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Messages - StitchedChin

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The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: The numbers are going back up!
« on: December 05, 2008, 08:00:17 pm »
It isn't an official stat, just been monitoring it with /who [targetname] or /who game the past few months to see how many players are online.  Also using:
to check to see who is online and how many are playing.  Offtime is more like weekdays-afterwork/night playing, not really when most everyone is asleep or at work.  And I'm not positive on the EU Offtime stat, since I only play around that time when I take a day off of work.  Does seem they have a bit bigger audience during their evening than US, may be way off on that.  I have definitely seen a pickup as the confidence and stability in the server has been pretty good since the last big crash.  Course we'll see if that theory is accurate as fragnetics has been out of commission for almost 24 hours now.  We'll see what kind of population we get when it comes back online.  Ah, fun stuff.

PvP,PK and Thieving / Re: Duel messages
« on: December 05, 2008, 06:59:25 pm »
What now?  -  I'll put in my two cents in.  :)

I'm fine with not being "warned" if I get attacked from behind or even face to face, if there was some sort of balance and defense in the game.  So if someone comes up behind my character, they should have to roll twice, once that they surprise my character, and another that they hit my character.  If they pass both of those, then with a bonus to hit, they'd carry out their attack, and as my character has failed to show better reactions then the attacker, I shouldn't get the message to allow me to hit my keyboard and mouse fast enough to dodge the attack.  Ah, I can see this is more complicated then I thought when first reading it.  As with PS should we be separating "my character" and "me" because if someone does a good job of trying to backstab my character and has all the stats and skills to do so, why should they be denied that just because I can work the keyboard and mouse better than them?  So having that message popup would be great if it was tied to your character passing a /Save roll eventually, whenever the mechanics get smoothed out for PS.  Right now, I stay on auto-accept because I want to see if I can react in time for such an occassion.  Keeping an eye on the info box changing to a new target, someone close by in combat mode, system tab blinking or if I happen to be on it seeing the message in time, etc.  I'm trying to learn to customize the chat window which may help with this as well.  So if you can have a split screen chat window with System messages on one side and Main in the other, you can see if someone has challenged you a bit quicker without having to spend the time to flip to the system tab.  I personally don't like all the flashing messages, must face enemy, you are too far away, etc., it gets in my way of view.  Having a character "intuition" type of message pop up automatically that someone is possibly about to attack me is good if it is like a spidy sense, so something my character has achieved to perceive, but not something to be convenient for me as a player, if that makes sense.  Temporary maybe until game mechanics are upgraded, but having the ability to mode it permanently would give that player an advantage.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: The numbers are going back up!
« on: December 05, 2008, 04:17:25 pm »
It is almost back to where the numbers were before that bad server downage, from a U.S. West Coast perspective at least.
Pre outage:
Peak Time (Weekends GMT 20:00-24:00):  150-200
EU Off Time (After work weekdays):  100-120
US Off Time (After work weekdays):  75-100

The following weeks/months after the outage:
Peak Time:  90-130
EU Off Time :  60-90
US Off Time:  40-60

Peak Time:  ~150
EU Off Time:  100-120
US Off Time:  75-100

With the recent Google video and the long run of stability with at least the server coming back quickly when it did crash, some veterans have returned, but I think it is more new players finding the game.  My buddy list still seems pretty Red when numbers are around 100 online, so means I need to make more and new friends  :D  My theory is you'll always get that flow of new players since it is a free game, but with higher instability the turnover will increase which will counter act that.  I'm sure there is a formula for it somewhere.

Wish list / Re: RP Centric Interactive Chat Window
« on: December 04, 2008, 07:00:05 pm »
Thanks Caarrie!  Yep, I've been keeping an eye on your mods, seeing how the xml works with the backend code.  I did notice that back end coding will be an issue, but might be able to work with it to get a little taste of it, if I can learn enough.  Getting over that learning curve is the trick :D.  I'll take a look your tips, thanks!

Wish list / Re: need huge capacity storage
« on: December 04, 2008, 05:30:12 pm »
The key issue is lag right?  Fix the lag and you can probably organize the guild house with all that stuff pretty nicely, using shelves as weapon racks, closets for armor, crates for food and such.  Me, I say let the Bags of Unlimited Holding reign free!  We'll maybe for a price, say a million trias... :D

Wish list / Re: RP Centric Interactive Chat Window
« on: December 04, 2008, 05:19:53 pm »
I'm experiementing with the chat window, seeing if there is a way to organize it the way I'm imagining and if it will even turn out to be practical.  And the more I'm thinking of it, the more I see it could be a pain like you said Khoridor, too many frames and tabs isn't good, it is already a bit of a pain now.  Hopefully I'll have a visual example of what I'm thinking someday, just need to learn a little more about wigets and XML :).

My basic thoughts were to be able to quick a visual description quickly of our surroundings without interrupting the action and dialog in the Main tab.  So it wouldn't have real important information that needed to flow exactly with the Main tab, but it gives you a better visual so that the Main tab didn't get interrupted as much.  And it wouldn't really be a tab, but more like a visual section that is shown with the Main tab, maybe not even clickable so it doesn't get in the way.  I like the automatic idea, so new players would wander around and get some feedback on what others are doing atuomatically, and that can be customized to being turned off or set to manual by a shortcut like /glance.  I like Sangwa's idea of not having it permanent, too, so maybe they can last 10-20 seconds and then disappear from the description section after some time.  That way you can take a quick "glance" around the room, get a sense of what everyone is doing and it wouldn't interrupt your Main tab.  Then the message's fade away, your description tab is clean and you can re-glance around the room a bit later.

I keep thinking of how this may work in different situations too, like the plaza, Kada-Els, or even a big GM event with 50-70 people standing close by.  It would need a way to keep it from becoming too crazy.  Having it automatic is good for some things, but also having a /glance command so you can do it at your leisure would be nice as some people like to keep their head to the ground, not really looking around all the time.  Plus, the relevenace of the message, so if I typed something a few hours ago and forgot to update it, you wouldn't want that still locked in there.  You show up to a GM event with 50 people around, you get flooded with 50 random messages of things people were doing an hour ago.  You'd want to keep it relevant, so maybe it wipes itself out when you move your /pos a certain amount.  Tricky indeed, but fun.

Thanks for the inputs!  I don't roleplay much, so if this sounds like a good idea for some good roleplayers, then even better.  If PS wants to be the premiere roleplay game, it'd be good to have an interface that could help that out as much as possible.  This of course does seem like it would be outdated if the graphics ever took over, sleeping players, repairing weapons, frowns, smiles, etc.

Wish list / RP Centric Interactive Chat Window
« on: December 03, 2008, 03:51:42 pm »
The RP Convenant thread made me think of this, but this is a wish for an "interactive descriptive window" (not sure of the name), bu something to compliment the chat tab window.  I'm thinking it would help with the whole RP rules discussions and players get over the RP hurdle quicker.  I may add this to a Feature Request, but since I'm not much of  RPer, thought I'd see if others would had any input on it.  This would make some changes to the chat GUI, so not sure if that is a no-no topic as well.

My wish is for an interaction window that would help the game be more descriptive/visual.  Right clicking and reading someone's life story has been discussed as too informative, but I think the window should have a descriptive section and an audible section separated, either horizontal or vertically.  It would probably need to be a bit bigger, but the purpose is help describe what I am suppose to be seeing without clogging up the audible part.

A descriptive section can be defined as what I should be seeing, either when I click on something to look directly at it, or just in casual glances, haven't figured that out yet, but mainly all the /me and /my type of descriptions.  The audible section is what I should be hearing, basically what the chat tab is now.  So as I walk around town and "look" at people, the descriptive section will update with what I should be seeing.  This is updated by the player depending on their preference, but it will bring more relevance compared to the right-click description part.  An example is if I'm whistling, /me whistles a slow tune, it stays in my quick "view" description setting so whenever someone clicks on me, their descriptive section of their interaction window updates so they "see" that I am whistling.  This way as someone new comes along, I don't have to retype /me whistles for them to know that I am whistling.

An example of why I think this will help is if I stumble upon a group of players in the sewers standing around and they are roleplaying, I have no idea what is going on.  If they want to include me, we spend 5 minutes discussing in OOC chat of what the scene is suppose to look like.  With the descriptive section, I can click on each player (look at them in otherwords) and I can find out that they are hooded, clothes are torn up, tied up, bleeding from the nose, barely visible (or roll 100 sided dice, if greater than 70, you see me), etc., what have you.  This may make things go more smoothly instead of getting yelled at for interrupting their roleplay when I ask them if they know where I can find some rats and they complain that you can't see us, or are you sure you want to ask a bunch of hoodlum bandits that or I'm knocked unconscious, duhhh!  I know what I am suppose to be seeing around them without interrupting them.

I think this will also help for people that want to be approachable visually, so instead of right clicking on someone to see if they are a person you can talk to or talking to someone that could be afk or busy with something else, you can just update your quick description to /me looks around the plaza with a smile on his face, nodding to the passer byers, or /me hammers out another sword, plopping it down next to an Auction Sign.  Then maybe new players won't be so timid in asking that person some questions when what they "see" is automatically relayed to them in their description section when they simply select the character.  Also, people looking to RP can set up their quick description for anyone walking by to "see" that they may need help instead of having to "fish" for passer-bys to help them out with continuous /me commands.

This may not be too tough to test out and try after looking at some of Caarrie's great mods.  Since /say, /tell, /guild can go to their respective tabs, there can be another code like /des or continue to use /me and /my which will be separated into a description section.  Then just enlarge the chat window and split it, so you can put the sections into different areas within one window, like frames.  Each person can customize it, so they can split it horizontally, in fours, vertically, etc., and show more info in one window instead of having to click around each tab.  Having a System Tab and Guild Tab open side by side for people training and chatting, or a description and Main tab to make a window that may be more favorable for roleplaying.  I'm also thinking that there should be a RP tab and a Main tab, so the whole brackets discussion can be done with.

The discussions on roleplaying and the rules on it are good, but they don't help anyone new in the game when the interface isn't laid out as such.  Maybe if the interface helps support the rules, then it is easier to follow and may improve the experience.  And yes I know people will still type OOC things in the RP window and vice versa, but trying to accomplish multiple things in a Main tab doesn't help with the learning curve for new players.  Long winded, so I'll stop here.

General Discussion / Re: PVP rogue area.
« on: December 01, 2008, 05:29:37 pm »
Gloval PvP needs support amongst players or support in game settings to enforce the laws I wonder?

I see Yes may be the way to go then, until a system is in place to support whatever law enforcement and consequences that the game will have instated.  Like Orgonwukh stressed, levelled up duelers will have an advantage against players that want to roleplay in that area, though I would never imagine someone killing off a group that is trying to roleplay in the area, it just doesn't seem possible...  pah, ha, that's a good one.  I do like the PvP element though, it is a rogue camp after all and it should be dangerous...  and the community did come together last time to try and put a stop to the attacks in the area, and that brought some excitement to the game.  Ah, tough one...

General Discussion / Re: PVP rogue area.
« on: December 01, 2008, 04:44:12 pm »
Alf says PvP rules should be consistent everywhere and doesn't know why they are magically different in some areas vs. others, therefore the answer can't be Yes or No as those rules seem to be losely defined, or are they?

You have to use hit and run tactics against a Dlayo, otherwise everyone dies and dies quickly.  The mechanics just aren't there yet to fight in groups and have fun in PS without GM intervention.  It is much more fun to take 1000 hits to take down a boss and be able to take 10-15 hits yourself before you have to retreat to heal.  15 hits to take down the "boss" and only 1 to send you to the DR, gets old quickly, especially if you trekked out to BD to "hunt".  Having a range of different types of fighters is fun, too, support characters, archers, mages, etc.  Plus, you get few advantages in grouping in PS since monsters have no trouble hitting you with their back turned, even though we "have to be facing the enemy".  Plus, the loot is pretty crappy, no one wants to fight over a dagger and share 40 pps.  Killing a Dlayo on your own is fun since you've grinded for so long and feel you have accomplished something in your training.

Now when GMs do an event, the group hunt is fun because it has that sense of RP and community accomplishment, but that's a lot of work.  Though wouldn't it make PS one of a kind if it let approved players take control of monsters when they wanted and do a spur of the moment monster raid or boss roleplay...  Sure would get rid of the need to try and develop better monster AI.

Q:  "Can someone remind me why we added such a grind to PlaneShift?"
A:  Because misery loves company?  Gives everyone something to complain about in game and we all come together and share our pain in stories of grinding.  :)

It'd be an interesting test to max everyone out for a few weeks, make all glyphs available, max every skill that is useable in game, and see what everyone would do.  I thought everyone may get bored or stock up on trias, crafted weapons and pps, but who knows.

Yeah, the pits should have the Gladiators and then a trap door where an Ulbernaut on a chain leash comes barrelling out of in the middle of the fight.  Then a central pit should have Dlayos on trepor chariots tossing magic and spears at the challengers.  That'd be awesome...  But I agree in case my point came off sarcastic, Arena is just a playground for now, a place to train for most skill levels, but I don't think it is that random, each pit has its purpose, for the most part.  Oh and you can train all you want to take on a Dlayo, they will still cut you down in one shot.  It'll be interesting to see what the master plan for the Arena is as the game gets closer to being finished.  I like the hallways now though, they are like trying to go to the bathroom in the middle of a Charger/Raider game (nasty rivalry for the non-American football fans)... you have to watch your back because there are always people out there waiting to pick a fight  :D

Good discussion, actually helped me a bit on why I'm an atheist in game and whatever you want to call it in RL.  The Klyros migration in the History kinda sums it up nicely, they are more "indifferent" to gods, not distrustful or hateful towards them.  I'd say they are a good example of what Atheism is (though maybe they have their own god where they come from, may have missed that part?).  For example, a small bug on the ground may see a Klyros as a god because with one foot, they can end their life, or they can provide the bug with food and shelter, and make the rest of their life comfortable.  But all they are is just another species, not gods.  So gods can be seen the same way, just a different type of species that is as interesting as a small bug (which isn't a put down, just that their existence is as important as any other creature in the universe), but they do not warrant to be worshipped just because they can end or give life, or do whatever they want at their discretion.  Atheism maybe can be seen as just another way of questioning the concept of worshipping something that is conceived as being greater than you.  A false implication to that is that Atheists have no morals or their morals are actually evil in nature.  I think that is competely false, as they can actually have higher morals, especially if you are using Talad and Laanx as moral structures... bunch of spiteful, prima donnas if you ask me.  And if they spite me and erase my existence, it just enforces my case.  :D

PlaneShift Mods / Re: A more Practical container
« on: November 08, 2008, 07:11:32 pm »
Ah, I feel the carpal tunnel leaving my wrist already!   \\o//
Nice job, much more practical getting the ore back to the inventory!

** Update
A single column with large drag and drop back to inventory on the right side, and with information like weight and capacity!!  Are you kidding me?!  This is the greatest thing since the Klyros migration, which if you are a Klyros was great except for the whole Laanx punishment for not worshipping him/her, but it had to be better than where you were before and you won out in the end being more stubborn than a god and now you can do what you want in Yliakum, so that's good!  Makes me want to train metallurgy again!  Works well with sacks too!  Well done Svuun!!  Double  :thumbup:  :thumbup:

REMINDER:  Treasure Hunt Event
STARTS:  Saturday October 18  18:00 GMT
WHERE: Meet at Laanx Temple
REGISTER:  Celtan or any Hammer before the event starts
REWARD:  More than 150,000 worth of treasure in platinum, gold, gems, and maybe even a special glyph
ENTRY FEE:  5000 2500 trias

HOW:  Solve coded messages and use a map to find where the treasure is.  Check Celtan's coded example to see if you can handle them.
WHO:  All are invited, teams of 2 will be put together at the start of the event.  To make it fair, no two Hammers on a team.
QUESTIONS:  Ask Celtan or a Hammer, read the instructions from Celtan.

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