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Messages - Wormtail_

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The Hydlaa Plaza /
« on: May 12, 2004, 05:35:58 pm »
*Coughs* So maybe I\'m brining a thread back to life. Will it really impact your life, whether real or forumning?

Anyway... There is a WoT site at . I myself came up with a theory that cuellindar does the opposite of what balefire does. Heartstone (cuellindar, for you non-WoT readers just dying to flame me) holds a thread in place for eternity. Balefire burns threads away, hearstone keeps them in place, or so my theory goes.

According to , the 11th book\'s title is Knife of Dreams.

When do you suppose that Perrin will encounter Elayne, Nyneave, and/or Egwene in Tel\'Aran\'Rhiod? He did encounter Birgeete, I believe, in The Shadow Rising. I suppose sometime after his rescue of Faile. If they do encounter each other, it would probably be a hilarious moment...

Who killed Asmodean? The question that has been consuming all WoT readers. My answer - don\'t laugh - is Voldemort. I am sure  that old Voldie got tired of waiting for the 5th Harry Potter book to come out a few years back, or the fourth, and decided to vent his rage on a random person, who just happened to be Asmodean. Seriously, I think it\'s a gholam.

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« on: May 10, 2004, 08:24:18 pm »
I don\'t think that a body mark would be good, since each race got diffrent dimentions and skin tone, while a certificate would be the same.

A simple tattoo on the hand would suffice, I think. Nothing to detract from the hand usage, but there as its unique mark to mark graduates of Anaani Academy. The only dimensions that would matter would be that of the hand, and even then, the tattoo could be sized differantly. As for skin tone, the tattoo could be of some magical substance that is transparent at first, but glows whenever the character wants it to glow. Certificates might be too inconvenient if you deposit it someplace, or if you don\'t, it might be too much hassle if a simple tattoo suffices. Or not-so-simple, if it glows.

Besides, the other option would be to have a text-based test, wich is nothing but theory. The test should show that you can actually implement the things you learned, and not just repeat what the npc tutors said.

I proposed an option where the graduate has to go out and survive while alone, being required to use the skills taught.

As for questing being a teacher, perhaps the one being tested should be required to use the skills learned, to show the fact that they learned. Otherwise, they fail, as they don\'t demonstrate their new skills.


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« on: May 10, 2004, 08:12:30 pm »
Why do I get the feeling nobody ever checks either my Compilation of Ideas or a thread I once made? Click here for that thread . It contains such detailed information such as accessing another plane by dreaming! Even nightmare-planes are involved! Of course, this thread has a 2D dreamworld, but many of those ideas can be used here, if not vice versa.

What is the point of having a 2D world in PS? Sure, it\'s interesting... But what point does it have? If the world is abstract, then why not abstract in 3D? Just a few questions.

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« on: May 09, 2004, 06:54:21 pm »
As I said before, perhaps the familiar\'s damage could impact the character. Or a thief could try to steal the familiar, and the character would suffer greatly from that attempt. A familiar might take offense at another character\'s actions/words, and attack that character, and then a brawl erupts, to be ended with the seperation of the combatants and punishment of the character/familiar. Comments?

The ritual could require the slowing down of stat income, like slower stamina/HP/mana intake as you need to maintain contact with your familiar. Something like a 10% decrease, for example.

What abilities should familiars have, outside of combat and casting spells? They might be a hinderance on characters that don\'t need the familiar. While a familiar might provide good company on journeys, the fact that they are limited means they can\'t spy unless you yourself are spying. Of course, advanced senses could prove interesting to see used...

Questions? Comments?

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« on: May 09, 2004, 06:39:42 pm »
Perhaps the certificate could actually be a tattoo or some other type of body mark that tells everyone the message that you are a graduate of Anaani Academy.

The quest could be the test, or the player could have the option of surviving on his/her/its own for a while, get assaulted by some other creatures, and be required to use all skills at least a few times. And anything more than that is optional. Having to live on your own would be fun, and if you die, you get a firsthand tutorial of the Death Realm. Questing as a test would give some training in questing, but do you really need training in questing?

As for the reward, I\'ve seen it done in Wyvern as well, except it was a valuable gem. Wyvern also had a tutorial as to how to move ships around on water...

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« on: May 09, 2004, 11:30:59 am »
I think that even if the character and familiar are limited in distance, there would still be abuse of the invincibility. A mage could just have the familiar in front of him/her/it, in a surrounding with rocks. Then they\'ll use magical spells that just pop up, explode, and fade. Or someone could use a mortar-like weapon. Only if such weapons and spells are implemented, of course.

Perhaps damage to the familiar could be damage to the character as well. It would give a cost to having a familiar, for the beneficial advantages. A character that doesn\'t want that responsibilty could simply not go through the ritual that allows for \"familiar contact.\" Assuming that it\'s implemented, of course. All characters should have the right, I agree, but not be required to have a familiar. It might be more difficult to implement, though, but I have no knowledge of programming, so I wouldn\'t know.


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« on: May 06, 2004, 09:21:39 pm »
Not sure if this has been already mentioned, but should there be a Stealth training area? One that teaches the basics of stealth, simple tactics to use against common opponents, etc.

Perhaps, as a test of some sort, a graduating newbie could be sent to stay a while in the wild. They would have to use the skills they learned in order to survive. If they die, they fail the test. Punishment is uncertain as of yet. If they survive for the required period of time, they pass. Thoughts?

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« on: May 06, 2004, 09:07:22 pm »
In the His Dark Materials trilogy, the reason that the familiar (can\'t remember what they were called there) were the opposite gender was something like a yin-yang relationship. Or saidin/saidar in the WoT series, where the completely opposite forces worked together to \"turn the wheel of time.\"

If the familiar is killed, perhaps the main character feels a great shock, and is uncontrollable and motionless for a long while. If the main character is killed, the familiar dies, as the person whom the familiar came into existence with dies, and the familiar, losing its ties to existence, fades away. Maybe somewhat vague, but worth a try. I\'m basing this off my poor memory of the HDM series.

Syzerian, I believe you were describing what I think of as a symbiotic creature. Symbiotes are not as important to the main character as familiars, or not as attached. Familiars are companions and friends, in my view, that help you in your time of need. And even might offer useful advice if you can communicate.

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« on: April 29, 2004, 06:53:51 pm »
And of course, players can pitch in some help. Perhaps the more \'refined\' civilians might help out in repelling invaders, as in certain alchemists or trainers. NPC healers could also come out and heal those of whom they had no prejudices against.

If there are criminals of any sort, perhaps Wanted posters could inform NPC pedestrians so that if they spot the criminal, they could alert the guard/mlitia. That\'s only an if, as criminals may not be in PS for reasons of causing grief.

Wish list /
« on: April 28, 2004, 06:17:27 pm »
A night shift sounds reasonable. And racial prejudice could be feasible, too, but irritating... Though because of that, an NPC could be fired or another competitor could be friendly towards you. Located in another part of the city for convenience, I suppose.

Speaking of racial prejudice, should regular NPCs have such feelings towards other races, or should everyone be, erm, part of a friendly city? If it were implemented, it would cause a great deal of irritation and certain players would complain to the point of death. So it might not be enjoyable, just realistic, in my opinion.

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« on: April 28, 2004, 05:52:10 pm »
Interesting idea... I\'ve seen a few Age of Kings(an RTS game) scenarios with wandering pedistrians, and those cities were quite interesting, really. Wandering people were more interesting than empty streets. If there were no people in an area, that would signify that something was wrong...

Oh, and I assume the shopkeepers would leave shop (and lock it) when night falls, like every other NPC.

Should NPCs know of recent news, if it\'s possible, for players to get news from?

Of course. That way, those NPCs can actually benefit people in one way, as well as adding flavor.

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« on: April 28, 2004, 05:42:54 pm »
I feel as if some people have been eating a bowl of sugar lately... While I\'m on the topic of sugar, why not have characters become hyperactive?  :P

Seriously (as if I\'m not always serious), how would fruit help characters? Why would someone throw fruits, except in a tavern brawl or there\'s nothing else nearby (not likely)?

And fruits should have poisonous relatives, so that careless characters die of poison. That would be hilarious if you\'re evil or sickening if you\'re an empathatic person.

PS should have its own fruits. Take the Stone Labryniths (is there a shortcut for that? I\'m getting tired of typing it, but Stone Labs implies Stone Laboratories... :S). Fruits as we know them probably won\'t grow there. If they grow there at all, it would probably be amazing, but we might just want to hop off the path of realism and crash into a tree...

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« on: April 25, 2004, 08:22:29 pm »
Or, depending on your armor/hand, you could bash the lock with a hard gauntlet. That might just be more convenient, plus safer, as the blade\'s not pointing at other people. Unless of course you\'re in a combat situation and need speed...

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« on: April 23, 2004, 10:34:47 pm »
Hallucination is an excellent example of sensory dysfunction. Perhaps characters could hear things that aren\'t there if they\'re too paranoid as well, or have things appear on the chatbox that weren\'t really typed. Hallucinations could be caused by great fatigue, drinking the wrong substance, or some creature somehow confusing you in an odd way. Same with hearing things.

TheRedMonk, are you speaking of a \'Sixth Sense,\' that your character has? Even if you weren\'t, that could be an interesting ability you could choose. Meaning at the Char. Creation you could exchange the use of one sense for the use of another. That might be too much of a hassle, though, but just an idea inspired by the post above this one.

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« on: April 23, 2004, 10:27:27 pm »
I agree with having the use of symbionts be risky. It makes the idea of having a magical bond more feasible, and discourages the use of too many symbionts. Perhaps the character would be extremely shocked, and depending on the character\'s endurance, could fall unconsicous, be temporarily disabled, and thing along those lines.

Symbionts could, perhaps, be divided into two major types. Solid and liquid. Liquid is basically what Asraniel described, where the symbionts are just \'blobs.\' Perhaps those creatures are more difficult to find, as they are experts at hiding, yet have more unique advantages to offer. Solid are those that dwell visibly on the host\'s skin, and are more easily found and killed/captured.

Speaking of capturing, should characters be able to pull a symbiont off another and capture it? Or monsters, for that matter?

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