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Messages - Baldur

Pages: 1 ... 93 94 [95] 96
General Discussion /
« on: March 20, 2006, 12:24:31 pm »
Originally posted by Karyuu
I believe the subject of the thread is helpful NPC phrases.

Well, it helps to get new enemies:D

Fan Art /
« on: March 19, 2006, 11:56:16 am »

Lol, oh well. Got sick of this. There\'s too much with Photoshop as i could find no scanner. All the improvements you\'ve seen are made in Photoshop. I could\'ve made them better imo but as i\'ve gone so far in PS i\'ve decided to add this as the last and let you feedback on the last. This is the rough picture of my idea.

I\'m going to send pics and sketches as soon as I find something better to do. I am atm sketching on a Kran Armorpiece.

Take this pic^ as my final addition to the contest.

*Edit* Thanks to Falcon, Rolf and Gentus for helping me out with the tweaking;)

Fan Art /
« on: March 19, 2006, 09:42:37 am »

made the lines to the \"iron arms\" to make them stand out more, i think that one was one of the problems others i do not know.

Fan Art /
« on: March 19, 2006, 09:39:19 am »
You\'re right, Rolf. I have great trouble with the perspective and the shadows. I still have alot to learn. I feel i\'ll never be finished with this:P

Fan Art /
« on: March 19, 2006, 08:13:49 am »

Removed the shadows on the wall for a bit more detailed view, removed the most of the scrubs and added the shadow  to the top.

Forced me to stay up all night so i had to go to 5\'ish and retake the work early in the morning^^

Think this is better as for a black/white picture. Blurred shadows don\'t really fit unless they\'re really small, like under those stones at the walls steps.

Hehe, so here it is. Don\'t fry it too much:D

Fan Art /
« on: March 18, 2006, 07:40:55 pm »
Cleaned it. Gonna add some shadow to the upper parts and more less random shadows to the tower hehe.
Got some other sketches later but they\'re for another day. The challenge has really taken the best outta me so far.:)

General Discussion /
« on: March 18, 2006, 07:27:26 pm »
Originally posted by apis
I decided to get a little creative with grass in and around hydlaa:

and more is on its way...
This is the quite square below the tower / north gate:

and one last one, Dwarves can fly:

Great effects, mate! Keep\'em coming.:)

Fan Art /
« on: March 18, 2006, 06:46:47 pm »
As shadows aren\'t my favorite object i was a bit unenthusisastic to doing this, but i\'ll try. Got no scanner so will have to wait until school opens.

Thanks for the texturing tips and i\'ll make my besst to keep the paper clean.

edit: [It\'s Belark, lol.]

Fan Art /
« on: March 17, 2006, 08:36:21 am »
Originally posted by ArcaneFalcon
[ Are comments/tips like these allowed, by the way? I would think that general critiques aren\'t, as the images submitted are supposed to be \"final\", but I would think this one is okay. ]
Of course it\'s ok.  People can make whatever changes they want until the deadline.  If they\'re looking for tips on what to do better, though, I\'d recommend they make a WIP (Work In Progress) thread, so that people can comment on it specifically, and not make this main thread any more confusing. :P  Also, you all can give whatever critiques you want.  It\'s just Cherppow and I that have to hold back until the deadline. :)

Edit:  If you\'re wondering what we look for when we critique, you might just take a look at our responses from challenge #1.  It may give some hints.


Mkay, goody, cause ive never got any qualified replies when i open up a thread. I\'m THAT unknown:D

As I am known to have a  repent-reply spray on me i decided to close the thread. Guess i\'ll have to leanr photoshop then:(

Fan Art /
« on: March 17, 2006, 02:54:27 am »
Yeah, i guess. but i\'m not that \"imposed\" to Photoshop, so i didn\'t have a ratting clue about that :D

Fan Art /
« on: March 17, 2006, 02:04:40 am »
Well, here it is. Did i make it blurry. Please tell me if i made it blurry>.<
Link to the pic on another thread

On \"slight\" request of Karyuu:D

Wish list /
« on: March 16, 2006, 02:10:31 am »
Well, the stars could always be \"small\" crystals, acting like the \"sun\" but the opposite way: Recharging in the day, glowing in the night.

The nights should be a bit like WoW. You have a grey ground, emanating little light. Maybe a greyscale.

Fan Art /
« on: March 16, 2006, 02:04:25 am »
Hehe, really good mate, though, don\'t attempt to crumble it up until you\'re finished with it. Oh, i see the crumbles! :P

Nice creature!Reminds me of something in Pokemon, and yes. I have been a great Pokemon fan>.<

Newbie Help (Start Here) /
« on: March 15, 2006, 03:53:52 am »
Originally posted by zorbels
Do people not get what REALISTIC means *sighs*

Ya thats right in real life I walk around with a friggin auto map attached to my asre , that way I can find everything I need. *rolls ear eyes*

Toxich there are already maps floating around you just need to talk with some of the players. As far as i know, the PS team doesn\'t want that sort of thing because it is considered a spoiler. I could be wrong and if I am .... I am sure there will be someone to post soon enough to tell me so... :P

That\'s what i\'ve been friggin telling these people! Don\'t create friggin maps, you can just as easily REMEMBER these places just as easily as you remember the way, through pitch black darkness, to the bathroom!

Friggin lazy bums wanting maps up on the surface when they can see with their eyes.

General Discussion /
« on: March 13, 2006, 03:54:33 am »
Guess it\'s good to have alot\'a maps. Just thin of this. When the world had just gone through the plague and the peoples of Europe were decimated to 2/3\'s the humans living there would pack into masses, hiding from the plague[Pretty stupid, but that\'s the way the cookie crumbles] and large areas would be left out. In a matter of generations people would forget of big land areas which where they once resided[Krans, caves. Dwarves do not remember either.]

If all the Races are gathered in Hydlaa from, say, The Black Army[Read the Dragon Council\'s history] vast areas would be left, and as we hav elived in this city for more then a century, wouldn\'t you think what happened to those poor people in Europe would happen to us?

Now we only need NPC\'s like hermits, lone hunters, fishy merchants in a dark shire. That\'s what we need, they world is full of magical events, you just need to EXPLORE:)

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