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Messages - Ryiel Fohpaws

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Guilds Forum / Re: [GUILD] The Syndicate
« on: February 07, 2007, 01:10:55 pm »
Thanks for your support guys! I should start this rewrite thing now while the server is down :D

Guilds Forum / Re: [GUILD] The Syndicate
« on: February 03, 2007, 09:21:55 am »
I haven't decided yet what to do. I just would like to ask one little thing zanzibar: Spare your full force attacks to RL, I suggest you kickbox or wrestling. :) This "duel me noob" manner fits perfectly for diablo2 but I thought this game is different. I know you don't wanna hear my opinion but this game is for having fun. (with others) I wanted to ruin nobody's fun, guild, IC life. I've read others opinion about my guild, my guildstory and my mistakes. I always try to be a person who learns from his own mistakes and from others as well. All the guys who met me in game (Not me, Ryiel :D ), I hope I could make you smile once at least. This guild was another attempt to have as much fun as possible but some guys know no mercy, instead of just letting me know what's wrong with my ideas, how to fix the cracks and patch the holes told me: My story does not worth to save it. You know what? You are right. And I don't think I'll spend more time on this story, to save this story. It simply does not worth the time and the struggle. I hope all those who's characters I involved can forgive me, I had no thought of offending you. Peace  :surrender:  :thumbup:

I think I'm gonna rewrite the whole story, the whole guild. I don't know yet what to tell those who put their trust in me and joined my guild. I have only 6 active players in my guild. That was a good start guys. I already talked to one of them who said she won't let me down. So, I will come back, I don't know when and how but I let you know it.

Pm sent to Sangwa, one of my guildmembers convinced me to give it a shot. She is damn wise. ;)

Guilds Forum / Re: [GUILD] The Syndicate
« on: February 02, 2007, 03:10:10 pm »
I'm late for my meeting dude. But who cares :) I spent a lotta time on having debates on political issues. I do admit if someone has the talent for reasoning. I know you see someone here with 10 posts and with 4 months of playtime who tries to explain you something but the thing is that he wants to explain is out of your sight. You're trying to show my guildstory in view that hardly covers the truth. I don't see any kind of reasoning, only attacks with full force in bad way of manner. I don't really like this kinda "showing the right way to newbies" help but if it's the way how you wanna tell somebody that he is wrong, so be it. I took Sangwa's critics as critics but yours are rather offence than critics. I don't wanna compare what Sangwa offered as helping newbies and what you did but it's hardly the same. You just ignore my posts, my reasoning.
Nothing proves it better than these facts:
1. The portal thing. Bereror posted the link to the Q&A: August Answers. Nobody knows where the portals are, they are closed or not. PROBABLY they are closed. Nobody said the brothers arrived when Hydlaa was just founded.
2. They control nothing now. They have no power now. But you keep telling me that they still control everything behind the scenes.
3. Nobody said that The Syndicate is allied with the shadow of darkness or the outlaws.
I don't know who you are and why are you twisting my words. But have fun mate, I don't blame you. Peace  :surrender:

@Parallo: Thank you, I did not know that. Sangwa offered his help to solve this matter and I gladly accept it. Perhaps i could not emphasize that this Syndicate is not the old one cause they had nothing when they fled the city and went back to the cave system. Only the two persons are the same. (But I already wrote that you are right guys and they cant be the same, the timeline is a bit messy now. The past Syndicate could have been led by a couple and the brothers are their children. Sounds better, huh?) Anyway, thanks for all those who opened my eyes, my story is hardly flawless. ;) I hope I can patch the holes.

But i should have left one hour ago. :) I come back tomorrow, hopefully.

Guilds Forum / Re: [GUILD] The Syndicate
« on: February 02, 2007, 02:03:36 pm »
I see there are some misunderstandings going on. :)

You're writing stories involving people's characters without first getting their permission.  That's a big no no.
I think i mentioned nobody's character. I mentioned guilds. (But I can see now that even heightening some else's guild is wrong in times like these :) ) I see it was wrong to mention other people's guild. I could not even image that one more victory can make any difference in other's guildstory but you are right, I want to force nobody to follow my way, even if it makes no difference and all that i needed was nodding.

There is an actually history progressing in game from player interactions, but you seem disinterested in it.
The story of the DE develops since it had been founded in 2002. It's 2007 now. I'm up for a history lesson, would anyone be kind to sum up what happened in the past 5 years? :D To be honest, there must be some problems with me because I still don't see what's that big deal. I hope someone can open my eyes.

And you ARE godmoding by inventing wars that never happened and saying that you own Hydlaa from behind the scenes.  If I remember right FROM READING YOUR STORY, one of your members is even Vigisemi.

You are right, I invented a war that was won by the Dark Empire. I haven't asked for their permission, I didn't know how to deal with these things but I asked Sangwa to cooperate in my last post to fix the issues. I'm up for any solution that's good for the DE. I would even cut that part of the story and write something else. So bomb me with your suggestions you guys!

Let me quote some lines from my guildstory: Click here to read the whole story!
It begins with these words: "Long time ago..." I think it's clear that it did not happen yesterday. Not even on the day before yesterday.
"Hetrius had been elected to be a Vigesimi while Knoterey started to run a smuggler network. " <-- I think this sentence is in past perfect tense.
"But someone had found out the relation between Hetrius and The Syndicate so he had to leave." <-- It means that Hetrius is no longer a Vigesimi, doesn't it?
"He had to flee, he had to give up all his busniesses, belongings and dreams... " <-- The Sydicate had been abolished.
"After ages of waiting, Two strangers entered the gates of Hydlaa. They took one more step forward, then nodded to each other. They went on different ways but with same thoughts: They wanted to restore the power once they had..." <-- The last sentence suggests us that they have no power now...

Sangwa, I saw you were faster than me but I have no time right now, so I'm gonna answer you later. Just one another thing! The line that you quoted does not look like the original one. That had a ;)

Guilds Forum / Re: [GUILD] The Syndicate
« on: February 02, 2007, 06:13:15 am »
Ooops... Finally some critics. :)

Firstly, I thought a battle that was won by the DE does not shakes the ground. I thought a guild like the DE had many fights over the years. Just to "shake" the story of your guild: How can it be so powerful with just 2 battles won by the DE? I thought one more battle that was won by the DE might heighten their reputation but  :oops: I can rewrite the guild story if it's a problem. But Sangwa, please do your best and help me to insert the DE in the story ;)

I would like to organize at least 1 RP within the guild on each week.

I can't understand this. I usually roleplay everytime I join Planeshift.

Ok, I try to explain it: Call it quest, mission, whatever with rewards. Read the website, I think I wrote it somewhere there. The whole PS is a roleplay game, that's right. But you have to RP that Harnquist has problems since he is an NPC. (I hope I don't have to ask permission for RPs that involve NPCs from the dev team  ;D )

About the ranks:
You are right it's not that original, it's not that well developed but the hierarchy based on the guild points. Read the website. I hope this idea is more original like ;)

They had the Kada-El, even Brado had to pay them for protection.
I've started this game 4 months ago. I saw two different people running the tavern of Kada-el. Is my story that unbelieveable? I don't really see any problem with it but throw some rocks at me if I'm wrong. About Brado: Perhaps he was blackmailed or the members of the sydicate were scared away his customers and he had to play. I said nothing about how it was solved. Perhaps Brado was p*ssed off enough to kill those people who ruined his business. (Or asked the DE for help :D ) Should I read the PS story once more? I thought all the portals were opened by VodĂșl but so be it. I'll edit this part. (I hope it is the biggest problem with the guild...) Nobody said that VodĂșl opened that portal just for me. I don't want to sound harsh but it sounds like you just had a look at the website and did not really read the story. (Or my english is that bad...) The Shadow of Darkness and the Outlaws were just mentioned. Nothing else, nothing more. (I hope they are not p*ssed off for mentioning their names...) You have to separate the past and the present. The brothers are older now, much more older...(But i can rewrite the story that the Syndicate was led by a couple and their children returned.) Their defeat by the DE was in the past and they returned now. Hetrius started some legal businesses, the story of Knoterey is not finished yet. (I have no idea what he wants to do, it's up to Raaka.) About the smugglers: As far as I remember The Outlaws had a good RP about smuggling something to Hydlaa. (Alcohol or drugs I cant remember, It was fun.) Izzabella tried to pickpocket my character many times and I always RP'd that way. We rolled and if she won, i gave her money. (Unforunately she was caught three times :D )

I just really did not want a guild without past, without purpose. (Hmm.. Does the Syndicate have purpose? I hope it has :) ) My opinion is different about the godmodding thing. I think the defeat of the DE would have been godmodding but the DE won, that's the point. The Syndicate was crushed, disbanded, destroyed, whatever. That's the point.

I know I could not solve all the problems in one post but I'm looking forward to hear more comments.

Guilds Forum / Re: [GUILD] The Syndicate
« on: January 30, 2007, 03:23:45 am »
I'm astonished. So many positive responses.  :thumbup:

Yep, Ryiel and Nurahk get along well ;)
Anyone who wants to join, feel free to contact Ryiel in game.

The first RP is on its way: "Harn is going out of business!"
But I need 10 members for it ;)

Guilds Forum / Re: [GUILD] The Syndicate
« on: January 29, 2007, 02:16:38 pm »
Thank you very much Bereror, therefore I can base my story on it. They are most probably open but there could be ones that opened later or were open for a longer period.

In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: Festi de Vaern - My vision come to life
« on: January 29, 2007, 01:49:09 pm »
It's a offtopic a little bit but what happened to the Oja fest?

Guilds Forum / Re: [GUILD] The Syndicate
« on: January 29, 2007, 01:13:01 pm »
The Syndicate wants power, no matter the way leads to it is legal or illegal. That's why I wouldn't like consider this guild to be an evil-like guild. I edited my first response but metion my solution again: I haven't seen any information about the portals. Are they still open yet or closed now? If they are open, then Hetrius and his brother can be old enough but they're still alive. That talad thing was a joke, nothing else.

Guilds Forum / Re: [GUILD] The Syndicate
« on: January 29, 2007, 01:01:28 pm »
@Gharan: It's up to you, thanks for reading it though ;)

@Nurahk: Thanks, I knew this is a good way to convince people ;)

@Parallo: It wasn't a declaration of guildwar ;) I just tried to make a complex story. Hmm... Perhaps Talad reincarnated them, found the river of life... :) You are right... I should patch that hole somehow... (Are those portals closed now? Forgive me but I could not find any information about it...)
I just wanted to mention some guilds (for example the IIA) in order to contact them and cooperate with them in the near future for some RPs. ;)

Guilds Forum / [GUILD] The Syndicate
« on: January 29, 2007, 12:25:39 pm »
Website: The Syndicate

"After ages of waiting, Two strangers entered the gates of Hydlaa. They took one more step forward, then nodded to each other. They went on different ways but with same thoughts: They wanted to restore the power once they had..."
Click here for the whole story

[The reason why I haven't posted the whole story, just a short extract of it, is to drive people to our website ;) ]

What's this guild about?
RP. I saw some guilds with such purposes: "To have fun, to gather all the players of the republic of Djibuoti together, to kick some dwarf a*ses." I hope the background story is good enough to start a huge RP and smaller ones within the guild. I would like to organize at least 1 RP within the guild on each week. I accept any kind of help from any guild! All the RPs within the guild will be rewarded. (Guild points, weapons, etc...)

Structure of The Syndicate
The leaders of The Syndicate are two brothers, Knoterey and Hetrius or as they call themselves: The Heads. They are the bosses behind the scenes. Nobody, not even the guild members have ever seen them.
Below the heads, the power is in two members' hands. They are the right and the left hand of The Heads. They get their orders directly from the heads, they are the voice of The Heads.

Firstly, I would like to declare that there isn't any "lower rank". The only thing that matters is the guild points. Nothing else. Let's see the ranks so far:
1. Grunt: Everyone who just joined the guild. Of course The Heads want to make sure that each and every one of the guild members is loyal to them.
2. Merchant: As the name states, they are the "gear" in this machine. The Syndicate runs different kind of businesses, such as Inns, Weapon shops, etc...
3. Mercenary: If you can pay them, they'll fight for you, by your side.
4. Assassin: Difference between the Mercenary and the Assassin is that they cannot be hire by non-guildmembers (Because they do not exist in the eye of the public). They are the silent wish of the Heads.
5. The Voice: Those who proved their loyality to the Heads, they are responsible for recruiting new members, convince them to join us. They are the eyes and ears of the Heads.
6. Retired member: All those who does not or cannot take part of our RPs anymore. (for RL reasons)
7. Craftsman: All those who are creative enough and have the knowledge to produce.
8. Left hand of the Heads: Raaka
9. Right hand of the Heads: Ryiel Fohpaws

Simply: Neutral.
Mercenaries are neutral. They like you if you pay them and they hate you if someone else pays more. Craftsmen like you if you buy their product. What else should I say? Of course, assassins are not the nicest persons but it's only a job for them...

Why should I join?
We try to offer as much RP as we can. I hope we can cooperate with some other guilds who are up for some RP. If you think this game isn't for roleplaying: Think again!

Ps.: This is my first guild, this is one of my first posts, all critics are welcome but please, don't be cruel ;)

In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: The Marriage of Mirey and Alecin Fenerie
« on: January 14, 2007, 04:18:36 am »
*Ryiel notices the poster and nods* "Of course I'll be there!"

[I'm downloading the movie right now. Thanks!]

In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: The Wedding of Marqsaynt and Semutara
« on: December 31, 2006, 08:40:09 am »
[One of the best RPs ever! Thank you so much guys! Ryiel still got his hangover! *grin* ]

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