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Messages - Izzabella

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In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: The Amdeneir Yule Ball
« on: November 21, 2016, 09:00:25 am »
*Izzabella wraps up a lump of coal* "Bring a gift huh?"

Looks like an interesting event to crash attend. I should be able to make this.

Fan Art / Re: Mishka's 3D learning thread
« on: November 16, 2016, 05:33:27 am »
Both items look good. Can't wait to see the crossbow in game. Good job Mishka! \\o//


OH and there is third one,  the LUCK.   ;D

Oh my gosh I swore that's all it was for the longest time!! I spent many times practicing with Djugu, Farirro, Tozaun, Deryna, Kramillia few others but most consistently them. Djugu and Far kept telling me it's all in the timing blah blah blah....finally one night somehow it just clicked and I was able to figure it out-- I think it was  Djugu's patience with me that might have helped.

So now I know timing does have something to do with it....but I still think it's mostly luck.  :whistling:

Also any of the guys mentioned above are really great at teaching and practicing with you even if your stats are not maxed out, they really encouraged me to join in and teach me what they could. They have  methods to help teach timing and such and you can still practice with them.

General Discussion / Re: Food for Thought: Tavern Brawls
« on: October 01, 2016, 08:09:38 pm »
By settings brados should be filled with drunken brawls, barflys, and other colorful people. But as it stands, it's mostly empty. It's more sedate than Kada-El's and that's not right. ;)

So, if you have a character given to carousing or at least starting things, please take time to provide the needed color at Brados. The settings will appreciate it if you do. And if you don't have such a character please consider making one.

Remember everybody, this is the tavern where it is ok to throw a punch. ;)

From another post of yours.... I've always had this in the back of my mind and told other outlaws nah lets go drink at Brado's so we can start some trouble!  ;D

oh I did not even check the link haha! I just read it and realized that's the site I used before  :)

I've never had any issues with the site.

Also, you can edit your previous post vs multiple posts. 

Where to create a forum website?

This is one is free and fairly easy to use. They include videos on how to do it too. There's a little bit of a learning curve, but it's not that hard once you get the hang of it.

Yes super easy to learn, if a total noob like me can figure this out anyone can do it, really! I set up the outlaws forums here years ago and was actually shocked at how easy it was to do or figure out how to do!

PlaneShift News and Rules / Re: Forum Server Move
« on: August 23, 2016, 11:18:31 pm »
I poked them about changing the topic on the IRC chan so that's done already thanks to Lilu :)

Wish list / Re: Items gathering Jobs
« on: August 15, 2016, 01:47:09 am »
To my understanding if your mining skill his higher or your gathering herbs you are more successful and you get higher quality items already. No?

Newbie Help (Start Here) / Re: Jongleur's Balls Quest
« on: August 13, 2016, 03:35:57 am »
I wondered about that latter... And yeah it took me a while to notice the arrow that continued on the first few times as well. Glad you got it all sorted out!

Newbie Help (Start Here) / Re: Jongleur's Balls Quest
« on: August 11, 2016, 01:15:06 pm »
Did you select that you knew the answer? Or just type the answer? I find that sometimes confuses the NPC if I don't do that first.
You can always do an in game petition and someone can assist you and see where you are at on the quest and if you did mess it up, I've done this quest however recently enough that I don't think it's a bugged quest or anything. I'm sorry I'm not of much help- Maybe even try going to back now and see what Levrus has to say to you and where it picks up at and  try again?

PlaneShift News and Rules / Re: New quests and monsters!
« on: August 07, 2016, 10:54:31 pm »
Thanks venalan you guys are doing a great job!

General Discussion / Re: Tutorial Voiceover
« on: July 28, 2016, 02:27:03 am »
How have I  not noticed this beofre now!? I will check this out in the morning!! What fun. This must have been done while I was away.... but still I've not heard theme speak!

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Hello out there...
« on: July 18, 2016, 03:47:28 pm »
Heard you were back - have fun! I dig the recent kidnapping RP thread :)

Thanks....not sure if I know who you are xD

Guilds Forum / Re: [GUILD] The Outlaws
« on: July 18, 2016, 02:29:21 pm »
Guess I should post a little something here. I'm not sure if anyone still playing had members still in the guild. I've done a little clean up ;) but any former outlaw is always welcome to join again just message me here or in game or find me on irc.

I'm doing what I can with the help of others  (always looking for more help or ideas!)
The outhaws are indeed back, up and running again and actively seeking new members. I've quoted this other post because I feel it explains things pretty well.

I'very not played in many years so im getting the hang of things once again as well our forums are back up and running-they got shut down due to inactivity but because I started them I was able to regain access to get themy back and it was really great to browse through some of that stuff and see what you guys accomplished after I'd moved on. I don't know that I can make the Outlaws as great as you guys once did but I'm here to give a try! So far we are doing pretty good and there are several of us lurking around in dark shadows ;)
In fact we just pulled off a rather nicely executed kidnapping recently.

Quote from: Rigwyn
link=topic=34899.msg453124#msg453124 date=1321052850
The Outlaws is Now Recruiting

I'm looking for a few good players who either know how to role play, or are willing to learn. An interest in writing and willingness to learn about the settings is a huge plus. We are looking to put the "E" back into Evil, the "O" back into Outlaws. If you are interested in role playing and/or writing collaboratively, then please send me a message or find me in-game. Given the small community and large world, an OOC message is perfectly acceptable.

What sort of mayhem do I have in mind?

Oh gee whiz, I don't know...


It really depends on the crowd. Trust me when I say that I am fairly liberal; my past history is proof of that. To start, I would like to work on rebuilding our loving community. We were once a nice, tightly knit family -always watching each others backs (not that we had to of course...), keeping an eye on others, acquiring goods for one another, running scams .. er eh .. I mean *businesses* and such.. What fun it was...

What I found most fun, however; was writing about our adventures and sharing them on the forums. It was a treat to see fellow players do the same - adding their perspective to the evolving story day by day. There were those stories that were highly visible, and then those that were hidden on our private forum.

If you think you might get off on this, then shoot me a message and we'll plan on meeting in-game. If you are more interested in simply writing offline in the collaborative forums, then message me anyway and we can do that too.

Whisper Bless,
- Rig

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