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Messages - Jarexia

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General Discussion / Re: Why I don't roleplay more
« on: November 27, 2009, 12:10:37 am »
One factor for me is time. I`m busy in real life and don`t get more than an hour or two on PS each day. During those few hours I want to have fun. And I do that by organizing adventures. RPing everyday life can be fun and I like it once in a while, but my time is limited so I like to plan a bit of drama.

After my experiences as an Outlaw I`ve found that it isn`t easy finding victims for crime RPs. You`ll either be ignored or challenged before you`ve managed to say more than a couple of sentences (and I`m not much for duels). However, if I know a few players who`re usually up for being the victim (and sure, maybe next time I`ll let them win one over on me: no one wants to always be the loser) and are often on at the same time as me (and I`m usually on during the low-population times mind you) then why not shoot them a Tell? That or I waste what little time I do have in game being ignored by those who aren`t up for it.
Along the way we usually end up attracting some more players, be they new or otherwise.

I used to do a lot of tabletop RPGs and one thing I enjoyed (and it made things more fun for the players) was customizing the adventures for the player`s characters. Likewise in PS if I know what characters are likely to be available, I can tool my plot to their strengths and weaknesses.

A quick comment on the use of alts...
I have no issues with using alts for minor roles in RPs. If it advances the story...if you really need someone for a small and temporary role but there isn`t anyone suitable available...etc. So long as you keep in mind, as Aiwendil said, that the alt character is not the main character and what one knows the other will not.

I know the Red Crystal Den has (and possibly always will be) a source of stress for Aiwendil and Lhaa. I can only hope it also provides them some measure of fun and enjoyment...and a forum for them to teach others their way of RPing.

I`m not saying anyone`s way of RPing is right. Each to their own. I think that so long as you`re not causing too much stress for other players, then live and let live. If you feel that there aren`t enough people RPing the way you do, then instead of retreating/withdrawing, why not get out there and try to mould some other players to your way of doing things?
For what it`s worth, that`s my opinion on the matter.

In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: Tapestry Of Secrets
« on: November 20, 2009, 06:21:40 pm »
[Thank you! For those who would like to read the gory logs, give thanks to Rigwyn and head here: But be warned, it`s a fair bit more...detailed.]

In-Game Roleplay Events / [RP] Tapestry Of Secrets
« on: November 20, 2009, 12:08:40 am »
Tapestry of Secrets
[Rather than posting the full (and rather gory) logs, I`m posting a summary of the intro to this new RP]

Prologue – The Waylaid Courier
It had been a long journey from the 3rd Level and Residy was tired. All his life he had been a courier, racing across the levels (and occasionally up and down them) delivering letters and parcels, but this was the first time his work had taken him to the Dome. The package he carried was important, not to mention valuable, but time –he was told- was not particularly vital, and so he had taken the long way up to the Dome. Besides, he enjoyed the exercise and the countryside. Had he taken the winch he would have missed out on so many wondrous sights. The Cups of Laanx, the city of Sarpendil over the Irifon river, the ruins of Ylon Dynari, the exquisite qulams of Shimieth...but he felt sure he was nearing the end of his trek.
Rounding a bend in the road he noticed a rather curious cluster of tents on the grassland to the side of the roadway. He could even smell the porg roasting on a spit at the center of the camp and his stomach noisily reminded him that he hadn`t eaten for some hours. He could see a couple of people by a table at the camp`s edge: might as well get a bite to eat and ask directions at the same time...

As he came closer to the camp he started to have doubts. The individuals under the covered stalls looked more like cutthroats than vendors, swathed in black and watching him with hungry eyes, but the weight of the claymore strapped to his back was comforting. Nevertheless he tightened his hold on his satchel and its contents.

The two at the table were both enkidukai; one female, in battered plate mail armour and a helmet with four horns curving round before her face, the lower half of which was covered by, of all things, a fine purple handkerchief. The other was a stocky male wrapped in belts, from which hung several curiously empty scabbards. His hand was closed around a quarterstaff.
Taking a deep breath the ylian courier called out a greeting to them and asked if they could direct him to Hydlaa. The menki turned and pointed to a hill, indicating that the city was not far beyond it...but the fenki regarded him with an avaricious stare. Soon the pair were asking him about his journey...and what he carried. He turned to leave but, while the fenki rushed to block his path, his feet were swept from under him by the menki`s quarterstaff and he found himself on his back, his weapon pinned under him.
He refused to give up his burden, and this sealed his fate.
He was soon gagged and his limbs systematically hacked off with an axe, Red and Crystal-way magic being used to cauterize and heal the stumps...the poor ylian succumbing to shock and unconsciousness before they had finished with him.

He eventually came to, his body racked with pain, in a location he had only been to once before in his life...for he found himself lying on his back in the cold, dark catacombs of Dakkru`s realm. He attempted to stand, only to find that he could not. He tried to push himself upright yet did not move. Craning his neck he looked down at his body to find that his arms and legs had not accompanied him from Yliakum. He opened his mouth to shout for help but could manage no more than a formless bellow, for his tongue too had been taken.
Like some obscenely large consumer grub he began to crawl across the chamber and up the roughly hewn stone staircase...

Meanwhile back in Yliakum the two outlaws divided up the loot: the man`s boots, his tria purse and claymore, before opening his bag to reveal its contents. A bottle of schaeminare soap which the menki took, needing it to clean himself up after the butcher`s work...and a rolled scroll of cloth. The fenki unrolled it to reveal an exquisite woven image of the Iron Temple.

She pocketed it, already thinking about who she could sell it to and how much she might demand...

Guilds Forum / Re: [GUILD] The Outlaws
« on: November 12, 2009, 09:18:46 am »
A quick update to say that Kaisa, Jonoth, Rigwyn and Elvi are now the guild`s representatives.

In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: race at howling well
« on: November 02, 2009, 09:31:58 pm »
25 participants? There`s a fair chance of that being half of Yliakum`s population. I`ve done Run For The Money in the sewers two or three times now and never had 20 participants, even at relatively high-population-times. For your first event you might want to start a little smaller.
(and be prepared for a few "I crashed out" Tells: this is the sewers)

General Discussion / Re: Concerning our beloved deities
« on: October 28, 2009, 08:41:48 pm »
I (Kaisa) have a fortune-telling deck of cards. Based on the figures from the Yliakum calendar (Deshiin, Twivenis, Vooreva, etc) and the Gods. I use maps since they can contain both text and images. Each card has a few different aspects related to that god/icon, for example
"Deshiin, the sign of the Steady Hand. Steadiness, perserverance, willpower."
"Talad. Impulsiveness, strength, jealousy, masculinity."
"Dakkru. Death, rebirth, cycle, payment."
I let the customer choose to be dealt between two and five cards. The more cards: the more detail, but also the higher the possibility of confusion or a misreading, and ask them what they want to know about ("will I succeed on my quest?", "will I find luck in love?", etc).
All the cards are kept in a sack and a dice is rolled to randomise which are draw.
It`s then up to the fortune teller to see the relationship between the cards and how they relate to the customer.

Here`s an example from yesterday...
(00:44:34) Kaisa smiles and takes out a pack of cards, "How about we see if your luck in love is set to change."
(00:45:48) Kaisa says: Okay. Two to five cards. The more cards the deeper the reading...but the more chance of confusion. How many do you want?
(00:46:26) Lace smiles at Cesun "im fine "then turn back to Kaisa "hmm ill take 3 "smiles
(00:46:43) >Player Kaisa has rolled a 15-sided die for a 2.
(00:46:44) >Player Kaisa has rolled a 15-sided die for a 14.
(00:46:44) >Player Kaisa has rolled a 15-sided die for a 11.
(00:46:48) >Kaisa Tuulod dropped a map.
(00:46:51) >Kaisa Tuulod dropped a map.
(00:46:52) >Kaisa Tuulod dropped a map.
(00:47:20) Kaisa says: Dakkru...Deshiin...and Cheliss....let`s see.
(00:47:58) Kaisa says: Cheliss signifies logic..being unemotional.
(00:48:17) Kaisa says: Deshiin: perserverance.
(00:48:33) Kaisa says: Dakkru: rebirth. Cycles.
(00:49:11) Kaisa turns to Lace, "I`d say you need to start again. A new cycle. But be logical. Methodical. And don`t give up."
(00:50:16) Lace smiles kaisa "thank you kaisa cheliis and deshiin describe me quite well ill keep that my mind "

That`s a very basic example, but illustrates it quite clearly.

Find Kaisa, often in the plaza, if you want to try. :)

Guilds Forum / Re: [Guild] The Brigade*
« on: August 27, 2009, 11:35:56 pm »
This sounds good. Very promising.

I like the idea of medals (there are various pendants and badges as quest rewards and quest items that you could use until mechanics are introduced to support this...even try to get them engraved by the GM/NPC engraver) and titles.

I`d suggest awarding GP for presence in game, general good RP, assisting fellow guild members (preferably in an IC manner) and, an important one IMO: the organizing and participation in guild events.
It sounds like teamwork will be a big thing for this guild, so Group hunts sound like a good idea, particularly for training.

I`d be rather selective in who you recruit if I were you. Put them through a decent test of RP before inviting.

One question I have is: will we see Brigade members running through cities with weapons drawn?

You might want to look into OSP sponsorship/assistance in some way in the future.

Finally, if you want to organize an event with the Outlaws, feel free to contact me.

Wish list / Re: Roaming Kikiri
« on: August 23, 2009, 11:18:41 pm »
How was I supposed to know you couldn't kill the chicken, I just finished walking all the wait to Ojeva and I died :(

You can kill them, it`s just that one`s a bad mutha clucker.

In-Game Roleplay Events / [RP] In his father`s footsteps
« on: August 19, 2009, 05:12:39 am »
Yister Narach leaned over the straw-mattressed bed, his eyes never leaving those of the frail figure within it. A wet cough came from the mouth of the prone form, though the mouth itself smiled.
“Yister, my son-“
“Do not speak, father,” the young menki said, patting his sire`s hands. “Rest.”
The older menki chuckled though it quickly turned to a hacking cough that wracked his body.
“I- I will rest, soon enough, and forever. But you: you will live on. Carry on the family name, and its traditions.”
The son shook his head sadly, “But what of mother`s stall?”
The father took the son`s hand and squeezed it with his remaining strength, “I`ll be with your mother soon. I`ll make sure she doesn`t mind. Sell it. Sell this place too,” he looked with clouded eyes about the small adobe house.
“Father, I-“
The hand left Yister`s and for a moment it dropped back to the blanket and the son thought the end had come, but it rose again, one withered finger covered in silvered hair pointing toward the mantelpiece above the fire. To a small box made of split bamboo-canes. “Bring me it, my son.”
Yister rose, crossed the small room and returned to his dying father with the box, setting it on the old Blikau menki`s lap. He fumbled with the catch for a moment, batting away his son`s attempt to do it for him and finally eased the lid open. Within were several scrolls, a cylinder wrapped in cloth...and an ornate dagger, the pommel of which was shaped like the head of a pterosaur, the sheath of aged leather encrusted with scuffed gemstones. Yister knew what the scrolls contained: they were posters from over two decades ago, advertising exhibitions at the pterosaur arena north of Hydlaa. Exhibitions at which his father had been one of the main draws.
Narach the Elder took out the cloth-wrapped cylinder and handed it to Yister, who as soon as the heavy weight was put in his hands realized it was a stack of circles. Evidently his father`s savings.
“Not much, but the stall and this place should fetch you a bit more. Enough to get you to Hydlaa and get you a room,” he then, with the greatest of care, took out the dagger from the box and, holding it with both hands, presented it to Yister.
Yister bowed his head to hide his tears.
“What once was mine is now yours, my son.”
Yister accepted it with silent reverence.
“Go now,” the father said between wheezes, “seek out Krestal Dhusho, in the plaza of Hydlaa. He was but a young cub when I rode the beasts, but I hear he is the menki to see these days. He will set you on your path. Our path,” the old menki smiled and fell silent.
The son closed the small box, the posters still in it, and wrapped his father`s arms around it. He then carefully put the dagger in his belt and the circles in his pouch. Soon the house and his late mother`s stall were sold, his father`s body was on its way to the Burial Well...and Yister Narach set out toward Hydlaa to seek his fortune.

In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: Run For The Money
« on: July 12, 2009, 11:46:54 am »
So that`s where she was!
Well, points for originality. Melly was last to be caught.
Well done to all and thanks for taking part (even despite my delaying it all two hours).

In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: Run For The Money
« on: July 12, 2009, 05:34:40 am »
My apologies to all. Real Life forces me to delay the event to a 1400 GMT start...or cancel it. I`ll be on for 1400GMT and, if we have enough people it will proceed. If not, I`m sorry but I`ll try to reschedule it for another time. :(

In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: [RP] Scar-Cross`d Brothers
« on: July 12, 2009, 04:53:21 am »
Once this is done I can finally get Jarexia out of the DR!

In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: Run For The Money
« on: July 10, 2009, 06:13:36 pm »
So long as you`re not over :D

You`re character is named Bajazag, I take it? I`ll put you down as our fifth runner.

In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: Run For The Money
« on: July 10, 2009, 09:19:14 am »
So far:



Anyone`s welcome so long as you`re available for that hour and can get yourself to one of the sewer entrances 10 mins before we start.
Rigwyn, if you can make it on time you can be a runner (best to have more of them than hunters), or if you come after the start you can be a hunter (just be sure to shoot me a Tell before diving in).
If anyone else wants in, please post soon (the more runners the better!).

In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: Run For The Money
« on: July 07, 2009, 12:27:06 am »
So far:



Anyone`s welcome so long as you`re available for that hour and can get yourself to one of the sewer entrances 10 mins before we start.

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