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Messages - Akaye

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General Discussion / Re: Resposibility and Honesty
« on: February 06, 2007, 06:42:58 pm »
Yes I do it is a famous quote. From your reaction to it I don't think you get it, but remember I am not the one who assumed. You done yet? ::)

General Discussion / Re: Resposibility and Honesty
« on: February 06, 2007, 06:14:09 pm »
Quote from: Suno_Regin
Zorbels, take some time to see this through the eyes of a normal player. You're saying what you're saying because since you're a GM, you hold a strict position in enforcing rules, but if you were a normal player again, you would realize that this was needed. This problem was fixed a lot sooner and more seriously because of what Eid did. If he had done nothing, it would have gone unchecked and everyone would be abusing this and powerleveling. He caused the long-needed wipe to happen, though it was a small one, and things are actually balanced again. So he's banned for it now? It doesn't matter if he broke the rules, he helped the community out, kept it from becoming unbalanced and corrupt.

You need to check your head suno. Assumtions are for ass****s and everyone has one.

I am not saying this because I am a GM. I truly care about this project and this is WHY I became a GM. I started out as a player and I will always be a player. A Gm is a player with rules to enforce. They are not much different from your average player and this is something the community forgets because of the title we bear. It really is a shame. I have never forgotten my time as a newbie and I always fight for the players side of things IF they are truly good suggestions that may work or situations in which they were wronged. I have enough faith in this community to know that those who know me know I am speaking the truth.  If I was a normal player I would have made the same post.

It was not right of him to drop silverweaves in the middle of the plaza. He is not going to get the "your a hero" reward. There were many other ways this bug could have been reported to the Dev's and Gm's. If one failed then try another. Just don't give up at one and take matters into your own hands. He got the punishment he deserved. Period. Suno, it is done and over. Deal with it. Your posts hold no good argument and are just a bunch of hot air.

@Gwinn: Never mind. You wanna talk about this? Then use the pm button. It has no place in this thread. Seems to me from all your posts your just looking to argue. Well pm away. 

General Discussion / Re: Resposibility and Honesty
« on: February 06, 2007, 05:42:59 pm »
 ??? All I have to say on all of this is I am truly disappionted that the maturity level in this community has dropped in the last few months. I really wish certain individuals would learn how to be constructive and come up with solutions rather than bitching. Don't you realise you would be taken more seriously then? Isn't that what we want? To solve issues? To have the players taken seriously? To have a peaceful enviroment with player working with the game creators? The easy part is to point out mistakes, and it is even easier to point fingers and blame. What isn't so easy is people working together to fix these mistakes. I just don't see that here in this thread with certain individuals.

The player "Eid" seems to been dealt with as any other player would have been if exploiting a bug. He knows the rules. If he is a devoted player then he knows (Or should!) the consequences of his actions. Period. The Dev's or GM's don't need to explain themselves and the players need to open their eyes and learn from Eid's mistakes as Eid is learning this mistake the hard way and is an example to us all. I am not entirely sure what punishment was dealt out to Eid but I back up anything that the Gm/Dev team have decided. I trust them to be mature about the situation and make the right decisions, because these people are also loyal to the game (as some have said about eid) and have it's best interests at heart. That my friends is something you should trust in, and stop attacking the team when something doesn't go the way you think it should. Instead ask why and show your interest and concern. Then either accept the answer as is and move on or come up with a solution that the planeshift team can work with. Dropping silverweaves in the plaza is not helping anything, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out.

@Gwinn Ravenn: It is no surprize that suno is known as the communities #1 complainer. If he has an issue with those who post back to him, let him defend and deal with it himself. Your not helping anything. :/

Fan Art / Re: Cherppow's backpack
« on: January 31, 2007, 10:57:15 pm »
lmao ... cherppow you have a great sense of humor! I just love this little tale you are telling. Poor hopeless cherppow, but boy does his method work! Look at all the hotties that he gets attention from!  ;) Can't wait for your story to be continued.

:lol: Your #1 Fan :lol:

Newbie Help (Start Here) / Re: Selling Body Parts
« on: January 31, 2007, 06:32:16 pm »
Quote from: Zippy the Wonderbat
So does that mean that hides can be used to make things through crafting, but not be sold to NPC merchants?

No, you cannot make things with the rat hide at the moment. However, yes you can sell them for trais. Where can you sell them you ask? Well that is for you to find out and explore in game. Just ask those around you. Something to the effect of "Hello, I am new to these parts. Could one of you strangers tell me where I can sell my rat hides?"

 :) Usually people in game are very helpful if you are polite. We don't give hints on the forums and would prefer that the players find out for themselves in game. Good luck to you.

General Discussion / Re: What shall we do with an OOC penetrating guy?
« on: January 31, 2007, 12:54:26 pm »
Quote from: Quantus
Quote from: illori
If you have a problem with a player and a gm is not on /report <name>. Without a report to read a GM can do nothing to help.
As I got the information only from others and met the responible person some days later, I couldn't do a report :( I hope the involved persons did :)

I was the Gm how reviewed the petition and unfortantly there wasn't enough information from your petition Quantus for me to act on it. The other petition you were hoping was sent, has not been and without the proper information as Caarrie pointed out we Gm's cannot do anything. Sorry I couldn't be more helpful but with names in the petition only there wasn't much I could do. Hopefully this will be cleared up in the near future.

As for this character joining Quantus guild, alot of these sorts of people get through even the guilds screening process. People can put on a face and pretend and fool those around them. The headache comes when they no longer maintain that mask and let their true nature shine though. I have seen awesome guild leaders be infected with this sort of attitude from time to time. Sometimes screening doesn't prevent it, it just weeds out the ones with less of an attention span.

General Discussion / Re: PS-Jokes, Take 2
« on: January 26, 2007, 07:29:24 pm »
Bad Groffel

Q) What do you call a pet groffel with no legs?

A) emoc t'now eh, rettam t'nseod tI

Hey, I never said I was good at making jokes!  :whistling:

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: How is Canada Perceived From Where You sit?
« on: January 23, 2007, 07:36:50 pm »
Quote from: Atomica
Jesum Crow. There's more flak flyin' 'round here than a World War II battlefield...

Is Canada really that touchy of a subject?

 :) Canada isn't a touchy subject, and the people here for the most part are very humble. 

However asking us to choose who our allies are and aren't and rate them on a scale of best to worst could be a touchy subject, and not just for Canada but any country or state that has been asked that question. This thread is about your perception on the country Canada, not how canadians view the world with their politics. The thread isn't that bad and doesn't even come close to a battlefield.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Sexiest Celebrity
« on: January 20, 2007, 11:06:39 am »
Quote from: Datruth
jessica looks great even without makeup,
But i'm betting that Keeley doesn't.

Ha, I am willing to bet you have never seen her up close in real life. I am not sure how you can be so sure?

For the most part these faces you are seeing only look so great due to facial chemical peels, botox, and other products they use or operations they have. They start out with natural beauty but once making the big bucks strive to make themselves more attractive and throw away that natual beauty. Even your fair Jessica has been know to use/do some of the above.

Fan Art / Re: Cherppow's backpack
« on: January 20, 2007, 10:41:26 am »
He he he, maybe she is Harnquist dressed in drag? That could explain the hands. Kidding, but the thought amused me. :P

I like the colors and I think the design with the clothes is perfect. Another great picture from the Cherppow! Thanks for sharing.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: How is Canada Perceived From Where You sit?
« on: January 19, 2007, 07:06:35 pm »
Quote from: Datruth

If you couldn't tell i was joking zorbels

And you seriously thought i would lump millions of people like that together.... than i'd have to say your opinions are deeply dissappointing.

Hey Datruth, heres a secret. Don't tell anyone! I am not a mind reader. Imagine that! (So how am I supposed to know you were joking .. hmmmm?) And yes I did think from reading your post that that is exactly what you were doing, hence my post. Besides I don't really care if you find my opinoins disappointing or not.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Comments on "Faces Behind the Players"
« on: January 19, 2007, 06:58:52 pm »
Ther is a difference between idle chit chat and something remotely ontopic.  I suggest you move back towards the latter.
Quote from: emeraldfool
But aren't you a bit off-topic... er... ma'am...

No. This is comments about faces behind the players, there is no topic to stick to. :/ I am talking to someone who posted their picture here. 

I knew that would come in handy

That won't help you in the slightest. He is a mod, and I am not. Doesn't take a genius to figure out. I also said and you forgot to quote ....

Quote from: Akaye
Are you kidding me. Gesh people, you post your thoughts on a persons picture. If the person talks to you I think it is ok to talk back.   If your not sure pm it. Just don't go out of your way to make the thread spin out of control and the mods won't have to burn you alive.

 Remember?  ::) I would also kindly ask you not hide behind me when you get a warning. Fight your own battles.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: How is Canada Perceived From Where You sit?
« on: January 19, 2007, 06:44:43 pm »
Quote from: Datruth
Must canadians over analyze everything.
I try to make a simple question, and i'm antagonized because of it?

You get this from just a few posts? So all canadians are this way? *sighs* That statment is truly disappointing.  :thumbdown:

 :) I think maybe if you really want the answers you seek, research is your friend. Google it or go to a libaray. This way it avoids you making silly speculations about Canadians and not group what one says with all Canadians.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Scariest Monster
« on: January 18, 2007, 10:49:33 pm »
Quote from: Peacer
hmm are the gentlemen a band?

No, they are characters off "Buffy The Vampire Slayer" a T.V. series done by Joss Whedon.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Sexiest Celebrity
« on: January 18, 2007, 10:44:56 pm »
Quote from: zanzibar
But she's so... airbrushed.... *is disappointed in teh Kay*

But isn't everyone in pictures, t.v and in the movies? I mean I can't believe anyone really looks like their picture unless I can pinch them in real life and see they do in fact look that way.

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