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Messages - Chessire

Pages: 1 ... 8 9 [10]
Complaint Department / Re: about the water glyph
« on: November 15, 2010, 05:37:53 am »
I'd echo this complain in regards to the Faith and Lava glyphs....

I don't know about faith but this is not exactly my point... see lava is a really powerful glyph and is indeed a suitable reward for a RP event imo. But water is given away as often as lava (don't know... about 1-2 times in a year perhaps?) while being a simple glyph needed to cast basic blue way spells. And its not like its not available because there are no quests, not even the GMs give it away.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Have you ever? (game)
« on: November 13, 2010, 07:08:13 pm »
No, but if someone has i'd like to know too...

HYE applied and been promised a job and then realized they were only hitting on you? :P

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Have you ever? (game)
« on: November 12, 2010, 08:54:23 am »
I have. Later i discovered its better to say up straight "I'm got going just because!!" and wait for god to smite ye :) Or go and be happy about it...

HYE been in a situation that made you wonder if you'd survive?

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Have you ever? (game)
« on: November 10, 2010, 02:29:41 am »
Not really, i rest assured it's never gonna happen... thank gods

HYE slept under the stars?

Complaint Department / about the water glyph
« on: November 06, 2010, 07:58:55 pm »
SPOILER WARNING: In this thread i include information about glyph combinations for spells... in case you want to discover them ingame.

I've been troubled by this for a pretty long time and i thought its best fit for the complain department although i guess there must be a reason for every thing.
A search on the forum about it didn't reveal any similar topics to me.
Still, i want to ask, why is the water glyph so rare? it can only provide mostly realm 2 spells and it is necessary for three of the five blue way spells (of which only freeze works currently) if we exclude frozen ground that requires another GM glyph... Alright, rinse can give mana which makes it a valuable glyph i suppose. But what happens of the characters that actually want to include blue way in their attributes? I play a nolthir and i consider it reasonable for her to have some talent in the blue way... i can still train it with the freeze spell but i can't actually use it for anything else than kill off rats. And of course, there are several people that have a character that wants to study blue way.

I'm pretty sure everyone knows of these things so i won't keep babbling about them, i just want to ask why the certain glyph is so rare... of course it is nice when some glyphs are rare and can be rewards for GM events but the particular one is taking out of the gameplay a whole way. Lava glyph is a much better case... offers great power so its wanted by many but red way is still playable.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Have you ever? (game)
« on: November 06, 2010, 02:04:26 pm »
no, i'm too half-baked for such things... but i once tore my friends new notebook when i was younger  :devil:

have you ever been listening to an album nonstop for a whole day?

Complaint Department / Re: Knives and Daggers
« on: November 02, 2010, 12:54:33 am »
ok, having read most of the posts and links till here... i can't imagine a dagger weilder taking on a full plated warrior on a frontal attack. He should be ready to get butchered not because of the plate's protection as for the opponent's sword's length. Using daggers to block swords and figh on par with them sounds hard too... though, if two fighters are pretty close the one that has a dagger is in advantage... shields can't be used and there is little space for movements... if the combat system should be realistic then the most important thing would be the impact of a weapon affecting the opponent's movemet at least. Like making them stop for a short moment... thust there would be a meanining in someone approaching and hitting with daggers. But since PS is still on  :beta: i won't be surprised to see a bit different fighting system after a few years  :)

If the fighting system is reworked then how about changing to a secondary weapon as bow or daggers by pressing a certain key? (just as we press shift to run)

In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: Hydlaa Message Board
« on: October 20, 2010, 05:00:20 pm »
*After a while a knife is found stabbed next to Draide's name, pretty deep too*

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