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Messages - Koios

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PlaneShift Mods / Re: Small script to see who is online on laanx
« on: February 16, 2010, 07:40:26 pm »
*Koios slaps forehead* Knew there was something missing, sorry.
I'm on XP. It's weird, cause it's getting info. The player count vary and updates really quick, just nothing else showing than "Friends:"
*EDIT: It now shows two people in my Friends list, but more are on that aren't showing. ??? *

PlaneShift Mods / Re: Small script to see who is online on laanx
« on: February 16, 2010, 01:47:36 pm »
It worked just fine yesterday. Today, however, all I get is the player count and the list reads: "Friends:" Clicking refresh list have said "Please wait..." for 20 mins now. Really liked this app, please help? :)

General Discussion / Re: The NPC Re-factor and You
« on: February 13, 2010, 08:26:06 pm »
Stats and skills: All stats 200, Axe 150, MA 80, ~Q43 MA, Q224/229 SBA.
Buffing items: Amulet of the Velnishi (so AGI is 203)
Pos: bdroad1 -355.80 47.52 -519.26. Outside of the Howling Well
Name: Imago Consumer

How did the combat go:
73 attacks made. 36 attacks did damage, from 143.84 down to 10.90 for a total of 2835.85 (seeing as last hit probably did more damage than needed the estimated HP would be 2800). Average damage dealt = 78.77.
I only used Bloody stance, changing would just mean less average damage dealt unless something is messed up with the stances now also?

Loot is okey I guess. Some Heavy Armor Torsoes and Arms Armor. I suspect they also loot magical, but that should be hard to loot anyway. Animal parts could come a bit more often, an animal with 8 legs and you ruin all of them beyond looting nearly every time?

With Magic; Relaxing Sleep and some high lvl offensive spells you kill them rather easy. Weapons seems to not work so well on these however.

*EDIT: Loot can also be Battle Axes and Broad Swords.*

General Discussion / Re: ridiculously armored mobs
« on: February 09, 2010, 11:07:17 am »
Depends how fast you are to thrust the Dagger into the walrus' brain ;) All monsters are to my knowledge killable with magic. But another thing is weapons. Max Axe (150), max stats, Q250 SBAs does not work on Neoten Consumers or Maulberlords. It also has little to microscopic effect Queen Tloke, Vilenaut and Imago Consumer. This was 2 days ago so if it's already been readjusted, nvm :)

General Discussion / Re: Ring of Familiar and kinds of rings
« on: February 07, 2010, 11:27:42 am »
The good old alchemists thought of gold to be a truly magical substance because gold is one of very few things that resist the entropic laws of decay. You gotta admit, that is impressive!  :woot:

General Discussion / Re: You Might Be An Oldbie If...
« on: February 07, 2010, 11:24:37 am »
I wonder how long till someone will claim oldbie because they remember the Dlayos, Onyx Daggers or Briggy  :detective:

Wish list / Re: Addition to trade system
« on: January 30, 2010, 09:47:34 am »
I once met someone at the Eagle Bronze Doors selling Greater Potions of Mana. These can only be bought in Oja (as far as I know) and of course he asked more for them, as he rightfully should. You could also, say go to Levrus, buy some of his glyphs and then head over to Oja to sell them there for a profit to other players that need them. :)
We also have some merchant in the game that sell various items for a price higher than NPC would pay for them, although most of these things can't be bought from NPCs.

Is this in the line of what you're thinking or is it more "Buy from NPC in Hydlaa for 100, sell to NPC in Oja for 120" ?

Guilds Forum / Re: [ORGANISATION] The Starfish Alliance
« on: January 29, 2010, 11:03:52 am »
I know,  :offtopic: , but we do have a couple more animals in there that isn't accounted for by a model, yet.
Take some of the weapons we got for instance, Owl's, Fox's, Eagle's, Bear's, Serpent's. Also some of the NPCs dealing with hides talk about fox and bear fur, so it's not just names for weapons ;)

Wish list / Re: More options for klyros
« on: January 29, 2010, 10:34:55 am »
Klyros, being "reptilian-like" in sense of skin at least, could also be reptilian in other ways? Seeing as there is a (somewhat strong) agreement on that Klyros isn't mammal, we can rule out both breasts and wider hips.
If they lay eggs or bear live young is more for settings team to decide upon really, but for both cases reptiles have concealed genitalia, so the clothing might just be a social thing to fit better with the other races.
My main point, the differences between the male/female Klyros, is that with most reptiles (and birds) the males have certain physical attributes to attract the female. If this were to be with Klyros as well, we're talking stronger colors, bigger wings/crests etc.

Last thing. I'm Klyros myself, so I didn't pick the reptilian angle for some "racist" joke thingy :)

Bilbous is right, it most probably the "Use basic chat window" option. I understand it might be a handy thing for people not in a Guild, but could I ask that someone make this something you change to and not have to change from?

Granted or negated Wishes / Re: Buying Mounts
« on: January 10, 2010, 11:38:18 am »
Reciting some various info from

"Object to buy: Healthy, trained Pterosaur - 45,000 Tria"
" The Elite Way of Travelling - The fastest way of getting over remarkable distances in a short time is using flying animals: Pterosaurs and Megaras."

"The Pterosaurs are reptiles with organs adapted to flight, such as their membranous wings and long tails, which they use as a rudder. The Pterosaurs' dimensions vary from three to six meters, not including their tails, and their wingspan is directly proportionate to their bodies. From the moment they are born, Pterosaurs begin training to carry a person sitting in a saddle buckled between the animal's shoulder blades. Pterosaurs must be at least three years old and fully trained before they can actually carry a person, which makes them precious, coveted, and very expensive to keep. Only extremely wealthy people can afford these lizards, but no matter how wealthy a family is they may only legally own a single Pterosaur. The law forbids owning more than one of these animals in order to avoid dangerously crowding the limited air space.

The second flying animal is the Megaras, which is similar to a giant bat. Scientists believe the Crystal has genetically mutated the Megaras, since they reproduce only in Yliakum. These bat-like creatures are not as docile as the Pterosaurs, but they are stronger and more efficient, making them perfect to carry heavy but not too delicate loads, such as food and building materials. As with the Pterosaurs, each mercantile society is allowed to own only one Megaras."

Hope that clears it up :)

General Discussion / Re: Pre-release of PlaneShift 0.5 and ChangeLog
« on: November 29, 2009, 10:20:00 am »
blue screen means your video card drivers are broken. try upgrading them. plus xp is an old operating system.

*Koios points down*

Same problem here, Koios. Upgrading to the latest drivers available for this chipset won't help, I guess you already tried that.

psclient.exe refuses to run at all under Windows 7 64 bit


General Discussion / Re: Pre-release of PlaneShift 0.5 and ChangeLog
« on: November 28, 2009, 02:58:35 pm »
Had the same problem as you did, Koios and this is what worked for me.

Navigate to the PlaneShift folder. Click on settings. Click on pslaunch.exe.
Change graphic quality from custom to medium. Set screen resolution to 1024x768

Use elves for the Current Skin. Click on Graphics at the top of the page. In Texture Quality change from high to medium.

Click OK, then Quit. In the PS folder click on psclient.exe to start the game.

You can always bump up the graphics and textures later.

I had to have 800x600, small screen on these Eee so with 1024x768 the buttons on the PS Launcher was below the screen and wouldn't work. I had all graphics at the lowest possible and it still was horrible to play. As I said, turning around in the Plaza would result in Blue Screen.

General Discussion / Re: Pre-release of PlaneShift 0.5 and ChangeLog
« on: November 28, 2009, 10:27:05 am »
I tried to install the new client on my laptop to test. Install went fine, update went fine, but getting into the game was a problem.
Most of the time I would click Play and it would just loop and take me back to the launcher again. If I got into the loadingscreen, right at the end it would crash out with Exception Access Violations of all kinds. The very few times I actually got into the game, opening a window or even turning around too quick resulted in the mighty Blue Screen of Death every time. I had set all graphics to a minimum and tried to reinstall and repair, but nothing helped  :'(

Intel Atom CPU N280 @ 1.66GHz with 667 MHz FSB
Intel 945 Express Chipset GPU
2 Gb DDR 2 RAM
Windows XP - SP3

General Discussion / Re: Wipe y/n?
« on: November 06, 2009, 09:07:06 pm »

I'm looking forward to a clean start, but with all the work I know others did on their chars I do think they should get some kind of compensation.
And I don't mean myself, but those who spent *days* boring themselves with mining to pay for their magic lessons.

I've nearly spent 2 years here now. I wouldn't stop playing, 'cause I like this game very much. However, we will loose ALOT of great players over this. I'm not sure that will sit very good with me. I only have one demand (Yes, I used the d-word): That players get to keep their character's names. If it's not do-able to "save it" or something; alert people, tell them to take a screenshot of the login or wherever their name is and if someone happens to take it after the wipe it can be dealt with.

I have dug around a bit, 'cause this is a looong known fact: Wipes are happening. So:

A full wipe is not that easy justifyable. Here is a list of conditions that needs to be true that I can see a reason behind a full wipe:
  • All bugs gone. There are no bugs left that would allow to gain unfair advantages or level unintended fast. I don't see that coming fast.
  • All skills and professions implemented.
  • Quest system overhauled in a way that quests aren't that easy to break. Trasok recently swallowed 6 ancient swords from a guildy from me because the server crashed at the wrong point in time.
  • If it has come to the attention of the devs/gms that some players exploited a bug without reporting it and the bug was used to gain advantage the knowledge wasn't shared to the devs/gms to prevent that bug from beeing fixed: Wipe the inventory,all stats and skills from those players.

Too make it short, if we are at a point where we can say Planeshift 1.0 is near and the current code has proven for a long time that it is stable and no exploitable bugs have been seen for over one year that would be a reason. But there are many tiny and not so tiny flaws in the game that could be fixed without a full wipe that even with the greatest and latest new features added a full wipe would leave a sour taste. There are still bugs in game that allow unfair advantage. All those who say: "Full wipe to make it fair again" should think twice as one or two days after the full wipe there would be the again players exploiting bugs and flaws to rank their chars faster. We are far away from a point where we can say with confidence: After a full wipe all is fair.

Anyhow, I think there are reasons for less drastic wipes and wipe like actions I would cheer for:
  • If a new map system is implemented that would allow to play Planeshift without any loading zones I would be fine if all character positions are resetted
  • If a certain skill, lets say crafting, is totally reinvited and reimplemented I would be happy if the old levels of that skill would be turned into PP's and trias. The players allready have grinded for that and grinding works in planeshift. I see no need to make the player grinding again. By turning the old skills into progression points and tria the player can concentrate into testing the new implementation.
  • Developers work on quests, fix all known flaws and want us to test the quests again and want to get 'fix' all chars with a messy quest state: Quest wipe for the world  \\o//

If there will be smaller wipe like events or wipes done with care in deciding what to wipe and what not to wipe and maybe avoid regrinding by giving suitable amounts of PP's and tria thats fine. A full wipe will come, thats for sure. But it should be delayed as far as it could and be annouced like: "Planeshift is in a good shape, we are about to consider a full wipe within some months. Help us to find the remaining flaws so that another full wipe isn't necessary or at least can be delayed for years."

I agree to a certain degree. A suitable amount of PP's and tria would be nice. Not necessary, but nice. Have we spent 2 weeks at the furnace to be able to smelt platinum, or 5 months becoming a CW Mage, a little something wouldn't be that big of a camel for the Team to swallow, would it? I respect and honor all who have worked and contributed to this game, but don't forget those who work and contribute IN the game either.

(Not too good with the whole quote thing when it doesn't show in the topic itself, but this is from Xordan February 8th, 08 here
"One day we'll have to Wink Although when that day is I don't know. It'll be after some big change like finalising combat and progression, where we need to throw away all the old data and start fresh. I'm sure we can save some things like character descriptions though." [quote end]

Is it a big change we're facing? Or just Devs think it's time? Either way it's their decision, and it's final no matter how much we do or don't do.

This is going to be a long post I feel...

Daevaorn, February 9th, 08. From same as the above:
"You don't need skills and stats to roleplay. It is your personality that makes the game fun.
- True. But why are there skills and stats at all? Why are there skills and stats in the "purest" style of roleplaying, the pen&paper? Why did the developers incorporate those in the game? Right, it is not personality that makes roleplaying fun, it is -unique- personality. And part of a unique character is, what the character can do and what it cannot. That's skill and stats, it is an essential part in the representation of a character, that greatly increases realism. How am I supposed to roleplay a battle mage if everybody else is equally good or bad at magic as I am?

Through a wipe we will lose some players but we will gain many more.
- A wipe will make many old players leave (yes, that is going to include me), since they are not willing to start anew, to repeat the process of bringing their character to the point where they want to see it, where they feel it belongs to. People play the game to experience something new, not to repeat the same events over and over, and developing a character is a part of that. New players will come and join as the game grows more popular, whether there's a wipe or not. It might even lose popularity through the wipe because those who leave will probably never again recommend the game to friends.

After a wipe you have the unique chance to develop a totally new character and thus experience something completely new.
- Thanks to the good planning and the flexibility of the game we are able to have several characters. we can always create a new character, with a new race and develop a new personality with new skills. We don't need a wipe for that. We can let people who are content with their characters keep them. Those who are not can start anew with their own, personal little wipe. And for those who were forced to start with a new char - don't you think that "everybody else should have to pay" is a bit of a poor perspective, seen from an interpersonal point of view?

It is unfair for the beginner and people who want to have a new character to be confronted with so many powerful characters.
- Is it? I can't see why. Meeting powerful characters, interacting with them, is as great an occasion for roleplay as is meeting a "newbie" for the old and experienced character. It's difference and only difference - diversity - that makes the game fun and creates dynamic relations and developments between characters. The game's economy even depends heavily on a broad mixture of varyingly developed characters. It is much more realistic for a weapons smith to buy his steel from a professional miner and not mine themselves since all have roughly the same ability on that sector.

The wipe is necessary to bring the game forward.
- I haven't read one argument that really explains and proves that highly general (and - excuse my french: lame) statement. I doubt that bugs will be found by 200 low ranking players after a wipe that are not discovered by 50 beginners without a wipe. And even if: Those bugs that may be found faster after a wipe will be countervailed by the ones that need higher ranking chars to find them. Having a wipe or not will not make any difference to the testing of the game, neither positive nor negative.

We will only lose the power-levelers after a wipe the true roleplayers will stay.
- People who have maxed their character or are contented with their characters as it is, have only one option if they want to continue playing the game. They can roleplay. Even the most convinced power-leveler will either leave the game at that point or become a valuable part of the role-playing, whom we might lose if we wipe the character. The ones who don't roleplay will leave anyway, even without a wipe.

Too many characters are too strong. We need to balance this.
- In a persistent world there is progress. Unless you want the wipe to happen on a regular basis,  which opposes the promise of persistency, that many players (yes I know we are testers) who join count on, it does not make sense at all to wipe because of such an argument. Sooner or later the world will come to that point again, where there are as many powerful characters in the world as there are now. A wipe does NOT solve this problem at all, it must be solved within the game dynamics. Leveling can be made harder, skills can be reduced proportionally, there can be harder mobs, new skills introduced, ...

People have only been able to become that strong by abusing bugs. That needs to be corrected.
- It is not as if a bug caused half the players to jump to Crystal Way 150 in a wink of an eye, is it? All of the characters have undergone a process of development, some slower and some faster, possibly quickened through the use of bugs, admitted. But when we ask ourselves and answer honestly, does it really matter for me if someone else used a bug to level somewhat faster? He could aswell have joined the game half a year earlier and played the legal way and would be at the same point relative to others. It's only the most human trait of envy that tempts us to have this "problem" corrected." [quote end]

I voted No, 51% of me was on that side. That last little percent is for all we will loose. And yes, I know if we are loosing them with a wipe now, we're certainly loosing them in a wipe that just has to be done, maybe this is one even. But all we really want is just another day with all our friends, right? :'(

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