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Topics - ShadowFish

Pages: [1]
Wish list / Random race issues
« on: June 18, 2004, 07:42:22 pm »
skip this- I guess this is more of a complaint than a wish... but a thought popped into my head that bothered me.  I read xanaroth\'s post about humans being at a disadvantage, checked the races to realize he was wrong... then something else caught me eye.  

I was reading the kran description and read humanoid and realized all the races were humanoid. besides their color and a tail or different skin they all have the same basic shape.  Not that this effects me but i guess it would be interesting to see some more variety in the races. im not saying their should be more, but maybe change the ones already created.  Just saying that not all the races have to be limited to two arms or legs or have to have ears or noses.  The differences i saw from humans were wings, tails and horns and mayby a pointy ear and some fins...

maybe someone doesnt like walking or would rather have four fingers or four arms.

Another thing that bothers me is that physical attacks get extremely boring if they are always the same.  The attacks should also change so that probably means there would have to be multiple keys to assign as attacks or a way to put in different combos. krans sound like they will be mostly physical, but they should still be able to think up different ways to hit people that doesnt have to be as fancy asthe martial arts.

Plus games are alot better when everything is realistic as possible. not as in no magic but like if a fire ball was shot at a nolthirir and it blasted back with a wave of water then the water would destroy the flame. or if you blasted the dirt enough you would create craters and eventually dig  a hole. and the players should be able to take anything.. if they wanted to steal a mug from the bar and take it outside the town to throw at monsters they should be able too...

im sorry that this is hard to understand...

Wish list / secrets
« on: April 12, 2004, 08:03:07 pm »
the game is going to be continuously updated so i thought it would be cool if some of the updates were kept secret until found by players....this way people can make discoveries on their own and spread the news....this way people wont get bored and there could always be new challenges and keeps it it can be done with almost magic, new skills new areas

Wish list / skill caps?
« on: April 11, 2004, 07:38:44 pm »
i know there will be no will there be an end to the amount of skill a player can gain in abilities like magic?

i dont mind if there wont be any because then i dont have to worry and can work on one character as long as i want....

if there is a limit on each skill then at their peak many players will be exactly the same..... every time they reach the limit of one skill they will just move on too the next.... and technically there is no limit to the power you can gain on an ability....

tell me the current system or suggest one

Wish list / impale/ weapon throw
« on: April 08, 2004, 02:45:49 pm »
just skills to lose weapons for a good reason...but i suppose you dont really lose it unless the thing  or person you fight decides to run with your sword..... in which case you have to hunt them by blood drops here and there... then you can quickly finish it off with some martial arts unless you take the time to search your inventory for another weapon.... thats probably when they got away....

anyway the person would lose a lot of health and then start losing it gradually like poison... sometimes if you use all that force needed to stick it through something the weapon will break instead though....

Wish list / building, houses, city laws
« on: April 06, 2004, 07:00:33 pm »
are there going to be any laws in the cities? how will they work? it would be cool to have to escape the guards after commiting a crime in the city...

what about building....if players could build their own houses everyone would have a building.... that isnt possible...takes too much room... there should be a way for people to contact the planeshift team and ask them to create one...but they would need good reasons .. for guilds or jobs buisnesses.... then they should just create side buildings like apartments....

Wish list / flying
« on: April 06, 2004, 06:52:00 pm »
are there going to be other ways to fly besides being klyros or buying winged magic or is that it.... because it would be interesting if they could just levitate a little you definately couldnt move as fast,but it should be a way.... but then if you run out of magic you fall and die....

Wish list / Good or Evil?
« on: April 06, 2004, 06:17:41 pm »
i didnt see a post about this...but i just thought it would be cool to choose how or what deeds you do..... a player should be able to decide to be good or evil... the evill would recieve different quests or did them a certain way.... also should be able to kill destroy and steal... of course this is almost impossible to even out and i was just dreaming...

Wish list / world portals
« on: April 04, 2004, 04:49:36 pm »
can a player use the portals linked to the other worlds and get to the original areas where they all used to live or are all of those closed or inaccessible to mortals

Wish list / self repair/healing?
« on: April 01, 2004, 08:30:04 pm »
there should be an ability or a character class that can repair itself

that or just healing spells but there should still be a self repairing character

Wish list / Swimming and martial arts
« on: April 01, 2004, 08:26:36 pm »
i was thinking and just thought wwhile you are swimming will there be monsters or will it just be an escape because no monsters in the water?... their aree plenty of things in the water.... frogs reptiles, snakes, sharks....FISH, whalesthen how would you fight them... oh and besides the thing bout escaping when nolthirirs are in battle can they use water magic to make pools of water to swim in.... then they could have an advantage in the battles well i guess that would be unfair.... also would nolthirirs have a different style of fighting being at the bottom in the water that far away form most of the people shouldnt they have their own style of fighting and magic.... wouldnt diffeerent races develop different magics and fighting styles and equipment

Also shouldnt there be at least one other amphibious water dwelling character?

And finally for the martial arts schools will there be combos and different abilities like kicks and punches and different attack combonations...What happens when they snap bones...i guess same rules apply to swords and other ignore that

Wish list / ships and other stuff i want to see
« on: April 01, 2004, 07:06:02 pm »
well i guess since the first thing i showed was the ships.... the flying animals would be faster but cannot transport as many players at the same time.

if there are ships then more than one player can travel and own a ship and hire a crew of either npcs or other players and each person would either own a part of the ship or get payed weekly.

this would also leave room for pirates, and even ship battles and then you can upgrade ships and if the sea outside the cavern or the water at the bottom if it is big enough  you could add new islands everyday.  then every person or group may own their own camp, but you cant have a ship on your own unless you can afford the npcs to help. then bases could attack and raid eachother and other ships like merchants crossing to other towns or even military. also you can sack towns if players can build houses i dont see why another one cant just crush poorly defended one.  Players can use magic or normal cannons to assault from a distance and then land on a continent or island or board a ship.

when a player dies he shouldnt just be revived...that is too vague and unrealistic.  it would make a lot more sense too send them too the afterlife place. then the player just wanders around and kills demons and skeletons until either he finds a way out or is called on by a summoner.... if there are any.... either way if a summoner chooses to summon an undead creature it will be a spirit or a zombie or a skeleton and a player could be any one of that... the player would then have to serve the summoner until time runs out or the summoner lets him go.

the exit can also be used as an entrance so it is well guarded.... this means that only the strongest of creatures break through or the quitest and quickest.  So even if a player can break out there will still be the problem of the monsters that were most recently let loose.  but i suppose this is not fair for new people so the third way to escape would be a portal scroll or something, that you start with.

None of the skills are out so yet so i cant really specify which ones i want to see but i do know a couple i could mention

These weapons are for the people who want to focus on the martial arts schools.  Metal fists can move faster than most swords and add defense to your arms and if something was hit with a hard metal fist it would definately hurt, cause internal bleeding, but the fists and gauntlets etc cant give you great protection for vital parts because they are smaller than swords and staffs and axes so they cant reach your head or are very small so one would have too be presice while blocking. these could also get more damage with claws and spikes attached but the enemy would recover quicker making combos difficult to perform

Skills should have no limit, or any cap so a player can continue to focus on an ability... this way a person could have a stronger magic than anyone else and noone would catch up without hard work and long hours.... also works against the person getting the hightest levels because then they miss out on other things like life.... or maybe just sleep....

magic should be just a general term...

technically you cant place all the potential of magic under one skill.  that is just very annoying and limited

their should be several schoools for it and i can list a few

medium(prayer/contact with gods)
Potential(increases of strength and armor etc)
mind(telekenises and psychic stuff)
Defensive- can just be scattered through the skills(bind with branches water...enclose in fire etc)

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