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Messages - Valorius Rageway

Pages: 1 ... 8 9 [10]
Newbie Help (Start Here) / Re: so... now what?
« on: January 19, 2007, 12:47:58 am »
Old enough to know better!  :D

Newbie Help (Start Here) / Re: so... now what?
« on: January 18, 2007, 01:18:44 pm »
My friend, i was playing (the original) D&D long before most of you were alive(in fact i bought the original D&D within 90 days of it's original introduction...before there were any video games but pong!), so i am an old pro at RP'ing. There is nothing new to me in this or any other game when it comes to RPing(forgive me if that sounds concieted, but...).

The Role i play in your game is of a gruff-and disinterested feline warrior maiden who is happiest when she is spilling blood. Like most people who share that view(and like most cats), i have little time for pleasantries or idle-chit chat, nor am i warm and fuzzy, though to those who are kind to me, i am equally kind in return. ;)

Newbie Help (Start Here) / Re: so... now what?
« on: January 18, 2007, 01:00:35 pm »
Thing is, this kinda game doesn't tell you what to do. There is no big bad boss that needs an asskicking before he floods the world into chaos ... well there may be a few players like that but yeah. Basically you do whatever you want to, go chat a bit at the tavern while drinking, go hunt rats in the sewers or just explore and roam around the world.

Standing around typing in a bar drinking digital ale is what i would call: BORING. But then so is mining. And repairing weapons, and "RP"ing.

I came to this game to fight and die(in case the name is not clue enough). Fortunately there's quite a lot of that i'm happy. The rest of the stuff, i just don't get though. In my estimation the weaponr repair times- though realistic- are totally disengaging. Especially since you dont want people just going AFK while doing tasks(like repairing a sword from a quality of 5 back to 50, which takes a long time).  If i wanted to roleplay i'd just pretend to like my significant other here in the real world. ;)

General Discussion / Re: Specific weapons requests
« on: January 18, 2007, 12:04:12 pm »
The problem lies in the name: Tai Chi sword.

Putting this sword in the game under that name would also mean that Tai Chi exists in the game. Tai Chi doesn't exist and won't exist, something similar with an unique name might. So basically I think if a suitable name can be found for your sword then it might find its way in there some day. Wouldn't count on it any time soon though.

Just a few possible workarounds for the name issue: Perhaps it could be "ancient lost technology" from a long since missing emmisary, merchant, or even a long extinct race or nation. Or as the other lad suggested, you could simply rename it to some other name. "Chi" means internal energy, so perhaps a "Plane-chi", or "Phase-chi" sword, or something along those lines.

The advantages of a tai-chi sword are in it's heightened sensitivity(which is what makes it a masters weapon, as only a master can properly appreciate and utilize that sensitivity to his opponents movements through the blade of a sword), and it's ability to still strike an opponent even if he blocks your attack(the spring steel blade will bend beyond 90 degrees to "wrap around" an enemy blade and attack with the tip if it hits another sword blade at the right angle, then spring back into position. They are also extremely light(about 1/2 the weight of a quality Katana), so they are extremely fast weapons. Short of a fencing foil or maybe some rapiers, a Tai-chi sword is as fast as it gets.

Architecturally, a tai-chi sword aways features a 1 handed handle and can have a blade ranging from about 25-30" in length.

I appreciate your consdierations, and i wont bother the designers with this topic again. I appreciate the chance to have my opinion on this matter heard. :)

General Discussion / Re: Specific weapons requests
« on: January 18, 2007, 05:22:17 am »
A tai chi sword isn't 'world specific', but a short sword, falchion, long sword, and claymore are?

A Claymore is about as highly specialized a niche/nation specific weapon as exists, yet it "fits the world" whereas a tai-chi sword(or katana or whatever other sword you may fancy) does not?

No offense, but that just makes no sense at all.

A tai chi sword is essentially a long sword with spring steel blade for heightened sensitivity. What exactly 'doesnt fit' about that? A broadsword is also a chinese kung-fu weapon, i noticed that plane shift has those(i had a nice crystal steel broadsword up until i sold it 3 hours ago). I fail to see the difference of how one 'fits', and one does not.

General Discussion / Specific weapons requests
« on: January 18, 2007, 12:57:47 am »
Is there any way i could humbly suggest the inclusion of a Tai-Chi sword in Planeshift?

Ive never seen one in any RPG, which is odd, considering that it is a true master's weapon. And since i've been using one in real life for almost 20 years, it would really 'connect' me with my character.

"Green Destiny", sword of Li Mu Bai from the movie "Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon."

Thanx for your time.

Newbie Help (Start Here) / Re: Can you level until infinity?
« on: January 18, 2007, 12:51:14 am »
50 lessons sounds about right.  If every time you go to a trainer you call it a lesson.

All the same, both arguments have valid points.  Find a compromise

"You can become quite masterful [level 80]" comes to mind.

If that was the case i'd be a level 250 Tai-Chi swordsman in real life.

That would be nice... ;)

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