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Messages - eldoth_terevan

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Development Team Blog / Re: Planeshift Birth Announcement
« on: January 14, 2009, 10:10:58 pm »
Ye gods, I go away for a couple of months and the servers splinter. Its probably a real good idea, give it some time everyone.

General Discussion / Re: Event Appetite Poll
« on: July 25, 2008, 11:51:18 am »
I think that more smaller events with a shorter time frame would possibly allow for involving more players. The large events have been neat in the past... but there is a perception that comes into play here about how one wishes to use their online time.

Unless one has all the time in the world to stay logged in indefinitely, then one is going to be aiming for specific goals with one's chunk of play time. Whether it is stats, items or RP that one is focusing on, the player will have a goal in mind, something that they wish to achieve with their time on the system. When they cannot achieve even modest goals, disappointment sets in and sometimes turns to angst, as the variety of posts on this forum have shown.

The rewards thing... one can say it cheapens it, but players need positive reinforcement. If they do not get this, they will disappear from the game. I am not indicating a definite item or XP reward here, some of the players receive positive reinforcement from RP. I certainly have, but time is valuable and players need something that they can feel has been achieved. A game is all about rewards, no matter what form they take, it has to be perceived as a reward by the player, otherwise it is a demerit.

General Discussion / Re: Eventable Me (I, Noob)
« on: July 24, 2008, 08:11:28 pm »
If the system is going to be a roleplay system, then it ALL has to be RP. RPs must modify any and all other RPs when they intersect IG. Coherent IG meaning must be extracted from any RP that is not up to muster (in the eye of the beholder), and the characters must react, interact, or disengage in an accordingly IC manner. To speak OOC of RP in game is to sunder the very foundation of the world. Now, this is not easy, for the settings is very different from most of the concepts of fantasy worlds that most people will understand, and the pitfalls are many for the novice. I always thought that an appropriate response to anti-settings RP was confusion on the part of the character. Not OOC criticism, and especially not taking it to main channels or into IRC. No brackets, no criticism. Confusion, befuddlement, mystification. Any character should have a few stock phrases that they would utter when faced with something that is outside their experience, unfamiliar to them, or simply nonsensical to them. Critiques of RP are definitely OOC IG IMHO. And ultimately, alignments are nothing but descriptors of behavior. Substitute whatever labels you like, there is a spectrum to character behavior and there will always be ways of describing it, and breaking it into factions.

General Discussion / Re: Eventable Me (I, Noob)
« on: July 24, 2008, 01:50:59 pm »
Everyone who ever played any online game was playing a role. Noob, Roleplayer, Powerleveller, Grinder, Atheist, Anti-Settings, Anti-Roleplayers, Wizard, Bum, Drunk, Hobo, Crank, Newbie, GM, Dev. You are all the social (and technological) experiment that is PS. Be excellent to each other!

General Discussion / Re: Your favorite PS moments
« on: July 23, 2008, 11:06:11 am »
Mmmmm... bartending at the Kada for various fun players like Archon and Ralas. The good times at the old gold mine with Indygo, Venae, Xavi and many others. Messing with Shalmaneser (anytime anywhere). Being in the Enlightened and hanging with Daemen and Araye. Dice games with Einnol and Indygo. The "wars" between the Nightshade, Orbis Incendium, Outlaws, Sapere Magi. Black Monday, or should I just say: Eid (yeah I am counting that one, I sure am). Getting funny commentary from Karyuu at different times. Drinking with Frak, Pisik, Niu and numerous others. Indygo and Zhai's wedding. Hitting the polymorph glyph GM event  with disparate players like Duraza, Ollo, Jelem. Pisik ranting and freaking out. Learning the backdoor to the dungeons from Bitot. RP'ing with the lovely Miss Borimel. The trial of Daehaz. Hanging out with Mudis and Rooyannan. Sunday Ulber Hunts with the Elemental Light. Socia's rants. The first time Harnquist started moving around. Yeah, I had a good time in game for quite a while.

General Discussion / Re: Approved guilds?
« on: July 22, 2008, 03:47:01 pm »
Around these forums, I think of the concept more like a red herring. Maybe we could call this the "burning a straw man to cook a red herring" argument. Either way, its done.

PvP,PK and Thieving / Re: Pick pocketing.
« on: July 22, 2008, 12:34:57 pm »
Pick-pocketing actual items or money from a PC inventory is going to get contentious real fast (and probably will not be worked on for quite a while anyway), which I think is Omni's point. A skill that allowed someone to pick pocket a small amount of random money, or mundane items on success (and hopefully cause an NPC to shout for a guard on fail) I personally think would be a better approach.

Roleplaying (Communitive Storywriting) / Re: Sounds Too Familiar
« on: July 18, 2008, 03:15:25 pm »
I like how you played with the concepts.

Complaint Department / Re: Riddles in quests
« on: July 15, 2008, 03:01:24 pm »
These are the kind of people who are generally ostracized in the real world but perhaps that is why they were sent to this hell called Yliakum in the first place.

*laughs* ... but the riddles should stay as they are. I like the concept of the quest system in PS, even if it is hard or difficult sometimes.

Yeah, it was a pron spam incident that made them put that limit on. Feel free to spam me a couple of messages to get your count up.

Forum and Website Discussions / Re: Unresponsive Forum
« on: July 14, 2008, 01:34:39 am »
If the forum is on a shared hosting account, it usually means that other services on the same host are getting spikes in traffic. I have seen this behavior with the forums many times. No biggie, it always comes back. Not sure that it is really a negative anyway *laughs*

Technical Help: IN GAME bugs (after loading world) / Re: Attacking
« on: July 12, 2008, 02:36:00 am »
Used to happen all the time... I always keep keys mapped to deselect current target, target nearest, and attack for that reason.

Complaint Department / Re: Where are all the Roleplayers?
« on: July 09, 2008, 11:44:25 am »
1) Acting OOC, or speaking in contracted language such as leet.
2) Emotes or statements that tell others what they think or what they do, rather than allowing for a chance to interact and roll for outcome.
3) Forcing your RP on other people when they do not wish it.
4) Thinking, reacting and interacting like yourself... rather than like your character would.

Sometimes I walk around my house with my welding mask on. Sometimes I wear my jacket indoors. Sometimes I like to don body armor just to take out the trash. These things may not be common, or appropriate, but if someone wants to go around in full armor let them. Just emote that they are all sweaty and that they stink... they might get the idea.

See? I just broke my second rule... *slaps himself with a fish*

The Hydlaa Plaza / Interesting RP Site
« on: July 07, 2008, 07:20:19 pm »
Lot of information buried in these articles.

General Discussion / Re: PlaneShift 0.4.01 Is Released!
« on: July 03, 2008, 09:34:40 am »
Got a short chance to download and give this a try last night. The Macintosh installer is professional looking now, and seems to be addressing permissions issues with the items it installs. Very nice. The game is now running without the massive lag that I experience throughout the last version. Very, very nice on that one. Books have their titles now. Also very nice. Looks like a good job folks.

I am very short on time so I am going to mention these two things here. 1) I bought a new book from Jayose, but did not have the buttons to write in the book. I checked a book that I bought before this update and it did have the buttons to edit the book. And 2) every male character I saw dwarf and xacha has grey hair now. My initial impression is that this release looks professional and has a much smoother feel to it.

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