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Messages - tygerwilde

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Wish list /
« on: December 02, 2004, 11:28:49 pm »
I would suggest it to anyone, I\'ve never even been into the entire FPS thing, and there\'s only a few third person combat games I like out there, but this one is close to the pen and paper game, and it blends the three styles very smoothly, easily the most addictive game I\'ve played, and I\'ve been gaming since pong

The Hydlaa Plaza /
« on: December 02, 2004, 04:14:35 pm »
ya, now that it seems like there\'s been plenty of new news about CB, I\'ll probably check in on a daily, or near daily basis. not hanging on the boards all day like I was, but I\'ll be on fairly regularly, check out the new publish, and maybe actually catch a bug or two

Wish list /
« on: December 01, 2004, 01:21:42 pm »
I don\'t know if anyone here\'s played vampire: bloodlines, but I think the system in that one works very well in combining real time third person combat, first person shooting, and RP. I could see that system (with tweaking to make the firearms a little less of a liability) being successfully implemented into an MMO... not planeshift, I don\'t think that system would be right for planeshift.

essentially, combat is handled with use of the left mouse key and your directional buttons (WASD) to create combos. as you pump more points into your brawl or melee skills, you become faster, capable of dealing longer strings of combat attacks, and you deal more damage per hit. all this is in third person. when you equip a weapon, you shift into first person, you have a broad targeting reticle, which, as you rest your gun on one focal point, becomes smaller, as you move, it grows if you fire too soon, you could lose your aim by as much as 45 degrees. I\'ve managed to miss a target at point blank range by firing wildly as I was running backwards. more points in your firearms skill give you capability of weilding larger weapons, increased reticle shrink, decreased growth and even more damage to your hits

a system like this might allow a n00b to get a lucky kill, but it definitely gives the advantage to veterans. I would love to see this implemented into an MMO, it would require some amount of personal skill, yet wouldn\'t give an FPS freak all of the advantage

The Hydlaa Plaza / checking in... again
« on: December 01, 2004, 12:23:34 pm »
well, I know I don\'t get on much anymore, testing was going just fine without me, so I\'ve been off with other persuits... been playing SWG for a while, beta\'d JtL, been playing vampire: bloodlines, the last few days.

saw some interesting things on the news page, game\'s looking great, anything interesting happening on the boards of late?

The Hydlaa Plaza /
« on: October 02, 2004, 09:23:49 pm »
my wife\'s a female gamer, and I wouldn\'t have it any other way

The Hydlaa Plaza / I'm back
« on: October 02, 2004, 09:19:55 pm »
well, this has been one truely f***ed up semester. first I had to sell the computer to pay for tuition, then I get sick and spend nearly three weeks out of classes.

I finally got my student loans though, and I\'m back with 56k, and I managed to get a fairly decent computer. AMD 2800 with 1gig of ram and a 124 meg video card. cost me 700 american altogether.

so how\'s everyone been, and what\'s news?

The Hydlaa Plaza /
« on: July 31, 2004, 11:25:09 pm »
mostly because it seems like everyone who wants to be invincible in fiction always wants to rule the earth.

The Hydlaa Plaza /
« on: July 31, 2004, 10:55:20 am »
hmm... fes, ok, you use your wish to make yourself invincible, ok, that\'s one wish... you\'re screwed now, I warn the military to your plan, and let them know not to harm you, but to subdue you, to place you in an inescapable cell with your hands firmly chained closed, then to cement the cell all the way around, leaving you in nothing but a pocket of air in the middle of a ten foot block of cement. might even tell them to pump a knockout gas into the cellbefore hand...

you\'re invincible... you have no power to get free. but you can\'t die, you\'re stuck looking at the solid walls of the cell for eternity...

still wanna wish to be invincible?

personally, invincible is the worst wish I could possibly imagine. remember... was it galic who got trapped in limbo forever because he wished that he couldn\'t die?

hehe, how  bout I change my wish to anyone that ever wishes for invincibility in any form  be transfered into limbo to be trapped forever....

The Hydlaa Plaza /
« on: July 31, 2004, 10:41:49 am »
I say, when war breaks out, all of the major cities will be hit, but the smaller cities will be spared damnation because we\'re just not major military targets. by the time that war could get to cities like where I live, there won\'t be anyone left to lead the worlds armies.
my biggest fear is fallout driftin in from the cities that are hit. we\'re only a hundred miles from saint louis, which means that fallout could potentially drift all the way to us... I really don\'t wanna glow in the dark, after all, I can\'t sleep with the light on.

The Hydlaa Plaza /
« on: July 31, 2004, 10:35:46 am »
Foamy is GOD, bow down to his squirrely wrath.

I love

I love it muchness because it\'s so true

The Hydlaa Plaza /
« on: July 25, 2004, 09:29:29 am »
Here\'s an arguement I hear way too often. There are too many rules. I say better too many than too few. Have you ever played in a group that won\'t accept that DM is GOD??? it\'s not a pretty sight. the entire group ends up unhappy. The players argue that they automatically have all kinds of abilities that give them unfair advantages in combat... your ambidexterity arguement perhaps. how else is ambidexterity to be controlled, without that rule, you\'d have an army of dual weilding warriors and rouges in every campaign. there are rules that I don\'t agree with in third ed, but as a DM, it\'s at my discretion to change them. that\'s the beautiful thing about tabletopping, (better name than pen and paper) it allows any rule to be changed within reason.

one of the best reasons to have lots of rules is that often an arguement will arise that requires a logical responce that the DM might not have forseen. say in the case of a character and a monster having the same initiative, how is the situation handled? it\'s covered in the DMG. however, if the DM is not satisfied with that rule, he can make a house rule that contradicts the book rule. just so long as there is a rule in front of the players that cannot be argued with, the DM can point to the rule and say \"this is how it is, if you don\'t like it, tough\"

I\'ve run into some sticky situations with \"powerplayers\" people that are just fine with a game as long as they can play it to their advantage. but as soon as the situation turned against them, they tried whining to me to bend the rules in their favors, and as long as I\'ve got the book in front of me, and a poster with house rules behind me, I have no reason to give in.

The Hydlaa Plaza /
« on: July 25, 2004, 08:37:06 am »
why does everyone confuse textbase with pen and paper...

there\'s not that much writing involved in it. yes you have to have numbers, but rules are only to keep it from being like kids games... anyone remember cowboys and indians or spaceman...

\"I shot you, you\'re dead\" \"no I\'m not, you missed!\"

rules give you the ability to prove whether you were shot or missed in said situation. you roll the dice to see if your attack was high enough to hit the other person. with a good DM, the only time you have to even look in the book is when you level up your character. depending on the situation of the game, that might be three or four game sessions apart

The Hydlaa Plaza /
« on: July 24, 2004, 11:24:17 am »
planeshiftia??? has a certain ring to it...

I\'d say that I\'d prefer a true democracy. every law made is voted on by all citizens, there would be no true national figurehead, like a president or such. I don\'t know all the details, but that\'s why everyone would vote, nothing could go through that the majority of people didn\'t approve...

and I think that education and healthcare should be paid for strictly by the government. those are things that everyone should have a right to

The Hydlaa Plaza /
« on: July 24, 2004, 09:56:43 am »
I say all of us who actually have minds of our own should pool our resources and buy a large island to build our own nation on.... that way we won\'t have to deal with the bullshit our government hands down to us...

then the problem is... do we create our own government or be an anarchic society with unwritten laws?

The Hydlaa Plaza /
« on: July 24, 2004, 07:41:43 am »
I don\'t hate anyone, really, I don\'t like bush, or our government. what hurts is, I tried to talk to him politely, to tell him that no man is better than me, he started flaming me as a hypocrite, he believes, honestly that I have no value as a human, and this after about three years of friendship. I\'d link you to the conversation, but it\'s on a members only board

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