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Messages - Pakarro

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Complaint Department / Re: Crafting Price Issues
« on: January 20, 2012, 04:53:33 am »
Wow! I'll check my numbers... Maybe iron/steel is far worse?

Complaint Department / Re: Crafting Price Issues
« on: January 20, 2012, 03:31:03 am »
Right now my char Pakerl has magic ways between 15 and 25, and met 25, and it just buys the advances in magic. So, you have to be careful about generalized statements. At various levels values are are also differently weighted....

Wish list / Re: Mount Access
« on: January 20, 2012, 02:06:41 am »
I don't get the idea of the op. Make everything easy, no quests to achieve things...  And then you have killed the game and produced a kindergarden copy of it.

My personal view...

Wish list / Re: Skill Training Quests
« on: January 19, 2012, 08:21:18 am »
What people call "grinding" is in a way a meditative part of the game. It makes progress slower and makes you communicate. Not so bad, actually, after you get used to doing it.

Quests are very good, the more the better, but not as a replacement of practising skills, please.

Complaint Department / Re: Crafting Price Issues
« on: January 18, 2012, 03:24:32 am »
Just to add another point of view: If you start lowering met value, most mages (low level) will not be able to afford reasonable training. This already is a problem, especially in the beginning of a career.

General Discussion / Re: Introducing NPCs day/night cycles
« on: January 17, 2012, 06:22:06 am »
Maybe one should make clear to newcomers that there is thew possibility to not find an npc, and one has to look for her/kra/him or to hunt some rats meanwhile, or dig some ore or whatever. Or find someone to talk to, do some rp-ing, or wahtever you like. No problem. Where I live in rl you also fail miserably if you want to buy some milk at 4am :)

Obviously, PS is not a game for the impatient anyways. So, this is something it has to live with.

General Discussion / Re: Introducing NPCs day/night cycles
« on: January 17, 2012, 03:08:16 am »
I like the moving npc's. It always was pretty disturbing for me to find them at 5 in the morning and at 11 pm, rooted to their place. It is not convenient, but by far more logic _and_ nice the way it is now.

Wish list / Re: Avoiding the superman syndrome by stat rank capping
« on: January 03, 2012, 09:15:22 am »
so I must have found a bug in reality as I know someone who did that. they are usually called genius. ...

Actually, no. Geniuses would be people who are top in one field, or related fields, not in all. Again, there is no one who wins the Olymics in boxing (or Judo  :) ) and at the same time a Nobel prize in Chemistry.

Just to clarify, I don't mind having extremely strong characters (maxed or not) around - some of them I really do like. Hey I have them in the Family :) . But I think the overall feeling for my character is much better, when I have to decide where she/he/kra goes, instead of ultimately maxing all. And tweaking under limitations is (in my opinion) much more fun than knowing you ultimately are at the top and cannot improve.

Anyways, this is not a matter of life or death, just what I believed was a rather simple way to improve in game consistency and immersion.

Yours Pakarro/Pakerl
(name Pakerl not available in forums, due to confirmation letter problems)

Wish list / Avoiding the superman syndrome by stat rank capping
« on: January 02, 2012, 04:47:25 am »
From combining the Magic and Armor thread with my own thoughts on the topic, I would like to propose simple rules for avoiding the superman (-woman, -kra) syndrome. In the present state, one can be (in a rl terminology) world boxing champion, chess grandmaster, and Nobel laureate in Physics medicine and chemistry. This is not consistent with an ic character development.

A simple way would be to counteract this by just capping the sum of all stat ranks by (just to give a number) 60% of the maximum value (would be 1440, instead of 2400). That way you have to consider carefully, which way you are going.

A useful addition would be to be able to undo an increase in rank, when you find you have gone a wrong way or for further development of currently already maxed out characters (pls, don't bash me for that  :) ).

This cap would only involve restrictions at very high stats. One could also think of a more complicated scheme, where a certain profile has to be maintained during the whole character development. For example, the third highest stat rank has to be a certain percentage lower than the highest, the fifth again lower by the same step. By making this step height low or zero at very low ranks, and increasing for higher ranks, a careful character development can be enforced (e.g a linear increase from zero to 10% maximum for the highest ranks). Notice the packages of two, or else no exchange of priorities would be possible....

All this is subject to the effect of stats in the game mechanics, which I have not a real feeling for, being a rather inexperienced player. So, please consider these ideas in the light of my experience. 

Wish list / Re: Armor & Magic
« on: December 29, 2011, 05:57:17 am »
Mages shouldn't wear armor. They wear robes and (should) have reasonable shield spells. Any armor (and also weapons) use should significantly reduce spell efficiency. In the same way, spell usage should significantly decrease ordinary weapon and armor efficiency.

Also, effectively training for casting interferes with bodily development. Being a mage is also due to not being strong enough to be a fighter...

This is again from the perspective of a relative newcomer....

If you see things from an ic perspective, the whole story is less mage friendly. Typically, a mage has no reasonable strength and can be one- or two-hit by almost all stronger mobs.

The alternative would be to run around in heavy armor - ohno, too weak. And, excessively ooc. So, I'm casting and running like hell, hoping I don't trip over a plant or stone. And, the famous sleep is not available, because my character does not like carrying around severed hands...

Just my two tria to show the other side of the argument...

PS. Pakerl is a rather low-grade Dermorian around 150 hours in game(?), lots of quests, str 70, end 80, int 106, will 110, (max red way 20, crystal 18)


Technical Help: Problems BEFORE entering the game / Re: No Repair
« on: December 27, 2011, 06:55:54 am »
Thank you very much! Works nicely now...

Technical Help: Problems BEFORE entering the game / No Repair
« on: December 27, 2011, 03:47:12 am »
Attempting to (Repair), the following message pops up:

> Using mirror for updaterinfo.xml
> XML Parsing error in file '/this/updaterinfo.xml': Error reading end tag. (in: line 59:63; html -> body -> div -> div -> br -> br > -> br -> br -> br -> br -> br -> br -> br -> br -> br -> table -> tr -> td -> img).
> Unable to get root node!
> Segmentation fault

After changing away from world preload the frequent drops were almost back to zero again, so for me it is not a big problem. But still, something seems to be wrong. Is the xml broken?

Thanks, and good luck

I had htree crashes this weekend within about 40 minutes, when I used a separate X server for PS (Ubuntu 10.4). After changing to the original one, things were ok again.  No more crashes. Strange stuff ...

I saw no correlations with where I was at that time.

I'll change to separate X server again to test (if noone tells me this is a common problem)...

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