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Messages - Jacula

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Fan Art / Re: Jacula's Design And Character Concepts
« on: January 28, 2012, 07:16:16 am »
Again, my thanks for the kind words. I've updated the first post with a few designs of old, as well as altered the general context of the thread somewhat.

Fan Art / Re: Jacula's Character Concepts
« on: January 27, 2012, 03:43:41 pm »
Nothing implies that the character in question would be evil.  ;)

Fan Art / Re: Jacula's Character Concepts
« on: January 27, 2012, 01:00:33 pm »
My thanks for the comments. I added an overview of the details for the sake of clarity.

(is that an amulet of Xiosia I see?)
It is indeed an attempt of such.

Fan Art / Jacula's Design And Character Concepts
« on: January 27, 2012, 07:39:02 am »

I've been entertaining the idea of somehow taking part in Planeshift anew for a while, making use of the motivation derived from the same to play around a bit in Photoshop.

Having given some thought to what type of character I'd like to play I decided to depict him accordingly, if only to give myself a sense of how his traits might intermingle with his personality and general alignment. I thought I'd post it here, seeing as people might appreciate it, this as I tried to adhere to the settings known in the game.
Said character can be found below, being that of a male ynnwn. I'll look to update the thread with whatever concepts might follow.

I've added a few past designs I no particular order, this being as all of them are role-play oriented. I find it beneficial to look back on past pieces to improve, and hopefully you'll find them interesting as well.
▲ A guild logo for The Hand of Vengeance.

▲ A header for an event I ran a while ago in a different game.

▲ Another event header concept.

▲ Another concept variation, for a guild thread if I recall correctly.

▲ A scene from the event "Sins of the Father", depicting my character Lucan Kerr.

▲ Lucan Kerr, character concept selection.

▲ Same of the latter.

▲ Lucan Kerr in the study of warlockery.

▲ A depiction of my wow characters, Daruthan Runestrider.

▲ A commission, depicting a Forsaken plague engineer.

▲ My take on the ever so lovely, Mellas Fenixxes.

▲ An event header, to the benefit of a fellow GM.

▲ My attempt upon a Klyros. Quick sketch.

▲ A Diaboli concept.

▲ A rogue concept. Dedicated to The Outlaws.

Wish list / Re: Name Changes & Role-playing Implications
« on: January 26, 2012, 01:57:35 pm »
...GN desecration about which players are "worthy" or a name change and which aren't..."

It is not a question of being worthy, more so than simply being viable. Viable implying that a player has a good reason, which I'd personally find to be requesting the service due to realistic role playing circumstances.

Why would a generic power leveler be in need of a name change for example, or even apply if the cost defeats the purpose?
If the player is viable in turn, it is ultimately up to a GM of high enough tier to decide. I am using the word tier as I suppose that certain GMs might be able to change names, where as others can not.

As for the abuse issue what we don't want to see is people very casually deciding that they are bored with their current character and they want to start over and thus do the permadeath and ask for a name change. -

If you decide to only grant this service once per player, for one character only. Clearly stipulating it in official policy that it is a one time offer, I'd find it extremely unlikely that players would request it casually. More so, let's assume one is asking for a name change to preserve a series of hard aquired skills. This wishing to assume the role of a baker, craftsman or what have you.

Inducing such an unresonable debuff to skills would leave the inevitable grinding that follows, more or less defeating requesting it in the first place. True, it would be worse to start anew entirely. Yet the price still appears unbalanced in my mind.

Maybe letting the player choose a skill or two to keep intact would be a good solution, as if choosing a class, only to let them play out their new role without having to mine, gain progression points, and the time consumtion that entails.

With that said, it is good to hear that discussion on the matter is upheld rather than negated. Surely, it can come to benefit all of us once coined as policy.

Wish list / Re: Name Changes & Role-playing Implications
« on: January 26, 2012, 11:30:51 am »
Could someone explain the potential abuse of this request/feature?

In turn, the arguments I applied where taking only an obfuscated concept of abuse into account. It might be prudent to clarify that I do not have a clear understanding of what type of abuse is acctually to be expected.

More so, how can one expect abuse to occur if GMs providing the function deems and considers the intent of a player before acctually providing it?
Planeshift is afterall what one might consider a small community, where the sheer familiarity of those within might be enough to gauge their motivations of seeking a name change in the first place.

But I digress, as the definition of abuse within this context in best explained by those counteracting it actively.

As far as a change of models, redistributing skills and the like, I see the incentive and possibilities that follow.
However, considering the initial hardline position on the matter, I'd find a simple change of name with a fair "price" to it. If one is needed at all that is, to be resonable.

If there is a fear of acctually deeming which player is viable for a name change however, where as others might not be, then the authority that comes with being a GM is disregarded. I'd see why this might be a threatening concept within a democratic structure, but seeing as it has been pointed out that PS is not, why not simply decide within reason?

Surely, reason dictates where hesitance arises.

Wish list / Re: Name Changes & Role-playing Implications
« on: January 26, 2012, 06:31:52 am »
If the aim is for the player to pay a price, I'd think the sole cut of half one's stats to be reasonable, or simply returning to the amount given past creation. Should logs like that exist.

That is presuming skills which would have RP implications remain, should one like to play a mage, warrior, cook, craftsman or what have you anew.

The idea of the stats themselves dropping below the average players might indeed present a problem in turn, and a heavy cost at that. I would rather have it as such however, than have to repeat the insufferable grinding needed for the skills benefiting the immersion of one's new role.

We've come a long way from nothing, and the GMs discussing the matter is good to hear.
Surely, more discussion will follow to balance the price one should pay so that it would deter only those seeking to abuse it.

Wish list / Re: Name Changes & Role-playing Implications
« on: January 25, 2012, 06:51:32 pm »
The offered compromise, or more so, it's general concept is something I'd percieve as resonable.

Something I would point to however, is how true death should be heavily considered in the sense of what it entails.
Thereafter, adding a more appropriate debuff to counteract players taking it "lightly", as well as obliging those not sidestepping the finality of their character.

Practically, true death implies a character having reached it's final rest, thus being unable to traverse Dakkru's realm and return to that of the living.

As we all know however, this does not occur mechanically. Unless say, a player is banned, thus impeeding access to an account and the characters within.

Should it occur from a role play perspective however, the player chooses to terminate his or her character within reason, motivated by either a departure from the game, or the sheer realism in doing so. This in light of what has transpired along It's development, and what should be an inevitable limit of the same.

In terminating one's character, as Rigwyn mentioned, much is lost beyond It's stats and skills.
In my case, years of character development in form of massive collaborative events, writing and sheer sentiment is lost to hopefully make way for a fresh start.
Rather than take it lightly, I both understand and accept the concept of true death.

The fear of players such as myself taking death lightly in It's conventional sense seems both illogical and unjustified however, seeing as it is in no way enforced. Beyond that of mechanics. As well as that of what is realistic. Then again, that is a subjective term defined through the eyes of an individual.

If an aim of interest is to minimize an increase in GM workload however, why not make use of the same pattern when providing a function for players acctually accepting the loss and recreation true death brings?

If there has to be a negative in numbers to deter players for making a request for the wrong reasons, Simply cut the stats of the character in question in half upon having provided the name change. much as Dakkru's curse, although a permanent loss, leaving the tediously earned skills intact.

Let that be a helping hand to roleplayers wishing to start anew, and a detering of others looking to abuse said function for OOC reasons.

In my mind, that is a price great enough, and an efficient one to benefit the variables of both player relations as well as the effort and discretion needed to put the function into practice.

Wish list / Re: Name Changes & Role-playing Implications
« on: January 24, 2012, 12:08:23 pm »
Real life preoccupations would be the reason why I don't have time to roll a character and train it according to it's role once more.

I simply wish to receive a clear response on the matter, whether it be granted or negated. This so that I in turn can plan out what free time I have, as I would like to entertain some form of creative outlet.

And I'll happily share my ball with you Bilbous, fret not  :lol:

Wish list / Re: Name Changes & Role-playing Implications
« on: January 24, 2012, 07:42:04 am »
Having read through the thread I've come to make various observations of interest, some of which I'd like to address.

On the added GM workload:

"...this really should not be a big deal. It takes only a second to change a name, I know personally, I've done it before."
Consider the implications of a few seconds effort, or more realistically a few minutes and how significant such effort might be to a player. Would it not be well worth the immersion, increased testing, creativity and role-play it may well bring to the game, possibly for an indefinite duration onward. Even if discussion may follow, as with everything else?

On favoritism, conflict and claiming responsibility:

Something which appears a big issue is the fear of favoritism.
Granted, there is no way of pleasing everyone. Yet is it not in the developers best interest to oblige as many players as possible within reason?
What I find paradoxical is having the tools at hand to grant a great service, yet finding oneself hesitant of doing so, whereas denying the same service appears trivial.
Who is going to judge who is viable for a name change? the GM's are, of course. Are they fallible and human like the rest of us? most definitely.
have they not been chosen however, based on merit and their qualities as objective mediators, and accepted the responsibility which follows?
That is something obliging or denying the consensus would answer in my mind, although PS might not be a democracy.

I too know the irritations that comes with being a GM, yet granting a wish which would bring forth more positive than negative appears not only beneficial, and as a service not only to the players, but ultimately the community itself.

On policy:

Policy should be ever evolving, presuming there is a good reason for it to be. I'd say altering it for the better takes more integrity than upholding it as it is.

Alternatively, allow this function to occur once to begin with, much as an OOC event, such as the ones allowing players to change the names of items in the past.
The variables of this would need to be discussed, but would counteract those not showing the right to claim injustice.

On names as OOC signposts:

Name labels are OOC information signposts. Your character doesn't see them. So what if it says Sean Connery if the description says James Bond?

Granted, the concept of simply using the same name might work. It would more likely lead to massive confusion however, should I myself attempt upon running large scale events or simply indulge in whatever random role-play comes my way.
Such confusion would be derived from the familiarity of the name, and I'm sure that goes for many of those active from around since 09 or earlier.
I for one would like to let the past be the past, and start of fresh from an RP perspective.

An appeal:
Lastly, I'd like to appeal to the GM team in reaching a stance on this matter. It would appear many welcome the idea, and that the stated benefits outweighs the negative. Either granting or negating the wish seems a fair request to make, as it was raised two weeks before this thread was posted.

With that, I hope on a reasonable decision on the matter, and a fresh start beckoning. Let us talk plainly, no matter the stance taken.

With that, I shall take my leave indefinitely from in game once more, and I wish all of you the very best.

Wish list / Re: Name Changes & Role-playing Implications
« on: January 23, 2012, 04:38:21 pm »
My thanks for the many replies and support thus far.

I would like to point out that said function of a name change should be made available for all of us however. Not myself exclusively.
Surely, there are more role-players finding themselves in the same predicament.

I would not feel justified receiving a name change whereas others might be neglected.

An effort such as this can make all the difference, promoting valuable creative growth within the community.

Wish list / Re: Name Changes & Role-playing Implications
« on: January 23, 2012, 10:34:10 am »

I am curious however, do you find anything positive about the concept, if not, any constructive points on the matter?

More so, does the positive not outweigh the negative?

Wish list / Name Changes & Role-playing Implications
« on: January 23, 2012, 09:21:19 am »
Well met,

It has been long since I last visited Planeshift, although I've felt the sentimental urge to do so more than once.
I came here anew with the hope of being able to take part in the community once more, And that which I wish to discuss publicly is the matter of changing the names of characters who are for all intents and purposes dead from an IC [In Character] standpoint.

The reason why I'm raising the issue would be due to a personal predicament, that being my own character being deceased, although OOC [Out of character] very much alive.
I think such an issue to be shared in varying degrees, from characters having concluded in true death to players simply having grown tired of roleplaying them.

There is, afterall a limit on character development one can experience given the duration of which many find themselves here on Planeshift. Not to mention the impact events on a large scale can have.

There is however, a way to counteract such means. That being, allow players to change the name of one, and only one existing character once if they can provide a solid IC reason to do so, as well as a documentation of said characters demise in the forum. [Such as an event, a story or what have you.]

The review of such documentation might sound like a function in need of much effort, yet given the competence of the GM team I'd say a quick skim or an exchange of PM's would be enough to deem if a player's intentions are viable for a name change.

Why not roll a new character?

Most would agree that leveling a new character for a second time to be out of the question. Said leveling being simply for the sake of being able to roleplay as a warrior, mage, craftsman or what have you.

The time spent on repeating the turmoil of grinding may instead be used to contribute to the community in a positive way by roleplaying and creating events.
Something that may once more, simply be counteracted by a name change.

On the earning of skills and stats:

The function would not administer any unfair advantage what so ever, seeing as the stats and skills of a particular character applying for a name change has already been earned once.
The name is hence altered, whereas the numerial attributes of the character stays the same.

On testing:

Given as Planeshift is still a beta, players are relied upon to serve as testers. To my understanding, calculations and measurements are made to balance the game, based particularly on how testers level their characters, taking every relevant variabel into account.

I for one however, consider myself a player before a tester. Thus, I find the concept of starting anew and aquiring whatever skills needed for a new RP character for the sake of testing to be unintresting. As earlier stated, grinding once more consumes time that would be better put towards contributing to the community in a creative sense. More so, most would find themselves without the time to begin with.


- A way for roleplay to be reuvinated within Planeshift, bringing forth a fresh start to the roleplaying community.

- Inspiration for the players to establish their new characters through events they could otherwise not IC'ly attend.

- Improved relations with the existing RP portion of the PS community.

- The possible return of many players of old.

- A boost of creativity!


-The function having to be tended to by members of the GM team, consuming to me an unknown amount of time. ["gm team additional workload"]

-Players looking to abuse the function?

- "why you and not me" syndrome (we are still quite full of this)"

- risk of favoritism

It is of interest to me how others might perceive this idea, thus I hope to get your opinion on the matter.

Should one time name changes be allowed for existing players, so that they may start anew with their accumulated stats and skills intact, this from an RP perspective?

If so, why, why not?

What is the best way to implement such a function, if at all?

With hope of a relevant discussion on the matter, and best wishes,

- Jacula

In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: [RP] Black and Blue
« on: January 05, 2012, 07:22:05 pm »
Interesting and well written, as always.

I'll look to be around anew shortly, and hope to be able to take part  :)

In-Game Roleplay Events / The Legend Of Jacula
« on: December 03, 2010, 02:31:30 pm »

Jacula Pundactum. Journal Entry, Date Unknown.

ong had the shackles of death kept me sealed in Dakkru's embrace, never to look upon the crystal or walk amongst the living.

There was no comfort in the darkness, which had insisted itself upon me. Nor was there hope of clawing my way out of the depth of the abyss, where I was held in thrall. A single desire, eating away at my mind. A wish, I voiced into the darkness.

My words where met, whispers piercing the cacophonous silence of death. With my soul as payment, I had been allowed passage to the realm of the living one last time.

I seek to right my wrongs, and redeem my most heartfelt mistake. To seek the path littered by the blood of hundreds, and find she who held my heart when I was still a man.

I wish to hold her, but once again. To voice words, who for long held no meaning. My love for her suppressed by the sharp whisper in my ear, the bidding of the Black Flame.

To have her know, that I did not deserve such care. That I, as a beast shall erode in oblivion. So that hopefully, my name will be remembered by my deeds as a man. Not by the malign darkness that destroyed all I held dear.

Light rises over the iron temple now, and caresses the marred skin of my face. I must seek her, high and low. My ardent goddess, my greatest obsession.

Yet, before I pursuit this wish. One must be endowed with all my power, to listen to the whisper in my place. To inherit my legacy and legend, and serve where I have failed.
All who stand in my way, must face their end.

When a successor is found, I will take her hand and speak. Only to be called back into Dakkru's cold embrace, where I may sleep in soothing silence.


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