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Topics - John Barleycorn

Pages: [1]

Accidentally started to ask about this in a different section of the forums, one aimed at solving problems before logging into the game proper.
Currently figuring out how to move to target/attack and loot without too much clicking. I am at a keyboard a lot during the day and it's always nice when a game can have less clicks. At the moment I move, click to see options, click attack option, click to see options again and select looting, in loot interface I then click once for each item present. I went back here to search for optional ways to configure this in a manner that I automatically move up to mob and attack and subsequently loot the lot alternatively click to loot but only once.

In other words, it seems like very many clicks for a simple activity and I wonder if these can be reduced somehow.

Equally basic - casting a spell:
I had no trouble finding the different bits needed via the information given in the game tutorial but in the end I still had to open the Spell Book and click the spell from there over and over (yes, I took the cue from the NPC and used a Freeze spell on the poor little one-eyed rats near the fighting NPC).

I suspect I'm missing some very basic knowledge such as options to have a variety of options somehow quickslotted and assigning skills and actions to specific keys.

Moving up to a mob (still the poor one-eyed rats) tends to leave me not facing the mob or not being close enough for an action. I move again and it feels very clunky, slow and awkward. Note that I've playtested mixed games of the general type role-playing and multiplayer to some extent since around 1998 but that I'm also a lazy bum and fairly ignorant about many mechanics that must be second nature to others! I'm confident that the game has an option to move to target/attack/loot/change target simplified in a manner that requires less clicking and that I simply didn't spot it.

The bit with the spell in spell book worries me too, as I see no way to opt to cast a spell without keeping that pop-up spell interface open and use it from there Oh and those dastardly tough rats seem to ignore my starter Blue spell altogether!

I'm happy for any pointers - perhaps there is a nice link to information such as this (if my search-fu failed me, which it often does) or if someone superhumanly patient happens to stop by forums and this section and can explain a bit.

Hi! I have this old account and I just recovered the password for it. I have downloaded the game client and am ready to pop in and play!

However, it appears that this account is not yet connected with the game and the client does not accept it. It is entirely possible that I took a wrong turn somewhere and missed that the game needs an account separate from what I use right now for typing this. Also it was no more than an hour or so ago and the game database might not recognize it as a valid login quite yet.

Any ideas?

I have searched and noted the my plane site - but I have no character to resurrect as this was many, many moons ago. No doubt the character was purged and in any case I simply wish to try this out and re-learn it again.

*recovered account a couple of hours back
*no characters to revive, just wish to log in

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