearly his rasping voice as he said to me, \"You carry the amulet - I can sense it on you.\" That was enough for me to make me want to turn and run all the way back to Hydlaa, taking the amulet and all with me. But I did not. As I have said before, I was more foolish back then than I am now. I believed that if anything bad were to happen, we might just be able to contain it - Oh how wrong I was. Still, I had one grain of wisdom: I kept the amulet until we were well within sight of the Ojaveda main gate. We were told that bringing the amulet inside the gates could cause chaos, as the Klyros was part of some sort of Rangers of Mages group; from what I understood, freedom fighters against the Prince of Rogues.

Still, I demanded to have the guard present for the presentation of the amulet. The Klyros did go to fetch a guard, reluctantly. When the guard returned something happened - I forget now exactly what but I do remember him wilting in pain and somebody telling me he was drunk. Now, Goland and I had been drinking earlier, and I had stocked up well on certain Ivy leaves which when boiled and drunk purge the alcohol (and indeed anything else like poisons and whatnot) from the blood. I quickly administered these to the guard, but it did not help him at all - I now look back and realise he must have been under some sort of magical influence.

Regardless, I finally handed the amulet over to the Klyros, and it will be an action I curse myself for to my dying day. The Klyros immediately begin to cackle, and an evil darkness dropped around us, blocking out all senses. When it lifted, he was gone. In his stead a misty fog lay over the Ojaveda, its evil presence pressing against our minds. We rushed through the gates, in the hope of catching him, but all was in vain. We spent the entire night stumbling through the Ojaveda, chasing shadows and hunting whispers. But it was all in vain, and by morning we were forced to flee for our lives and warn the citizens of Hydlaa about the plague we had brought upon the land...

And that is the tale of how the Troubled Times began. Soon all the Enkidukai had heard of what took place in the Ojaveda. Some of them laughed, and shrugged their shoulders, saying they would face the evil if it came to Hydlaa. But many others had relatives in the Ojaveda - Relatives then trapped by the evil fog and the monsters that wandered it. The Enkidukai began to amass an army of great force, an army thirsting for vengeance. They gathered in their hundreds, and would soon march to lay siege to a city now coated with evil.

There were some brave and strong enough to defeat the monsters that guarded the city and wade through the fog - Most simply were engulfed by it and never seen again. But some others returned, with wild stories of strange icy winds and manic laughter in the mists. Yes, the Troubled Times had begun...

In-Game Roleplay Events / [RP]A Damsel in a Dungeon, in Distress!
« on: December 22, 2005, 03:25:38 pm »
***Excerpt from Serdin Karakth\'s Notes.***

Today I recalled an adventure I had while I was studying magic by myself in Hydlaa....

 It happened a long time ago, around the time of the great Turmoil; indeed, it was an event which would predict the Turmoil to come. I was strolling through the plaza, enjoying myself with two friends, Seperot and Goland, after a day of studying. I recall we were joking between ourselves when suddenly an enkidukai (Swodan I believe his name was) who had dragged himself into the plaza let out a cry of anguish. \"Rogues! Bandits! Thieves!\" I recall him crying. Immediately we rushed to his side, just in time to catch him as he fell to his knees. It was clear that he had been in some sort of fight; he was matted in blood, coughing and panting. I immediately reached for my salves to help that poor soul, applying them in the way I was taught by my parents. It seemed to help a little. As I applied my salves the enkidukai began to tell us his tale: A female enkidukai he was meeting in front of the tavern (I never did learn why they were meeting) was captured by a stocky rogue. The lady was none other than Saradi, the wife of the city guard! Swodan told us that the lady was taken into the dungeon; the rogue soon returned and made an attempt on Swodan\'s life. The rogue told Swodan that he\'d seen too much; that he would soon witness the collapse of the city and all that it stands for. This piqued the interest of Seperot...He has a certain affinity for such things. In truth I should have been worried, but such was the time when any drunken warrior would spout off gibberish prophesizing the end of the world and the collapse of the System of the city; looking back now I think we would have done well to heed them. No, I was far more concerned about the damsel in distress (one must note that in those days I did little but read books in Jayose\'s library while waiting for my next lesson; my head was full of heroic fantasy and I fancied myself a hero waiting for a chance to prove himself). After having helped Swodan as best we could, setting him up in the Tavern to rest, we began planning how best to enter the dungeons. On a suggestion from Seperot, we bought a hundred metres of rope and hiked to the temple of Laanx (the agonised look on the priest\'s features when he saw us trampling through his holy Temple will forever bring a smile to my face). We tied the rope to a columnn and abseiled down into the dungeon. We landed amidst several sacrifices to Laanx; dead animals, trinkets, broken pottery...Naturally we did not touch the sacrifices, but continued our cautious ascent into the sacrifice pits. Several times we nearly slipped, Galand and I (Seperot had no problem jumping down to platforms below. He is, after all, an enkidukai). After some near mishaps, we found ourselves in the dungeons. Little more than a few minutes had we spent wandering the dungeons when we heard a woman\'s voice crying out for help. Immediately our minds went to Saradi. We ran through the tunnels and soon came to a suspended cage dangling over a pool of water, with the poor lady trapped inside. A quick search in the rubble around the cage produced the  key to the cage, which was carried up to the ceiling by the acrobatic Seperot. Galand and I remained below, to catch the lady as she fell from the ceiling. Having rescued the damsel in distress (who was not too injured; just a swollen ankle if I recall correctly), we set off to escape from the dungeon. We had no way to return to the temple, but I believe Seperot knew of another way out of the dungeons. The details now are lost in the mists of time, but I believe that on the way we encountered several foes trying to block our flight. It was only when we were climbing the stairs that we realized that something powerful was coming our way; sounds of footsteps and fighting gaining on us. I remember reaching the top of the stairs and bursting out of a cellar (I think we tried to block our stalkers? paths by wedging barrels in the doorway) and falling several feet into a garden below. Seperot, however, was nowhere to be seen. Suddenly looking down at us from the wall we?d just fallen from was a heavily-veiled man wielding an evil-looking blade. He was just about to jump down and kill us all I think when suddenly Seperot emerges from behind him, blade in hand. Having the element of surprise, Seperot made quick work of his foe and soon joined us in the garden below. He?d found a note on the dead man?s body, which read something along the lines of, ?Keep the prisoner in the cage until I arrive ? The Prince of Rogues.?

This was just one of the episodes that foretold of the coming troubles. It is easy to look back on it now, after all is said and done, and link it in with what happened next. Unfortunately things were not so clear to us then. Ah, now I grow weary of writing of times past. My bed beckons, and my candle has nearly burnt itself out. Perhaps tomorrow I shall continue this tale....

Serdin Karakth

[[Guys sorry it\'s all one paragraph...Wrote it up on my PDA at school >.>]]

The Hydlaa Plaza / Is this a man or a woman?
« on: August 25, 2004, 09:10:28 am »
See if you can decide...I couldn\'t.

Guilds Forum / Any potential leader looking for a guild?
« on: August 12, 2004, 08:09:29 am »
Ok, before you run off and start your own guild whose aim is to fight the opposite alignment, you might consider starting this one.

Guild name: High Fliers

Guild aim: To perfect the art of flight, be it powered by live creatures or otherwise.

Ranks: All members are equal, however: an unofficial hierarchy exists, meaning that members will respect and obey members with more experience (flight time) and skill. The only true ranks are Apprentice and Member. Apprenticeship is given to young lads or lasses who wish to learn of flight. They learn from full members or by themselves (members are usually too busy flying or tinkering to have time for Apprentices). Once an apprentice manages to spend at least five minutes flying and managed to snag a fistful of the wild plants which grow on Yliakum\'s ceiling, they are officially promoted to full members with the presentation of a small medal of a Pterosaur with outstretched wings (most members wear this proudly on their breast or shoulder).

Typical member: Members of the High Fliers usually have their head in the clouds, in both meanings of the phrase. They are obsessed with flight, and the adrenalin kick they get from it. Most members wear eye-goggles to protect their eyes from the lashing wind in the sky. Each member, when on the ground, can usually be found in the guild workshop on the first level, tinkering away at their latest invention -often as not guaranteed by its maker to \"revolutionise flight\"- be it a new flying machine or an enchanted pendant to protect the wearer from the hash magic around the Azure Sun.

Misc info: Since by Yliakum law each organisation is allowed to own one Megara and one Pterosaur, most members rarely use these winged creatures to fly. Indeed, they attempt to create their own flying machines. Strange things are known to come out of the workshops, ranging from mechanical wings to enchanted bracelets of flight. Often as not, their inventions fail them and many a member has been known to plummet to their death or into the seventh level if they\'re lucky. Some even burn alive as they approach the Azure sun. But their lust for flight keeps drawing them back, always striving to achieve new distances and speeds. Among their ranks are even one or two magic-workers, who create enchanted materials to protect themselves in the skies.

Guild income: While money is not the chief concern of the High Fliers, equipment is expensive, and the coffers are not endless. So, to provide for new equipment and a funeral or two, the Guild takes on jobs from time to time. The jobs range from simple delivery to secret surveilance. Sometimes they also have passengers- although to choose to travel with the High Fliers one must be either mad or extremely desperate.  

Guild alignment, etc: The High Fliers are a care-free group of individuals, and as such have not proclaimed their alignment. If they were asked, however, they would probably say that they were neutral. The High Fliers do not take part in wars or anything else that might take away time from their flying and tinkering.

The OOC stuff: I realise that this guild will not be able to be played in CB, seeing as how there will be no flying in CB. But good things come to those who wait, eh? :) On another note, I\'d like to say that this guild has nothing to do with AO and I am not a part of it. I was just extremely bored and needed to do something. If anyone is interested in being part of the guild, just declare yourself a member. This is all I\'ll do for the guild, so if any members want it to be successful, they\'ll need to make a website, forums, chatroom, etc. So members will have to take care of who to apprentice, etc. Good luck to anyone who decides to take over this!

The Hydlaa Plaza / I'm looking for a MUD...
« on: July 16, 2004, 07:17:45 am »
Yes, well, I\'m looking for a good MUD to play while I wait for CB. I\'m looking for something which is heavy in politics and has no stats. Something like having nobles  who are running a Kingdom, for example.

And of course, it has to be as expensive as Planeshift ;)

Guilds Forum / Arcane Order 1 Year Anniversary
« on: June 20, 2004, 01:10:59 pm »
Exactly one year ago, The Arcane Order was founded by the first three councilmembers. During this one year, the order has been one of the most active guilds out there and has gained many members. These members have been preparing for the one year anniversary for a while now, and here are the results.

On 20:00 GMT(DST, so actually 21:00 GMT), there will be an event just outside of Hydlaa, we\'ve worked hard on modifying the map to include a nice new area for the arcane order. You can download the files you need here:
This .rar file needs to be opened with winrar(which can be downloaded at, and also includes the instructions on how to use it.

I started with the making of an anniversary game a few weeks ago aswell, and with the help of the other AO members we now have a working RPG where you play a young mage preparing to join the arcane order. You can download the game here:

For the game, there are a few bugs you should watch out for: You will need to rest after completing each task, so go to the bed in the Old Lady\'s home (the mattress of grass). PM me if you have any questions, or post them here. Quest solutions will not be given, so don\'t ask :P Also please remember that we didn\'t have much time to have the game finished: Be patient with any bugs please :))

We hope everyone will enjoy our efforts to make our anniversary a memorable event, and as this will most likely also be the last event from Molecular Blue before Crystal Blue is released, we hope many people will show up so we won\'t forget the fun we could have without anything to kill ;)

Oh yes btw here is the story for the game:

\"You are a young Lemur boy. Your father is the owner of a Tavern and your mother is a teacher at the local school. One night, a strange thing happened at the Tavern? An Ylian farmer, known to be a drunk, stood up and swaggered over to a table in the corner. The person seated there was covered by the shadows. Suddenly the drunk started shouting at the top of his lungs, ?You! You?re one of those wretched mages! I bet you?re the one who killed my livestock! I?ll kill you!? And with that, he began stumbling around the table. You reacted faster than you thought possible, grabbing the cudgel from behind your father?s bar and bringing it down squarely on the drunk?s head. Then the figure in the shadows rose and you realised that he was in fact a wizard. With his long flowing robes and his grey beard, what else could he be? He looked you up and down and told you, ?Thank you lad. I think you would make a fine apprentice. If you?re interested, ask your father tomorrow. He knows where I will be.? And with that he seemed to vanish. It is now morning on the next day. You are greatly intrigued by the mage you saw yesterday, and wish to learn more?\"

Hope to see you in-game! :D

Forum and Website Discussions / If wishes were fishes...
« on: June 03, 2004, 03:24:17 pm »
Ok, why not \"close\" the wish list forum for a while (Until CB comes out)? By close I mean not allowing any more new threads to be posted, but present threads can still be discussed. The reason I am suggesting this is because the list of wishes is so long, that there are enough ideas to make three or four new releases. Why don\'t we allow the Devs to concentrate on what is already there, instead of adding more and more wishes?

I realise that this is something very drastic, but the wishlist gets longer and longer every day, often with wishes that will only appear, if they appear, in a fairly advanced release of the game.

The Hydlaa Plaza / ...Girls...
« on: May 16, 2004, 06:41:39 am »
Alright as all of you hopefully know, it will be summer soon. Now, summer equals beach babes, but how on Earth do you start a conversation with them?

I already got some....interesting....suggestions on IRC.

And here\'s another question....Is it possible to meet intelligent ambitious girls my age (fifteen) at the beach?

Fan Art / teh c0m1c
« on: May 13, 2004, 12:02:03 pm »
Yes. I was bored. So I started this. I\'ll make more later.

Y35. I mean, Yes. Well, enjoy. Pfft.

All images done using standard M$ Paint tools.

General Discussion / A Yliakum Passtime...
« on: April 29, 2004, 05:37:41 am »
Consider the following passtime:

A guild would build a bridge which would stretch across the diameter of the first level.

People pay to go to the middle of the bridge and jump off :D

It\'s perfectly safe...They\'ll just land in the waters of the seventh and eight levels, right?

Consider it the \"rollercoaster ride\" of Yliakum, hm?

Poetry, Comedy, and other. / New Quest!
« on: April 26, 2004, 07:40:08 pm »
For anyone who doesn\'t know about this type of quest, see this.

Statics: Monketh, Draklar, Mogura, Elegrand.

Description: Lady Mogura has reported her necklace stolen, and the city watch have put up notices about this, asking for help in solving this crime and bringing the criminal to justice.

Alright, start solving the crime! PM me the answer, and I will post the names of the first three correct guesses here.

Note: There is unfortunately no prize for solving this quest, the only reward is the fun of RPing and satisfying your curiosity.

Hmm...Just as a precaution, here are the rules:

1) You have to find out information by RPing with the statics in game. If you cannot find the statics in game then you will have to try at another time.

2) Discussion of the quest is allowed but please do not give out any quest information (like the other PS quests).

3) The quest is there for enjoyment, so have fun with it :)

Wish list / Healing
« on: March 16, 2004, 09:41:48 am »
Ok I did a search and I didn\'t find anything on this...

Not sure how healing is going to work in CB but most games I\'ve seen have instant healing (i.e. drink a magic potion, which is EXTREMELY cheap to buy and easy to find might I add, and you\'re instantly healed). Now...This system works, but how realistic is it? Why not have s-l-o-w healing. Like, for example, you\'ve escaped a close encounter with death and you\'ve been bandaged/sewn up/whatever. It should take you at least a day or two to get back on your feet.

Ok, now some of you might be thinking about magical healing. Well, what if magical healing demanded something out of the person getting healed? So like after you\'re healed you\'re not hurt, but extremely exhausted for a day or two?

Dunno, just a thought.

Single Author Stories / Dermorian Legend (Warning...Long)
« on: March 12, 2004, 06:14:02 pm »
Back in the days when the Dermorian Elves still inhabited their native land Dermoria, the elves led a peaceful and harmonious life. But then one day, a few weeks after the winter snows had melted, their peaceful life was disturbed by a giant and powerful creature.

It was two young children playing on the plains that first glimpsed it, an enormous dark silhouette against the setting sun. When they told their people of what they had seen, they were laughed at and quickly ushered to bed.

But Srydelle, a young Dermorian maiden who was stunningly beautiful but unfortunately lacked the wisdom that comes with age, decided that she wanted to see the interesting beast for herself. Her life had been quite simple until then: all she ever did was sew, cook and forage. And so Srydelle crept away in the night, taking with her one of her father?s bows.

The next morning Srydelle was not back, and everyone worried and called out ?Srydelle, where are you?? Towards noon everyone had all but given up on finding the pretty young maiden, and they said, ?She was one with the Gift. She must have shifted plane in her sleep.?

But a young yet wise elf the people called Wit remembered the young children?s words. The stubborn people, however, would not accept what Wit suggested. They said to him ?Srydelle was one with the Gift, she could have shifted plane, as is what happens when it is the Gifted ones? time.? But Wit could not accept this.

That very day he took his bow and his sword and journeyed to the plains where the children had first glimpsed the creature, telling the people that he was going hunting. Three full days he camped on the plain, and waited for a sign of the creature. On the fourth day he said ?My heart fails me. Perhaps Srydelle did only shift plane.? But no sooner had the words died on his lips, than he saw a great dark shadow rising in the west.

The shadow was a giant lizard-like creature with wings like that of a bat. It was covered from head to toe in large black scales which were as tough as any metal known in Yliakum. On the beast?s head was a set of horns, as sharp as daggers and many times larger.

The lizard landed before Wit and for the first time in his life Wit knew fear. The lizard looked down upon him and spoke to him, ?You wish to rescue your kin, but she is now mine. You have weapons upon you. You must challenge me for her life. If you turn and run, I will kill you.?

Seeing that he could not possibly best the lizard in a contest of strength, Wit spoke to the giant lizard, ?I shall challenge you, but not in a battle of the body, but in a battle of the mind.?

Wit?s words amused the giant lizard and it said, ?You are wise for one so young. Very well, I shall ask of you three things. If you fail in one, your blood shall be mine forever. If you manage to succeed, I shall release your blood and abandon my hunting grounds.? Wit agreed and so the giant lizard said, ?Firstly you must bring me the light of the sun in your palm. You have until tomorrow?s sunset.? And then the giant lizard arose and flew back across the plains.

Wit did not know how this was to be done and so the wise elf sat on a stone by a nearby river and pondered the riddle. He still had not solved the riddle by noon of the next day. The young elf had nearly given up hope when a strange sparkling in the river caught his eye. He leapt into river and retrieved the strange sparkling crystal that had been lodged there. It caught and magnified the sun?s rays and shone as bright as the sun itself.

Wit ran to the plains and met the lizard there on sunset. Wit showed it the crystal and the lizard said to him, ?You have brought me sunlight in your palm. Next you must come to me clothed yet naked. You have until sunset tomorrow.?

All night Wit thought about the lizard?s request, but could not understand how he could be clothed yet naked. The next morning Wit saw some fishermen fishing in the river. He finally understood how he could do as the lizard asked. All day he gathered vines and made himself a fishing net.

When sunset came Wit clothed himself only with the fishing net and went before the lizard. ?I have done as you asked me.? He told the lizard. The lizard saw this and began to worry that it might have to give up the maiden to this mortal. The lizard decided to give him a quest he could surely not solve. So the lizard told Wit, ?Bring me a Moonrock. You have until sunset tomorrow.? The lizard thought itself very cunning for it knew that Moonrock?s existence was but a myth

Wit knew that he could not do as the lizard had asked, and he was deeply saddened by it. A Mirdukai who was disguised as a bird heard his weeping and delved into his thoughts to see what saddened the young Dermorian so. The Mirdukai wept when he learnt of Srydelle?s fate, and carried the tale to Vod?l. Vod?l was greatly grieved by the tale, and wept openly for Srydelle?s fate. One of Vod?l?s tears fell from his cheek and fell to the ground at Wit?s feet as Moonrock. Wit praised Vod?l and picked up the Moonrock.

Wit presented the moonrock before the lizard at sunset, and this greatly enraged the lizard. The lizard refused to let Srydelle go, claiming that Wit had used trickery against it. Wit told the lizard, ?I have done the three things you asked me to do. Now you must free the maiden as you vowed.?

But the lizard was too enraged and did not hear Wit?s words. The great lizard lunged at Wit, but at that moment the Moonrock glowed with the power of the gods and with one might blow of his sword, Wit felled the great lizard. The Moonrock crumpled to dust and from the gaping wound in the lizard?s belly emerged Srydelle, looking confused and frightened.
Together Wit and Srydelle returned to their people and Wit told the tale of the great lizard and how he had defeated it. The village celebrated Wit?s victory for a whole week, with much singing and dancing.

From the fangs and claws of the giant lizard, the Dermorian people carved powerful magical weapons, while from its hide they made near-invulnerable shields and suits of armour.

The people sold their weapons and armour to an army of warriors who rode great steeds and claimed they fought against evil. The same warriors would be the Dermorian people?s downfall, but that is another tale.

PvP,PK and Thieving / Theives, etc.
« on: March 12, 2004, 11:47:05 am »
What if PC theives were allowed to steal from NPCs, but then automatically the NPC offers a quest to PCs (not the theif) to retrieve his stolen items/money?

The PCs would have to chase down each other, and one PC would have to find the other PC, take him to a court, and show proof that he was the theif.

This could be coded as an automatic thing, with a set type and amount of evidence to retrieve and present to a court system of NPCs.

Of course, with the release of CB will come player and NPC descriptions, so NPCs can be coded to decribe the player based on his/her description or Avatar.

When the quest is solved the theif himself is either put behind bars (if he loses) for a period of time (longer if  the theif spent the money/sold the items he stole) OR let to go free and keep the loot (if he wins).

Naturally, skillfull theives will then try not to leave evidence by hiding from NPCs, and then obviously skilled theives would also try not to allow themselves to be suspected.

There, that\'s my $0.02

Single Author Stories / Lemur Lore
« on: March 11, 2004, 09:16:23 am »

The ancient towns Kadaikos were built on and around the Great Lake, with large columns anchoring the towns on the lake.

The Lemurs, under the guide of Laanx, invented great devices and techniques. The lake towns specialised in fishing while the lakeside towns specialised in farming the rich soil. Each town had a leader chosen by Laanx himself, and these formed the Council of Kadaikos. Thus the towns prospered and grew, and each town held at least a thousand souls.

But like all great nations, it would not last forever. One day Laanx stopped appearing to the Council. Inside the sacred meeting vault located in the middle of the largest town, a black flame appeared on the brazier which usually held the image of Laanx. The Council met and discussed this, and concluded that the black flame must be some form of Laanx.

But the black flame was cunning. Slowly it started taking control over the Council?s minds, until all ten towns were ultimately serving the flame. The Council became ugly and spiteful things, refusing to come out of the Sacred Meeting Hall, except to give orders to a waiting servant.

The Council then proclaimed a law which stated that anything given to the Lemurs by Laanx was contaminated and should be destroyed. The people complied, thinking it the wish of Laanx himself. Eventually all light-giving things were destroyed and the Lemur society was reduced to a mere fraction of its former glory.

In the darkness, the black flame could spread its taint, and the former towns of Kadaikos fell into chaos, and the minds of the people ravaged. The Lemurs became evil and spiteful, fighting among themselves for basic things like food and territory.

But in the darkness, in one of the former mines, a group of Lemurs had managed to save and repair some of the light-giving things. Slowly they multiplied, until there were eventually hundreds of them living in the lighted tunnels under the ruins of Kadaikos.

But the black flame was strong and could sense the presence of light weakening it, if only slightly. The black flame sent its minions down into the tunnels and the true Lemurs were forced to flee into the network of tunnels and caves known as the Stone Labyrinths. These lived many years in the labyrinths, and forgot much of their history. Then they came across long-forgotten Yliakum and settled there.

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