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Messages - miomo

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General Discussion / Re: RP and how if AFFECTS OUR LIVES
« on: May 10, 2011, 09:52:03 pm »
Here's my term to add to the list:

Cognitive dissonance - The difference between what your character knows, and feels, and how he/she acts versus what you as a player know and feel and how you act in real life.

For me cognitive dissonance poses probably my biggest challenge in keeping my role play consistent and to a high standard that I demand of myself.

For example I knew that there was no GM available to allow Miomo to visit Miomai in jail, so I didn't even bother role playing Miomo's attempt to visit.

Fan Art / Re: Song : Xiosia Dakkru
« on: May 07, 2011, 12:52:23 pm »
The extra trills in the first part help out a bit with comes in the third part in my opinion. Then it all blows to DR in the fourth part; you can never have too much distortion. I was fully expecting it to end where it began, but that wasn't necessary.

Thoughts of Bohemian Rhapsody, and something by David Bowie come to mind.

This piece really brings out the yin and yang that are the goddesses.

Single Author Stories / Re: A New Life
« on: May 07, 2011, 09:43:29 am »
This was an enjoyable read. Easy, and yet engaging.

I wonder, when in Dannae's life in PlaneShift did this happen? I'm guessing this is her initial introduction, and if I'm right this probably happened quite a while ago.

As far as cliches go, I bet you could find prior art with similarities to any story you may imagine. As a generalization to what Batman said, it's not about whether it has been overdone before, but whether this has been done well.

It has been done well.

Fan Art / Possession : innocence lost
« on: April 24, 2011, 08:34:54 pm »
I'm posting this image for a friend. It's her creation.

Zarra was possessed and has recently been freed from that possession. No one knows how much those spirits have changed her.

In game, Zarra appears only as the innocent young maiden.

This is a good read. It gives a solid feel for the character of Marsuveus, and interesting ideas for how to be evil.

Just a suggestion, you may want to do a find and replace of Masaro for Shadow.

Roleplaying (Communitive Storywriting) / Re: Miomai's Return
« on: April 19, 2011, 02:21:15 pm »
Thanks a lot. That is some useful information. I've heard the phrase before, but never took it into account.

The next piece I'm working on tries to compress the events of several years into a finite space, so it will be hard to show more than tell, but I will strive to reach the proper balance.

Roleplaying (Communitive Storywriting) / Re: Miomai's Return
« on: April 19, 2011, 09:14:12 am »
What kind of feedback do you look for? Something in general? Or should I go get my /critiquemode and point out what you could do better in your writing?

Anything you wish to say. So long it is constructive, I want to read it.

Roleplaying (Communitive Storywriting) / Re: Miomai's Return
« on: April 17, 2011, 09:32:49 am »
Thanks for the comments. Feed back is always appreciated. I see you other readers out there taking a peek but leaving me nothing. I can't be sure I'm improving my stories without your input, and if I'm not improving my stories, I'm not improving my game. So tell me what you think, even if you think it is atrocious.

A great read, Miomo, and again, I am just amazed at how well you play the two characters.  They are so different, and both so engaging.

Thanks Tessra. I've been trying to play them both more and more, even at the same time. Doing this isn't hard in terms of switching between clients, but poses a bit of a challenge in altering my thoughts to match that of the character I'm currently playing, and making sure that I only use information that the character knows. If anyone thinks I'm not giving either character the amount of attention it's due, let me know and I'll cut back to playing them one at a time.

Roleplaying (Communitive Storywriting) / Miomai's Return
« on: April 13, 2011, 10:04:47 pm »
So this didn't happen in game as I wanted. Best laid plans and all that. And it isn't exactly how this character acts either. Regardless, I kind of like it despite the obvious cliche.


Who can tell what drives one man to escape Dakkru's clutches, and another to embrace it. In the case of Miomai Lashing, was it fate? She must not be allowed to return to her kor, for her twin brother Miomo must leave it to make his mark on Yliakum. Or was it more base than that, simply her desire to stay with Dakkru or her inability to find the way out?

In the end, it's all the same though. She's been in the Death Realm for over five cycles. Some say she can never return, but, where the gods are concerned, never say never.

Miomo's first taste of death was at the hands of a mad dermorian. Miomai was there to provide guidance back to Yliakum. His return was caused by a petty thief, and Miomai helped him once again. By the third time, Miomai had enough, and beseeched Dakkru to allow her to leave the Death Realm.

Miomai awoke in an unfamiliar land, having never traveled to the dome before.  The only thing she was certain of was her purpose. A singularity of motivation that coursed through her veins. This reborn Miomai was the ying to her brother's yang. He was kind, she, wicked. He was Xiosia's, she, Dakkru's. He was forgiving, but she was vengeful.

It made for a balance in the land. Miomo wanted nothing more than to bring peace to the hearts of all sentient beings. A noble and foolish goal. With Miomai among the living, karma for past misdeeds would be doled out.

Dakkru's child found herself in the middle of a gritty, open-air courtyard. It was midday. Shops aligned the edges, and enkidukai were milling about their business. A quick question in enkien and she was off to the armory of Toda Ombretis.

She wasn't satisfied with any of Toda's light leather armor, and wanted something more befitting of Dakkru's harbinger. She had the outfitter make up some custom armor which was tight-fitting and died black. It covered her from the neck down, and with her clamod fur and obsidian eyes it made her features difficult to pick out. She left the armory without paying. There'll be the head of a known thief on her doorstep by the next morning.

Her only accoutrements where a pair of daggers strapped to each thy, keeping with the color theme. In absence of a breeze, you could see a faint swirl of purple smoke floating about her body. Overall, she looked sexy and fearsome, causing appropriate strife between the hearts and minds of most menkis.

The black-clad figure made her way to Brado's tavern the broken door to get a better assessment of her surroundings. She asked for his strongest drink, knowing her physiology could handle it. She liked her new power, and wasn't afraid to show it off.

"Are you sure miss?", Brado asked incredulously.

Miomai simply nodded.

"Well, since you are a new customer, it's on the house." Brado offered, sliding the stiff drink over the counter. Miomai reached for the mug and brushed his paw with hers.

Immediately a flood of memories washed over her. Miomo was here. With a fenki.  It was difficult to focus on the flashback. Only smells and sounds were available to her, and those arrived in no particular order. She tried to pick through the vision for any piece of information that could be useful in her quest. Her eyes closed and her head started to slump forward.

"Are you alright? I don't think you should be drinking this right now," Brado said with concern in his voice.

Miomai grounded herself in the present, grabbed the mug, and downed its contents in three gulps. She dropped  the mug on the counter with a thunk and shot Brado a cold look of determination before heading back out. "Nothing of use to me here," she thought to herself.

Wish list / Re: Decreasing The Importance of Fighting
« on: April 13, 2011, 08:10:30 am »
In regards to the second bullet item of the original post, rewarding players for talking, maybe some kind of a rating system could be implemented. A player could indicate their interest in anothers role play, which could lead to that other character receiving some PP.

Of course this opens up a whole can of worms, and many ways to game the system come to mind. However, real-world examples of this exist in the form of ebay ratings, and forum ratings. Lessons learned there might be applicable to this feature.

Pros and cons of this idea may be best left in a separate thread. I'm just throwing it out there.

On the other hand, compliments from other players for my role play are enough reward for me.

General Discussion / Death in stories.
« on: April 12, 2011, 03:25:10 pm »
I just thought I'd share this link concerning death in sci-fi and fantasy stories.

It's particularly relevant to my characters, having one that lives in the DR, and is a bit disgusted with all the wreckless abandon that the "toplanders" have regarding their lives.


Roleplaying (Communitive Storywriting) / Re: Miomo's Nightmare
« on: April 06, 2011, 11:08:57 am »
Thanks for the comments everyone. I have some more material, but I want to wait until events occur in-game before posting them.

Well Dannae, I never thought about it like that. In my head it all runs together, and the emphasis is on the second syllable: me-OH-my.

Here's a bit of trivia. The name Miomo came to me in a dream. I woke up one morning and remembered the name and decided that it was a good name for my next character.

Roleplaying (Communitive Storywriting) / Miomo's Nightmare
« on: April 04, 2011, 07:29:06 am »
*SNAP* *Crunch* *kashl*

Miomo awoke with a start underneath Xiosia's tree. He was sweating despite the cool morning air. The nightmare always ended the same way. That's because it wasn't just a nightmare, but a remembrance of that horrible day over five cycles ago.

Miomo and his twin sister Miomai are sitting on the edge of a pond on the barn level, fishing. *Fwhip* *Plop* Miomo recasts his line. Birds are tweeting in a nearby deciduous, and crickets chirping on the ground. A warm breeze rustles the grass, blowing from behind, and bringing with it the sweet smell of snowbuds and lavender.

It's a lazy afternoon, and the fish aren't biting. Miomo doesn't mind, he just enjoys the time he gets to spend with his leuth vejhaba. Miomai wanders off to the nearby tree to climb it. "Oh, what's this?" she stops to examine an unusual flower.

Another breeze kicks up, and this time a sharp pungent smell is carried to Miomo's nose. "Hmmm?" Miomo wonders, having never smelled that before. *Thump* or heard that sound, but it sounded large. *thump*

"Miomai, come over here please." Though they were twins, and the menki was blind, he still felt the need to protect his sister.

"In a minute, I'm checking out this beautiful flower." *thump thump*

The smell was stronger, definitely animal.

"Miomai", he requested. *thump thump thump*

"Aaah, Miomo, an ulbernaut!" she screeched, caught unaware.

In an instant, the hairy beast was upon her, and Miomo jumped to his feet. He could hear its heavy breathing, and imagine the size of it given the length of its stride. Miomo smelled his sister's fear, a salty sweaty smell, and heard the quivering in her voice.

"What to do!", the sightless menki thought. He could not fight that beast. Any attempt to strike with his claws was as likely to hit his vejhabe as it was the ulbernaut.

"R-r-run Miomo!" she barely got the words out before she was silenced.

The menki took the advice. *swish swish swish* he fled through the tall grass.  "Oof" *thud* but he tripped on a rock.

*SNAP* *Crunch* *kashl*

Fan Art / Re: Dannae's Sketchbook
« on: April 04, 2011, 06:35:16 am »
Simply beautiful.

I hate to say it but I'm not sure who. I'm guessing Dannae and Arjaya.

The link to the logs requires an account on the Daughters of Xiosia forum, should we all become members in order to view it?

Roleplaying (Communitive Storywriting) / Re: Kavalar: Mad Dermorian
« on: April 01, 2011, 01:28:07 pm »
Elkarway: Well now it's a race to see who can grab Kavalar for their nefarious purposes help Kavalar with his mental problems.

Aramara wouldn't let Kavalar be killed, even knowing what lie in store for him (I don't think).
Precision! Now that's a compliment a software developer can appreciate.

Chessire: I'm sure he's forgotten, but he's still reeling from that uppercut that Sarras hit him with. Twice.

Dannae: Now the enki's out of the bag.

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