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Messages - Okim

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Poetry, Comedy, and other. / Re: The Battle of gods
« on: April 17, 2007, 12:24:36 pm »
[Shame Shame indeed.  Well, I'll go and give a character into this]

Name: Minerva
Age: 25
Job: Seer
Race: Xacha
Status: Unknown, yet

according to Minerva, there is a strange meeting of the gods above.  It is of a great battle between the gods of the moon and the gods of the sun.  What will come of it is a mystery to her as of yet, but the consequences to the mortals of the world cannot be good.

Not all news is bad, however, as she predicts a party of heros to save the mortals.  Amoung them is a fish-like man from another time...

Single Author Stories / Re: The Outsider
« on: April 14, 2007, 02:10:02 pm »
Chapter 2: The Welcome Party

Staggering about this city she was in, Mikodite found a small park-like location with grass, a tree and a circle of stone benches.  Mikodite took a seat on one of those benches, and started to sort through some of her thoughs.  Why did she feel this way?  Why was her senses screamming danger when none was present?  Why did this feel of fire surge through her?  What was it about this world that made her feel so uneasy, so different, so much a stranger in a strange body?  How whould this affect her mission?

Her though trail was broken by loud footsteps.  She turned around to discover a group of man in torn shirts, raggish pants, and swords.  They stared at her with peircing eyes, with the thoughs of malious running through their minds.  Finally, the biggest one, likely the leader, stepped towards her while the rest circled and surrounded her.

"Looky ere boys," the big one said when approaching, "how much do yea think she be worth?"
"What do you want?" Mikodite snarled in a tired and contempful voice.
The lead brigand grabbed her by the shoulders.  Fighting her feelings impossed by this world, she reached into her belt while the leader proceeded to kiss her.  She pulled out a dagger - meant mostly for defence than battle - and pulled her lips away from the brigand.
"Heh, a fighta eh?" he said in her face, "You should be worth entertaining or two, eh?  Whadda think bo..." that was when Mikodite stabbed him in the gut and agian in the chest.  When he reached down to examine his newly given wounds, Mikodite got enough reach to pass her tiny blade through his throat.  He fell to the ground hard.  Mikodite though she was safe until she realized that big brigand wasn't alone.  The members of his gang enclosed their circle, with one of them saying "You die bach, I get vengence!"

Mikodite quickly spun around to see where everyone was coming from.  There was one whose intellengence was as good as an impatient dwarf that charged with his sword.  The dagger being useless in a charge would have him causing damage, but Mikodite was the faster combatant, and she dodged his attack with a simple side-step and swung a kick on the back of his head with the grace known to a well-trained ninja.  He fell down, and when he got back up, Mikodite abused a hole in the circle thanks to him and she ran down the street.  Some of them pursued while others fell back realizing they might have been outclassed.  Mikodite realized one was gainning on her and she stopped dead in her tracks and ducked, watching her untrained opponent trip on her and fall to the ground.  She got up, throwing a kick at the guy that was behind the one that got tripped.  She got him with the kick in the chin, which snapped his neck with a loud cracking sound and he fell to the ground.  Mikodite ran into an allyway and finally lost those brigands.

She found herself sitting high on a stone wall, hoping the brigands couldn't climb.  There she realized this wold be a very dangerous mission: more dangerous then the king sold to her.  Knowing she would be in this world for a while, she would have to get better blades and find a place to sleep.  Meanwhile, she sat on the wall and kept lookout for that gang.

There was something about that fight that had made her feel more natural, as if she was meant to do that.  This feeling disturbed her, and she wonder what was happening to her.  The magic in this world was changing her entire constitution, making her blood boil with energy and her senses useless.  This was why she had no immediate plans to come down from the wall, or sleep.  However, as the night rolled in, she eventually submited to sleep.

"Hoy up there!" was the first thing Mikodite heard since falling to sleep.  She woke up with a start and saw a man standing at the foot of the wall.  He was in aged clothing and had sun-brown hair, sky eyes and a round wonder about him.  "Hoy there!  How did you get up there?"
"Who are you?" Mikodite asked in that voice one has when they first wake up.
"Hey there, pretty, I asked you first!"
Mikodite got the impression that this man was trustworthy and she jumped down the wall, landing with stealth precision in front of the man.  He appeared impressed with this show of agility and then asked "You an angel?"
"No," Mikodite said, "I'm simply trained."
"Trained!?" the man responded, "The last time I saw someone sitting on a wall, it was an angel."
"Sorry to disappoint," Mikodite replied as she straightened out.
"Disappoint? Please.  You definintly don't disappoint m'lady," he replied while blushing.
"Do you know where the Inn is?" she asked him, "I'm new to town and do not know where anything is."

"I can take you, no problem," he told her as he looked down the road and gestured Mikodite to follow.  She followed him quietly, walking out of the shadow of the wall.  The man looked back again and saw the blood on her shirt and pants from the night previous.  He stopped in his tracks and grabbed her shoulders in an urgant fashion.  With a look of shock he asked "What happened to to you?  Are you hur hurt?"
"I was attacked by bandits last night.  I'm not hurt," Mikodite replied calmly, "Thanks for your concern."
"My poor girl!" the man responded in anger, "How those damn bandits could lay their hands on an angel like you?"
"I'm not an angel. And it happens," Mikodite said, "I can defend myself."
"Amazing!  To the inn we go!" the man stated in excitement, "You can even share my room in the inn!  It would be an honour, really!"
Without much in the name of money, and learning how dangerous the town was, Mikodite would have no choice but to take his offer.  Returning his offer seemed to really excite him.  He lead her to the inn building, stopped, turned and said "By the way, I'm Orchani.  Who might you be?"

General Discussion / Re: Something nice about Planeshift
« on: April 13, 2007, 07:57:57 pm »
 :offtopic: (enough about boobs, newb stupidity and stereotyping)

Planeshift is an awsome game because people roleplay and are very mature roleplayers that actually roleplay.  It's easy to meet people online and friends come very well.  The community is nice and, unlike some works in progress that seem hopeless, there is still plenty of hope that this game will only get better with age.

Single Author Stories / The Outsider
« on: April 12, 2007, 08:25:52 pm »
[No, this isn't on of these roleplay writting exercise, it's just me writting a story about one of my characters in game.  The device I use just simply give excuse for why a smart and witting character sort of acts like a newb at times.]

Chapter 1: Walking out of the Portal

After walking through the portal, she stood in an empty field near a town with stone walls.  Mikodite looked around her to see that she had reached this world in the middle of the night.  She was not scared, but trouble she was as scenery was unfamiliar and sounds all around her were strange.  She had been in unnerving situations before, but this was very uncomfortable; and it would only get worse from here.

Mikodite closed her eyes to picture what her home was like before she left her husband and two children in her hometown in a world far away, before she entered the capital of this world and being before the king, whom had a quest for her.  Accepting this mission, knowing the importance of it, she voluntarly walked through a magical portal hearing the king in the background "There goes the finest spy in our kingdom to stop a catastrophy". 

As implied, Mikodite was a rogue that trained in the deadly assassin arts.  Life riding with a street gang made her cold and steely.  The blades she owned gave her a reputation among the more powerful of her ability to deliver death.  This was until she met Nate, whom opened sometihng in her heart she never felt since she was young and had to unlearn to survive her world.  After that she served with the spies in the kingdom, mostly scouting and undercover missions.

So now, for a mission of upmost importance, she said goodbye to her husband and to the children that she brough for him and walked to the castle and through a portal of magic, to a realm of demons.

The air in this world she walked in was thick with magic: she could feel it in the air like nothing before.  The air didn't just feel funny, it also gave this feel of anxiety that made her feel uneasy.  The ground radiated with this feel and she saw it in the world.  The elf in her kept giving her this uncanny feeling that she was in danger, yet after looking around a bunch of times had to believe that her otherwise sharp sixth-sense would be useless here, and would have to get use to that fact.

It wasn't just the enviroment that felt odd, but Mikodite relized that she had these feelings that she never had before.  She felt her blood boil, and not being sure why.  Her mother was an occultic priestess of elf decent, but she never knew her father , who could have been anyone and anything.  This feeling of power and fire within her was what started to frighten her.  The panic beng that the world she was in would change her, perhaps into something mostrosic or worse.

"I've spent too much time standing here thinking it was a mistake to come here," Mikodite told herself, "I got to remember why I'm here... yes, for my world and beyond."

At what appeared to be midnight, Mikodite walked towards the city walls and walked along the border until finding an entrance.  She shimmied herself through a tight crack between a steel gate and a stone wall and found herself in a cobblestone city.  She figured based on the appearence of the houses that she was in a slum, though this though quickly passed through her mind as her blood still boiled and still worried her.

Eventually, a odd-drunkish man approached her - a very short and stout man with a long brown beard and matching long hair.  She walked up to him in a skiddish state and, trying to be calm and composed, asked him "Excuse me, what land I'm I in?"

The man picked up on her bewilderment and worry-filled eyes and replied "You be smoken them herbs or somethin'?  Your still in Yliakum.  This is Hydlaa city."  He then asked mistakenly "You need some monay?  I could use some companay, if you know what I maan?"

"I'm not a tart," Mikodite responded in anger, "Thank you for the info now leave me be!"  Thne she walked away from him and wondered around the city looking for shelter.  This was going to be a long mission.

Poetry, Comedy, and other. / A poem, post by post
« on: April 12, 2007, 03:20:25 pm »
[Out of boredom, I'm going to start off a poem, and then you add a stanza to it.  We keep going with this and there should be a really interesting poem.  Stick to a stanza at a time and remember it doesn't have to be a story, and you can change the stanza structure as you post (if a,a,b,b is boring for you, not that I would start it like that).  Remember, put comments in square brackets.]

Enter the dark
Where eyes stare out
Where the devil sleeps
As the vile come about
As it sounds it's peeps
Then it makes it's mark

 :o so if the updater doesn't work, how does one get the recent patches?  Does it mean that I have to redownload and reinstall the client?

Collaborative Stories / Re: Turn-Taking Story
« on: April 11, 2007, 06:45:42 pm »
[before it goes in the direction I think it's going...]

"Go on," Mosin said coldly, but not enraged.

"I was heading to town when this strange girl appeared," Grokin began to tell, "She looked at me and asked what I was doing..." Grokin trailed off in fear and said quickly "...and then this bandits appeared..."

Mosin held his dagger up to Grokin's throat "Remember you owe me, you babbling rock-dwarf," he grawled.

"Ok ok!" Grokin replied in a panic, "This girl asked where I was going.  I told her I was going to the tavern here.  She whispered into my ear a strange phrase: ish-ish ick spach.  I didn't know what it meant but I then I followed here to this cave and, well, a Black Flame priestest has it now!"

"What!!!" Mosin rawred, but he put his dagger back in it's sheath for the truth and grawled on, "As you were ready to walk away with that tavern tart, you walzed away at the first available girl you meet, and you gave her the treasure of Azure Sun!"

"I swear, I didn't mean to..." Grokin mumbled in sobs, as even he was abhored about how he was given a simple task of upmost importance and he couldn't do it.  He indeed owed Mosin for the life of his mother, and ever since had to help him out with many things, including the rite the treasure was to be used for.

"Sober yourself up, and then we chase after that woman," Mosin ordered.

"What exactly do you mean?" Sintha asked Broshine.
"I was to find the 'girl of fate', to save our world," Broshine said.
"Why do you think it's me?" Sintha inquired , "The fates weren't exactly kind to me."
"What on earth do you mean?" Broshine told her, "You seem to be a nice young lady.  Disturb perhaps, but that can be worked on."

"Look at me.  I'm a orphan, I never saw my parents, I'm broke, I wear rages and can't hold gold coins in my bare hands!" Sintha quickly said in an irrate state, "I tried to pick you up cuz I though you had an interest in my body and lust in your heart!  How does that make me blessed?"
"I'm sorry my girl," the Xacha lowered his head, "I'm blind."

Collaborative Stories / Re: Turn-Taking Story
« on: April 10, 2007, 04:42:56 pm »
As the Diaboli and the dwarf of unknown tribe motioned out of the bar, the Xacha in all of his unusual glare and questionable intentions stared into Sintha's eyes.  Sintha could not resist this look and fearfully stared back as a narsist stared at their own reflection.  The Xacha then motioned for her to come with a pale and discoloured fingure.  Sintha saw the hint and made her approach.

"Name your price," Sintha said in a trembling voice, "it's obvious you want me."
"I've been waiting for you, but not for that m'lady" he replied very calmy.
"What do you mean?" Sintha inquired.
"What is your race?" he asked.
"I'm an orpan, I do not know," she replied as matter of fact.
"Hold this for me," the Xacha said as he passed her a shiny metal bar.  Sintha touched the bar and learned it was platinum.  It burned her tanned hands.
"Your Ynnwn, as I though" he replied, "I'm Broshine, and I have a quest for you."

Collaborative Stories / Turn-Taking Story
« on: April 09, 2007, 05:27:41 pm »
[Ok here's how this will work:  I'll write an opening to a tale, and you add something else to that story.  We keep going with this and get a very cool story that the poster's wrote.  It doesn't have to be paragraph after paragraph of text: in fact it might be better to have it short.  If your just posting a comment, please put it in square brackets so future readers know it isn't part of the story.  With that, onto the intro.]

That day was expecially coated with blood.  Continual waring among the many factions of the world raged on.  It was after a tactical move by General Yesive, a Ylian man in charge of the Blue Moon faction, that ended an occupation of a neighbouring town.  It was a bloody undertaking, and that town as a result is no more, with nothing but broken glass, torched buildings and corpses everywhere.

So, sitting in a tavern in a small town north of the Yliakum caves, Sintha sipped red wine out of a small glass.  News of the obliterated town reached her ear, but she didn't really care - she was too stoned and drunk to care - as she sipped her wine and eyed a strange hooded man in the corner of the tavern, staring down at his table in an odd stance.  After a while he looked up.  He was a pale Xacha with dark hair and pale eyes.  She stared at him with intrigue, wondering what someone like him would be doing here.

At that point, a dark Diaboli man strolled in, as attractive as the Diaboli are famed for - rippling muscles, smooth skin, dark hair and eyes, and a well groomed gotie.  Knowing that she would have better luck with the Diaboli as their also famed sex drive, Sintha approached him.

Let me get this straight.  Lowering the graphics setting would fix the cpu problem.  Look at this:

Are the developers sure there isn't a memory leak somewhere.

Not fully worried though.  Planeshift is a work in progress after all.  I will do as suggested.  I have never seen a program eat that much CPU and RAM though.

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