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Messages - Cairn

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Fan Art / Re: Just a few pictures I drew when I was bored
« on: September 03, 2015, 09:17:24 am »
I still look at them, and I love them!

Newbie Help (Start Here) / Bought In
« on: August 31, 2015, 09:45:55 pm »
Do you remember the first time you sat back in your chair and went, "Wow." When playing PlaneShift?
That first moment you became a part of a roleplay.

The first moment your character interacted with someone on a level deeper than a simple hello.

The first time you saw the potential this game holds.

I want you to share it, please?

I'll start with mine.

On one of my original characters, (before there was a tutorial area) I had just stepped out. I had no description, but I knew that I wanted to be a fighter. I hadn't even read the forums, didn't knew they existed. All I knew was this game was free and in 3D, and we were out of the collecting crystals phase!

So I went around proclaiming in main (there was no gossip lol!) "Here I am! I am a fighter, I'm gonna beat all your *sses!"

And of course, no one particularly liked me  because I had no etiquette, and I was just 'trolling' or not participating or ruining the game.
I almost gave up, because I had no idea what was going on.
But there was an Enki who talked to me in main, a very well respected guild leader.
He taught me that I was more than just a group of pixels. I could be a character, something deep and fleshed out entirely.

For my first RP, my character was inducted into a guild. ICly, with all of the trappings of the ceremony. I have rarely ever felt like more of a part of anything than that.

That's my "Bought In" moment


I encourage you to consider yours and seek out the 'nodescr.' characters, or those who have just started. We all win when we give others this moment.

PlaneShift News and Rules / Re: Summer update
« on: August 31, 2015, 08:57:18 am »
I love this game, and while I don't always agree with the changes that are made or the decisions of others, it's a project that the players share in.

General Discussion / Re: RCD
« on: August 31, 2015, 08:13:04 am »
Thank you again for your wonderful ideas, Damola!

Here's my two cents on the piece:

I really like the idea of the RCD as a 'mini events center' of sorts, where when it's open it's always special to the players somehow. That raises a host of questions, though, which you've already brought up:
-Do we have enough players to do these events? (Sounds like between Damola and cdmoreland, perhaps not)
-Are these players in different time zones?
-Are there keys for people who can get involved?

That's cent #1 :D

It also raises the question of: Is this really what we want to use the RCD for, now? It may have been good at one point, when the guild members and the people who ran it were more active and scattered through different time zones to accommodate, but now it may not be realistic.
-Should the overall purpose of the RCD be as a 'mini events center'?
-Should the RCD become re-purposed as a player-ran bar of sorts instead, with the possibility of both spontaneous AND pre-planned events?
-Should we purpose the RCD for something different?

I'd like to here your thoughts, friends.

If the RCD was repurposed as a player-ran bar/events center, it would provide a lot of opportunities. It could be left open 24/7 style to accommodate all players in different timezones, and then also players like Damola or others can be given keys to plan events, and then lock the RCD down for a few hours to plan/redecorate as necessary. Then, different players can unlock it and reopen it for public access as soon as the event is over or Damola can leave it unlocked, etc. when all of the decorations have been safely stored.


General Discussion / Re: RCD
« on: August 30, 2015, 04:19:17 pm »
Hey Damola :)

Thanks for the reply, good to hear from you. I started the thread because that seemed like the easiest thing to do. Not in an attack or what have you.

I think the best thing at this point is to open it up. We're aware of the theft from the den, but that can be dealt with easily by locking down what needs to be locked down or simply removing items and having others bring them in for the RP.

IF you would prefer to have a guild attached to take care of it, please don't hesitate to let me know.

Nor is this going behind your back whatsoever! We never once stated we didn't appreciate your efforts, or bashed you in this thread. We're appreciative of what you've done, truly.  It's rather a request to see it open, and I hope that you can see it as such.


Ultimately we want the players to have the last say. What was good for the game once may have changed now, and we ought to respect and be aware of that. We wish for everyone to have a good time, first and foremost! :)

General Discussion / Re: RCD
« on: August 28, 2015, 03:02:28 pm »
No idea why people would be grouping either. RP is to be shared:)

Thanks everyone who's posted. Ultimately I do want the RCD to be free and open, so that it is FOR THE PLAYERS.

Yes, we have Kada's, but that is an NPC environment. I think what we can do with the RCD can be even better. If we need to stick it in a guild or organization's name, I understand that, just for brevity, but I can also provide that, and simply leave it open for all players to use at all times.

Thanks again,

Wish list / Re: Unlock the RCD, It Wants to be Free.
« on: August 28, 2015, 01:19:50 am »
2nded! Let the people use it =)

General Discussion / Re: RCD
« on: August 27, 2015, 05:44:02 pm »
Firstly, I hope you get feeling better. Really and truly I do.

Secondly, I'd love to take it over for you. I don't mind spending hours alone, and there's a group of us that will use it well.

General Discussion / RCD
« on: August 27, 2015, 01:02:44 pm »
I want the RCD. To open and use for roleplay again.

Deepest regards,


Fan Art / Re: The Tailor
« on: August 19, 2015, 08:38:42 am »
Oh lol.

That is all. I am glad you're posting your outfits again! It's a super fun dimension to the game.

you guys are making me itch.

Good. Itch more, then come back to the game. :P

Come scratch that ;)

Fan Art / Re: Dannae's Sketchbook
« on: August 17, 2015, 11:33:22 am »
I really enjoy your style Dannae,

and I'm glad I was able to successfully lobby the players for your return! Yay!

We need more Dannaes in the world :)

Complaint Department / Re: Incommunicado players
« on: August 17, 2015, 09:07:20 am »
If you don't like role playing with IC info only or feel that you cannot role play with IC information only, then you are probably not really interested in role playing.

Surpise, surprise....

I can't wait until Garris gets a hold of this one xD

But let me just echo what Rigwyn said, and give you a little history in the mix:

A few years ago, there was a time period where ANY OOC info was frowned upon. People didn't want you in tells, there was no gossip, and if you bracketed in main you were a dumbhead. Why? Because that particular group of people realized that our natural reaction is to use ANY ooc information in our IC conversations, through mostly no fault of our own.

We're a lot more relaxed now. But honest to god, most of us recognize that with you, OOC info is not an option. We can't give you that. Truth be told I feel uncomfortable giving ANY player OOC info, and I don't care how much they trust me or I trust them! Honest to goodness, it's why I don't post logs, hardly ever post my RPs on the forums, etc.

But that's just history.

"If you don't like roleplaying with IC info only or feel like you cannot role play with IC information only, then you are probably not really interested in role playing."

And history backs it up ;)

Fan Art / Re: Dannae's Sketchbook
« on: August 10, 2015, 08:02:50 am »
Doesn't mean she can't come back.....


oh how we miss him.

mi o mai, we miss him. meibi he'll come back someday.

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