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Messages - Malehizen

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Newbie Help (Start Here) / How does one stealth = 'hide in shadow'
« on: May 26, 2008, 05:37:18 pm »
I've been trying to 'hide in shadow but nothing is really happening and i'm not gaining any experience in the skill when i did sneak up behind someone. Some explaination on how-to would be nice.

Alright i think i've got the scope of the matter and thanks everyone for your advise.

i'm just trying to sell at an average price so i'm not cheating people or being cheated

ok new thiny. How much does iron sell for. Average Price: ??? tria

(1) I think that NPCs should have a larger accepting vocabulary. Like i'll say: __(Full NPC Name)__ sent me to give you _______ (this item). and almost all the NPCs will say that they don't understand you. If hope that more variations of phrases will be accepted soon. I had to say just the first name. It simple, but a little annoying when they say you're not being specific enough, and you said a super specific thing. And then they accept "So and so sent me."
(2) Also i would like for NPCs to tell specific directions. They all say the same thing. It should be the farther an NPC is away from something, the more general and object oriented their direction should be, but if you ask a closer NCP they'll tell you turn (left right) / Go 3 building down and to the (L/R) _Place sign_ Can't miss it.
(3) You should be able to barter with NCPs by saying (/120 tria) when the price is higher and get a good price. The higher the charisma the lower the price you can barter.
(4) NPC should tell you what they're selling if they have something to sell. Like i've got a few _____ at a low price today. So it'd be more realistic like a real market.

These are some of the things i'd like NPC to say and do in a little while. Maybe even a little more simple.

I started the game about a month ago and have not been able to make any cash. Killing gets me nowhere (a few Tria a run) and quests are about the same. I'm trying to get Job skill and $$$ making skills but nothing is moving in the green... just in the fund-less direction. Anyway, since all the rest of you are experienced and know the tricks of PS, how do i make a decent haul?

Your truely,
The moneyless man. ???

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