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Topics - TheRedMonk

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The Hydlaa Plaza / Bye...
« on: June 17, 2005, 12:30:17 pm »
I never made one of those ugly \"Im back\" threads, so I believe Ive earned the right to make a goodbye thread without being ashamed :p

I was reading the forums when I realised that this community sucks :D I looked at what is currently the average planeshift player\'s main source of entertainment, the worst guild awards and realised how pathetic I am to even read that crap.

Anyway, I kept reading and realised that there are people I used to like whom I begin to...not like. Oldbies playing it cool, compensating for lack of coolness IRL, is nothing for me.

Thanx to the devs and the people I like for keeping me entertained for over 2 years. To hell with the people I dont like. You know who you are... ;)

I had lots of fun!

*takes off his red robes and puts them in a little pile on Cyl\'s bed. For the first time in 19 years, Tybalt puts on normal clothes and walks out the door of the Ashes guildhouse.

No more blood shall be spilled from these hands

Guilds Forum / Ashes
« on: January 07, 2005, 10:28:05 am »
OOC: An important event has occured in our guild and I believe it deserves its own thread. If anybody has a problem with that (there\'s always somebody) then feel free to PM me.
Website is still but we are working on a new one.

IC: The time has come for Ashes to take farewell to some of its members for the first time. In a group that has a member limit of 10 persons, members cannot be the least inactive and this is why some changes have been done.

Four of our members have taken our advice and left the guild for the sake of the group. These members were fairly active and checked our forums a couple of times a week, but this was not enough. We bid farewell to these great members and patiently await their return...

Now Ashes consists of:
Dyari the Grey Shark
Phinehas the Scorching Mind
Zeus the Silver Wolf
and Tybalt the Red Monk

We are currently recruiting but will not let just anybody join. Newbie or oldbie, if we believe that the person would be a good addition we give him/her a shot. We might be selective but have not forgotten that we were once newbies...

Single Author Stories / IMPORTANT MESSAGE!
« on: October 01, 2004, 06:01:03 am »
Evil Evil! Ok sorry about that :D Just thought you should check out part 2 and 3 of the adventure tale of Ashes.
I put part 1 here as well for you who haven\'t read it yet. Oh and I have copyright on all of this stuff :P
Check out the first lines and if you don\'t like it don\'t bother reading it ;)

To the last breath
\"Now, who suggested that we should go left?\" said Tybalt who was standing in his usual fighting position, with his palms facing the enemy, waiting to strike at the first Trepor to approach him. \"No time for chit-chattin, my friend!\" answered Colane who had already taken out his dual swords and launched himself into battle. Without hesitation, Tybalt charged towards the first Trepor he sensed, hitting the creature right in the eyes, using both of his hands. An awful crying sound could be heard from the creature who started to move around like it had completely lost its sense of balance. Before the creature had even fallen to the ground, Tybalt had already jumped up in the air and struck his next target with a heel kick that crushed the monster\'s carcasse.

There were Trepors coming from every direction of the large chamber of the cave and the two warriors had to use all their strenght and agility to hold the monsters back. Tybalt could feel how his comrade was runnning across the room jumping on the walls, rolling around the floor, doing all he possibly could to avoid the Trepors? attacks. He could hear how the dual-blades never stopped spinning in the hands of their weilder, cutting through anything that came in their way.

The two fighters knew that this was an impossible battle to win as they could see how every Trepor they killed was replaced by two others. The best thing to do was to escape and they knew that even that would be hard. Colane ran up a pile of Trepors that had fallen victim for his blades, and looked around for an exit. He knew that there was a hole in the ceiling but that it would be impossible to jump that high. Behind the mass he could see the passage that had led them to this room and he figured that it was probably the only way out. He shouted: \"Tybalt!\", as he threw one of his swords towards the exit. Tybalt, who was still fighting, could hear how the blade cut through the air and planted itself in the cave wall. With quick and well placed attacks he started to fight his way towards the
exit, his robes being torn appart by Trepor claws. He could feel how the claws ripped through his skin leaving an endless amount of open wounds and it was then that he realized that it was all over.

Colane, who had lost most of his force, was trying to jump his way to Tybalt but there were too many trepors in the way and he could see how his friend started to fall down under the mass of monsters trying to get a piece of his flesh. All hope was gone and Colane knew that he wouldn?t be able to make it to the exit, especially not now that he had only one of his swords to defend himself with. He looked up towards the cavern ceiling, prepared to face his doom, when he saw what seemed to be an angel flying across the room, carying his friend Tybalt. The creature looked down at him and plunged towards him. Colane reached out his hand in a last desperate attempt to survive and he could feel how the angel grabbed it and pulled him out. He looked at Tybalt that seemed to be unconscious and then he looked down to see how the mass of trepors got further and further away from them.

Suddenly there was only light and Colane realized that this angel-like creature had managed to get them out of the cave. Even though he was very gently put down on the ground, Colane could feel how much his back hurt. He had probably gotten many wounds that he didn?t know about. When he turned his head he could see how the angel was holding his glowing, blue hands over Tybalts body. In a matter of seconds he could see how Tybalt woke up and stood up, looking like he had done just before they had entered the horrible fight. \"You are very lucky!\", said the angel who moved over to heal Colane. \"Only another few seconds among those monsters and you would probably have been dead\". There was silence and Tybalt could feel how his savior concentrated to heal his comrade. Tybalt, who had never encountered a creature like this one, went close to it and started to touch the wings and face of his savior, trying to create a picture in his head. \"I am Dyari\", said the healer, with a smile on his face. \"A klyros\". It was obvious from his reaction that he had understood that Tybalt was blind. \"What were you doing down there?\", he asked. Tybalt looked at Colane and smiled...

Draklar talked about thieves being able to rob caravans and stuff on another thread and I\'ve thought pretty much about that. Most games are not very realistic when it comes to how much you can carry. If your a blacksmith you can just make 50 armors that you carry with you and then sell somewhere. Maybe this shouldn\'t be the case of PS.

What if a person would have to get a caravan or some kind of animal to be able to carry more stuff? That way people who want to have a serious commerce would have to make an investment in a caravan that they use to transport heavy stuff.

This would make the game much more fun for thieves and such who then could try to rob these caravans (who btw might have to pass through free pvp areas to get somewhere). Since these caravans would give the merchant a great advantage, maybe it should also have a great disadvantage to maintain the economical balance.

The owner (or owners) of the caravan could also be bound to the caravan in a way that when he/she gets killed, anybody can take the loot that is in caravan. The caravan would still belong to the player (or maybe an incredibly skilled thief could be able to steal the caravan as well). If the merchandise is being transported by a creature people could try to tame it after its owner has been killed. The new tamer could play against the old tamer\'s skills and which would bring some more skill into it.

I think this idea is good because it would create new job opportunities for tamers, mercenaries and merchants. It also feels like life could get pretty boring for thieves and assassins the way things are going right now. This would make the 2 classes much more interesting.

[EDIT] Came up with more. :D The merchant linked to the caravan could carry a key with him that goes with the lock on caravan. That way the merchant could flee if ambushed and that way prevent the thieves from looting caravan, until merchant is killed and looted...or pickpocketed ;)

Please let me know what you think about this

Guilds Forum / New trial in Ashes!
« on: August 06, 2004, 06:51:25 am »
Great news!
It is with great pleasure that we welcome Phinehas, the former leader of the fine guild Cutting Edge, to Ashes. Phinehas is currently a trial member but hopefully he will soon become a full member, the first real mage in our guild.
Good luck to you friend!

Fan Art / A new guild artist!
« on: May 10, 2004, 09:44:47 am »
I would like to welcome Infernal Star to her new post as the guild artist of Ashes! Hopefully you will decide to join our guild soon also as a PS player. I could create an artist class for you ;)

Here are a couple of pics Ive got posted in sorted by date with oldest at top...Ill let Infernal Star take care of the posting from now on ;)

Single Author Stories / A Neverending Story
« on: May 05, 2004, 02:17:58 pm »
Hi all!
Some time ago I decided to write a guild story for Ashes (my guild) and realized it could be pretty cool to make it everlasting. The plan is that any important events that the guild encounters in PS are to be added to the guild story. Here is the first part and I hope you like it...

?Now, who suggested that we should go left?? said Tybalt who was standing in his usual fighting position, waiting to strike at the first enemy to approach him.
?No time for chit-chattin, my friend!? answered Colane who had already taken out his dual swords and launched himself into battle. Without hesitation, Tybalt charged towards the first Trepor he sensed, hitting the creature right in the eyes, using both his hands. An awful crying sound could be heard from the creature who started to move around like it had completely lost its sense of balance. Before the creature had even fallen to the ground, Tybalt had already struck his next target with a heel kick that crushed the monsters carcasse.

There were Trepors coming from every direction of the large chamber of the cave and the two warriors had to use all their strenght and agility to hold the monsters back.

Tybalt could feel how his comrade was runnning across the room jumping on the walls, rolling around the floor, doing all he possibly could to avoid the Trepors? attacks. He could hear how the dual-blades never stopped spinning in the hands of their weilder, cutting through anything that came in their way.

The two fighters knew that this was an impossible battle to win as they could see how every Trepor they killed was replaced by two others. The best thing to do was to escape and they knew that even that would be hard. Colane ran up a pile of Trepors that had fallen victim for his blades, and looked around for an exit. He knew that there was a hole in the ceiling but that it would be impossible to jump that high. Behind the mass he could see the passage that had led them to this room and he figured that it was probably the only way out. He shouted:
?Tybalt!?, as he threw one of his swords towards the exit.
Tybalt, who was still fighting, could hear how the blade cut through the air and planted itself in the cave wall. With quick and well placed attacks he started to fight his way towards the exit, his robes being torn appart by Trepor claws. He could feel how the claws ripped through his skin leaving an endless amount of open wounds and it was then that he realized that it was all over.

Colane, who had lost most of his force, was trying to jump his way to Tybalt but there were too many trepors in the way and he could see how his friend started to fall down under the mass of monsters trying to get a piece of his flesh. All hope was gone and Colane knew that he wouldn?t be able to make it to the exit, especially not now that he had only one of his swords to defend himself with. He looked up towards the cavern ceiling, prepared to face his doom, when he saw what seemed to be an angel flying across the room, carying his friend Tybalt. The creature looked down at him and plunged towards him. Colane reached out his hand in a last desperate attempt to survive and he could feel how the angel grabbed it and pulled him out. He looked at Tybalt that seemed to be unconscious and then he looked down to see how the mass of trepors got further and further away from them.

Suddenly there was only light and Colane realized that this angel-like creature had managed to get them out of the cave. Even though he was very gently put down on the ground, Colane could feel how much his back hurt. He had probably gotten many wounds that he didn?t know about. When he turned his head he could see how the angel was holding his glowing, blue hands over Tybalts body. In a matter of seconds he could see how Tybalt woke up and stood up, looking like he had done just before they had entered the horrible fight.
?My robes are ruined?, he said with a low voice, throwing away the pieces of tissue remaining.
?You are very lucky!?, said the angel who moved over to heal Colane.

?Only another few seconds among those monsters and you would probably have been dead?.
There was silence and Tybalt could feel how his savior concentrated to heal his comrade. He had never encountered a creature like this one so he went close to it and started to touch the wings and face of his savior, to create a picture of him in his head.
?I am Dyari?, said the healer, with a smile on his face. ?A klyros?. It was obvious from his reaction that he had understood that Tybalt was blind.
?My name is Tybalt, and this is Colane? said Tybalt pointing at his comrade who had gotten up and now was inspecting his body, trying to find the wounds he had felt earlier. They were all gone, leaving no trace of the terrible battle in the cave.
?What were you doing down there??, asked Dyari.
?Yeah, tell us Colane! What were we doing down there?? said Tybalt with a serious expression on his face...

Wish list / The Gauntlet!
« on: April 17, 2004, 05:50:21 pm »
It wouldn\'t surprise me if this subjects been brought up before (If so I apologize). But shouldn\'t there be a fighting pit in town?
As you might know me and a friend have an organisation called Knomder & Zeus that deals with organized fights and betting. I\'ve thought about where the fights could be held and my first idea was in the hole in the ground that is in the temple. But then I thought that its a pretty small pit and its in Laanx temple...BAD IDEA!
Does anybody have another better idea on where the fights could be held?

And please moderators could you create this pit for the people of ps? It doesnt have to be anything flashy, just a closed area that can be used as a fighting arena.

Cheers all!

Guilds Forum / Be ready...a new guild is coming to town
« on: April 07, 2004, 03:37:27 am »
The guild is not ready to be started yet...but heres a taste of what is to come. What is needed right now is someone interested in working with the homepage.
Right now there are only classes but I am working hard on creating a good rank system that will be based on each class. (two characters could never have the same rank). The Red Monk and The Rolling Monkey are both taken...sorry about that. Please let me know what you think about it, and feel free to ask questions.
I would apreciate, if you are interested in joining, that you send me some info about you and why you should get the position.

A tribute to Shadowhand

Loved by his friends and feared by his enemies, Errion was always respected. Not only was he one of the best rogues in the land of the azure sun but he had also a great personality, which made him many friends. When he decided to create the secret rogue society of Shadowhand he knew what he was getting into, that it was going to be a hard job keeping the members? identities unrevealed to the public. What he didn?t know by then  was that keeping this secret would cost him a close friend, that in the end proved to be nothing but a pathetic spy.
I remember the day when Shadowmancers true identity was revealed. Errion was crushed, he who was always so merry. I had never seen him so sad before, and we had known eachother for quite some time.
Not only had he been stabbed in the back by a brother but he had also lost the guild that had taken him so much time and effort to build up.

The secrets revealed, the Shadowhand could never again become what it once was. It was nothing but an indistinct dream in the minds of the ex-members, and what good is a dream that could never be fulfilled. The members had all lost their secret identities and could no longer operate as spies. Most of them decided to head towards new destinations, hoping to be able to start a new peaceful lifee, while others decided to remain with their leader that they for so long had followed. But Errion was tired of being the leader. He too, wanted to forget and start a new life somewhere else. So the group that had been together for what had seemed forever, split up and began walking the new paths they had chosen. And it was so that the tale of the Shadowhand ended leaving behind only ashes of a broken dream.

I am Tybalt, one of the few loyal men who followed Errion to the end. As a friend of Errion?s and an  ex-member of the Shadowhand, I swear that the impostor that goes by the name of Davis, will suffer the punishment for his treachery. And know that any person that dares try to stop me on my mission shall suffer as well.

The concept of the class system is that every member has his own speciality, that he is the only one to have. The class will be used as the players pseudo in-game and on the forums. Nobodys perfect and neither are these characters so they all have a flaw. To keep each class unique they are supposed to be roleplayed in the greatest extent possible, The Red Monk for example is not allowed to learn many rogue skills because this would make The Black Cat quite worthless. The members depend on eachother and complete eachother. Because only one person can have a certain rank recruiting will be done through competitions.
May the best man win!

The Red Monk: This character focuses on mastering the martial arts. He fights with his fists and feet using gloves and boots as his only weapons. He rarely wear armor as it tend to slow him down. He worships a god which is a part of his energy, called ki. His main stats are will and agility, which makes him very good at swimming and climbing. He is no strong fighter but he knows where to strike. His inner tranquility, can be conpared to no other and makes him resistant to different types of magic and poison. Because of his religion he is not allowed to enter any pleasure house like a tavern or a bar.

The Psy Bolt: This archer is extremely accurate and powerful  when mastering the art of psy-archery. By charching her mind energy into an arrow the archer can provoke great damage to the opponent.
This archer also tends to know how to cast spells but only has the ability to focus on one way of spellcasting. Her main stats are dexterity and will which are both used for the archery skill. The high will also makes the mind archer very resistant to magic and a good groupleader.

The Black Cat: An exceptional rogue that likes to move quickly while hiding in the shadows. Even though he functions perfectly as a scout he also knows how to get the job done by himself. He can, without being noticed, infiltrate enemy buildings to retrieve important documents or items, or even use weapons coated with poison to backstab targets that need to be wiped out. His main stats are dexterity, for good use of light weapons, and agility for climbing walls and infiltrating buildings. His character fault is that he is jinxed which can sometimes make life hard for him and people around him.

The Dark Coat: Of all the dexterious characters, this is the most accurate one when it comes to weapon mastering. He uses mostly throwing weapons that he keeps hidden on the inside of his coat. Because he can pull out anything from a dart to an explosive potion it is impossible for the enemy to prepare for the attack. The Dark Coat is a good alchemist and makes his own deadly potions to throw at this enemies. His main stats are dexterity, for throwing, and endurance, to be able to stay at an appropriate distance from the enemy.

The Rushing Bull: This berserker is the complete opposite of the red monk when it comes to the state of mind. This person loves to run into battles by instinct swinging a weapon over his head while using his speed and strenght to push down enemies. He likes to use crushing or blunting, heavy, weapons like hammers and clubs that he blindly swings towards his enemies. He also tend to wear medium armor so that he can survive the blows that are dealt in close encounters while still being able to move around quickly. His main stats are strenght, for powerful attacks, and endurance, to resist more damage. Being so unfocused all the time makes him less resistant to some magic.  
The Rolling Monkey: This character is a type of swashbuckler that is incredibly agile. He jumps, climbs and rolls around in combat like a true pirate fighter. His favorite weapons are the dual swords which he controls like if they were part of his hands. He spins them around changing the grip all the time to confuse the enemy, striking with incredible speed. Because he loves to fight, this pirate mostly deals slashing attacks making sure that he only wounds the enemy. This way he can injure the enemy step by step until it cannot fight any longer so he can finish him off with beauty. His main stats are agility and charisma, which he uses to charm the ladies. The problem is that his flirting tend to provoke some people, especially men.  

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