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Messages - Ascomanni

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General Discussion / Re: RCD
« on: August 27, 2015, 08:10:24 pm »
awe man, that is disappointing. I got excited there for two seconds. It would have been lovely to see such a lovely and highly potential place be utilized.

Roleplaying (Communitive Storywriting) / Re: Free.
« on: July 30, 2015, 12:10:30 pm »
Dear sir,

Please write more things.

Everyone everywhere

Fan Art / Re: Character Portrait Requests
« on: June 24, 2015, 03:20:29 pm »

General Discussion / Re: RolePlay
« on: June 17, 2015, 05:05:59 pm »
Something that I did when I got started was I made a blank slate character and put them in the game. They were really boring and unimportant. One of the countless neutral goods without any depth running around. I used them to get a feel for the setting and identify a niche to be and a story to be. I think take really helped. Granted, by the time I made I suppose you could say a real character I still had a lot to learn, but I could step forward with eyes open.

In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: [RP] Thorns and Daggers
« on: May 25, 2015, 10:14:34 pm »
Up in the Air

Hydlaa had become ripe in his absence. It was tender fruit that longed to be plucked. All it needed was a small nudge here and a careful word there. Everyone was more worried about who was dating who and what material their garment was made from. That had become what it meant to survive. No longer was there fear of the shadows or from where their next meal may come. Their comfort had made them weak.

A smile slithered over Alderan’s lips. It had been all too easy to acquire the information he required.  There had been resistance but only token resistance at best. Each he had approached had offered a sliver and those slivers had compounded into pieces of the whole. He had been able to feint enough knowledge in the end and the rest came pouring out from the Nolthrir in this very garden. I flowed freely from him in one glorious wave that sustained him.

Acquiring this beautiful, sweet knowledge was but the first step. Here now was where the road diverged. What he had learned would make a sublime weapon or sturdy armor. Alderan fished out his coin from his pocket and tossed the silver disc into the air. If his efforts would be sword or shield were now up in the air.

Alderan’s familiar smile oozed into being to bare his teeth as her stared lovingly at the tumbling coin. He knew this was not the preferred method of selection. He had always favored spinning on edge, however in the ridiculous garden with that insidiously deformed tree, there was no place for him to spin freely. Save for the fountain’s edge and he had always detested being wet. Best to play it safe for now, the time for risk would come soon enough.

Yes, it was best to play it safe. Armor was the best choice.

Alderan watched the coin descend and bent over to push the grass out of the way. Weapon. Alderan slammed his fist into the earth. Why? Why now? It made no sense. Was he being set up for failure? Was this a test of his loyalty? Regardless, the choice was made.

She may have damaged the vessel, but there were always other options forward. Oh yes, always options. It was not his place to choose and she would choose now.

In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: [RP] Thorns and Daggers
« on: May 24, 2015, 03:28:07 pm »
A Change of Face

The silver coin spun on the table. Alderan rapped his fingers on the hard oak table as he glared at the circling disc. He and the coin had been at odds as of late. Alderan had watched from afar as his carefully laid plans had fallen apart. Very night it had instructed him to wait.

Alderan had tried everything he could think of to persuade his coin. He had begged and pleaded with it until he was reduced to tears. He had drafted formal essays on the merits of action. He had graphed the probability of their success over time with respect to unfolding events and had been dismayed by the decay of the slope. He had made arguments appealing to the logical, emotional, and the joys of their mission and the necessity to save what was left. It had become something of a nightly ritual for them.

If this persisted much longer, he was going to go crazy. Alderan didn’t understand why it was doing this to him. Hadn’t they been through a lot together? Why would it turn its back on him now when they had been so close? This had even been its plan. He had been content to continue on as they had, but his trusted partner had thought differently. Alderan glared at the coin, willing it to slow. He hated fighting with it, but hated the inaction while watching everything they had built crumbling around them.

The coin slowed and balanced agonizingly for a moment on its edge before tilting face up. Alderan beamed as the Ja-uh greeted him. A beautiful upturned crescent with a droplet at the center, the emblem of a soul being separated from the body over and over again, yet still contained within to support and prolong life. This would leave cracks between. Cracks that could be filled. This was the symbol of unending and complete anguish.

Alderan snatched up the coin and clutched it to his breast as he stamped his feet with joy. Finally, it was time to set things right. He could at last do something about those who had dared to interfere. We would have his victory.

Alderan moved the coin into his fingers. He knew how much his friend loved to spin. With a snap of his fingers, he granted the coin its wish just has it had his. Alderan brought his chin down onto his arms that now rest on the table. He grinned like a small child as he watched the coin whirl without fate on the line. Nothing else mattered now as he watched the two images, the ‘B’ and the Ja-uh, merge as one on the rapidly turning disc. It was truly a beautiful sight to behold.

Fan Art / Re: The Tailor
« on: March 06, 2015, 05:37:02 pm »
I like this new way! The harder lines make it pop more

Fan Art / Re: Art...sort of
« on: March 03, 2015, 05:45:40 pm »
Strange. And I thought being a part of a community meant being supportive or at least helpful.

In-Game Roleplay Events / Thorns and Daggers - As the Wind Blows
« on: February 13, 2015, 08:20:29 pm »
As The Wind Blows

A small wind rose across the marble foyer originating from nowhere and flowing to the same place to bring a biting chill. Being slightly cod had always brought Allena comfort. She had retreated to her mind for solace. Here she could be alone. Here she could define what was and what would be here. She was the master of fate and writer of destiny.

A gust came and whipped her hair and dress about her. The wind ripped through her silk dress and tore the tension from her shoulders. The wind was not real nor was the hall she occupied for that matter. None of it was in this place and that gave her pause. If none of the source of her comfort was, did that make it a lie? Maybe that was all she was living now.

Allena pulled her hands from her lap to inspect them. She focused on them in vain to steady them, yet they still shook. She had been like this for a while now. She had thought, she had hoped, she would be better by now. It had already been a few days but there had been no change.

Allena had hoped her discomfort had stemmed from the demon in her mind. From the moment she learned that the Snitch purged her mind she would start to feel better. She begged all the gods, old and new, for all her symptoms would fade and she could get back to her life.

But she knew she was lying to herself. Allena was deeply unsettled. She had always considered her mind her own. In the waking world she was weak. She had no control over events, or even herself at times, but her mind had always been a haven for her. Until now.

When she first fought Baazel, It had been a disaster until he had entered her mind. Then, and only then, was she capable of turning the tables on that monster. But her victory had been far from complete. Somehow the demon had been able to infiltrate her mind and make her his prisoner without her realizing. How can she recover from that?

Prreta has nearly killed herself, Evirea’s mind was fraying, and the Snitch had nearly lost her soul. And for what? So she could never trust herself? She would put on a strong face, but Allena knew in her heart that she would never be whole again.

The wind rose to chill her to her core. She felt so empty. No comfort was coming, not now. Maybe never again. The demon may be removed from her mind, but is still infected her soul. How maybe would be hurt before this was done?

And to what end?

In-Game Roleplay Events / [RP] Thorns and Daggers - The Mirror of Pain
« on: February 11, 2015, 10:12:22 pm »
The Mirror of Pain

Allena strode in to the arena with purpose. She had just come from Amdenier to check on Evirea to discover she was nowhere to be found. Evirea really should have known better and should have been resting. Allena was now headed to the dummies to blow off some steam. She really needed to punch something into submission.

She entered the training pit with her head down and flexing her fists in preparation. As she approached the dummies she glanced up and stopped in her tracks. The bag was already in use by none other than the subject of her frustrations: Evirea. Allena stood aghast for a moment before a smirk slid across her face.

Of course Evirea would be here and doing the one thing that she shouldn’t be doing, Allena thought. She is going to be a troublesome patient. Allena let out a low sigh and adopted a serious face and cleared her throat. She assumed her practiced tone of authority “Evirea.”

Evirea and seemingly failed to notice the approaching Nolthrir girl. She had been engrossed with her training on the dummy, striking vital points of various bipeds. She froze as her name was called, her claws wrapped tightly around where the carotid arteries may be found. She craned her head gradually and quirked a brow at the girl.

Allena looked pointedly at the Klyros. "I would say something about resting and taking it easy, but I am sure it would be on deaf ears. I have some Eyebright for you. Various concentrations." Allena turned her shoulder and riffled through her bag.

Evirea pulled her hands away from the dummy's throat. She approaches Allena with scuffed knuckles. Her face bears an almost angry expression. With concentration she wipes it away, replacing it with a grin to greeting her. "Ever reliable. As for taking it easy, there's plenty of time to do that when I'm dead, so they say."

Allena smirks "Not on my watch. The idea is to keep you alive for as long as possible," and pulls out three wrapped cloths and offers them to Evirea. The Klyros tucks the packages away after extracting one of the vials and pulls the cork out with her teeth and downs it, before looking at the now empty vial. She tips it and watches as the last trickle of fluid drips sluggishly down and hits the ground between her feet.

Evirea’s eyes follow without erring. "Hm. Thank you, I'm sure this'll help."

Allena nods "And you will tell me if they don't? There are three concentrations. One being about 3 times the normal, then 5 and the last is 10. Do go slowly with it."

Evirea winked to the younger woman. "If you were charging me for it I'd think you were trying to get me addicted. But yes, I know how it works. Preach to the choir and all that. I shall be careful."

Allena cracks a grin "Well I wouldn't have said anything, but I also wouldn't have expected to see you out here to begin with. I thought maybe your momentary lapse of judgment may have extended beyon-" Allena suddenly cuts off and her eyes go glassy

Evirea stares at the girl. Her eyes narrow to slits, and she turns her head at a scrutinizing angle. Quietly she murmurs, "...Allena?"

Allena suddenly adopts a look of rage and shouts in a harsh and authoritative tone shouts "Shut UP! SHUT UPSHUTUP SHUT UP!"

Evirea stares at the woman for a moment. Her eyes become watery momentarily, as if she would cry; a strange reaction for her. The expression shifts. The glassiness leaves, and an anger that mirrors Allena's own works over the lines on her face. Her fingers curl around the azure stone in her pocket and she approaches Allena. Evirea’s hands dart forward to press against her temples as she tries to work her way inside, muttering something under her breath. Allena snaps out of her trance with a shake of her head as Evirea makes contact "Wha-" is all she gets out as Evirea slips into her mind.

 Evirea's consciousness slips through the layers swiftly. It hurls, heading directly for Allena’s mind. The hall seemed much as Prreta and Evirea had left it in their earlier attempts to repair the great foyer. The stones held, completing the floor and two grand and gently spiraling staircases are present at the end of the hall but are worse for wear. The rooms of the girl’s memories still orbit equidistant from one another in the void.

Evirea whirls in the darkness, her eyes on each of the rooms she can see spinning aimlessly in the abyss in search of something. She extrudes reddish aura around herself. Evirea appeared almost stronger, the muscles more defined, as though a result from struggling and holding up against the pain.

"C'mon c'mon c'mon, give me something," Evirea murmurs under her breath.

A spark of electrical purple energy lights between the rooms as a deep and hollow voice erupts in Allena's mind coming for everywhere at once. The voice is deep and hollow, radiating malevolence. "She now enters you mind without asking. She sees you as nothing. You are weak. Too weak to stand on your own and they know it. Soon you will be nothing to them. Nothing"

Evirea's face forms into a fierce grin. She stands at the center of the dais and spreads her arms, her hands open with the palms up. "Weak?" She parrots. "Weak? And who else could stand so long against an ageless creature. Who else's mind is so powerful it keeps its structure for so long? Not even mine own could hope to last in such diversity. You are strong, Allena. The only reason he thinks weakness comes from leaning on others is because he is a hollow thing that doesn't grasp the strength that comes with love. You know better."

The voice offers a cold and heartless laugh "She says strong words, but she only wants to use you. What has she done for you? She keeps you perpetually weak so she can control you. She hides behind 'friendship'. You know better,” the voice mimics. No one could ever love you"

Evirea laughs quietly mocking the voice. She walks slowly along the marble, her wings fanning out behind her. "I want you to know what I see in you," she murmurs. "Your intelligence, your power, your courageousness. I watch you struggle with yourself as I have struggled." Memories begin to dance like wisps behind her, rolling off her shoulders: her pain when the girl wouldn't meet her eyes at first, the rage in the knowledge that someone she doesn't know hurt her, the fury she felt when she saw her own parents reject her for different reasons.

"I love all of you,” Evirea continued, “because all of the good and the bad and the balance in between, I've been in that struggle. I've watched how you've fought to be who you are. It's given me strength. Given me courage. You are more than a friend to me, Allena. You are my daughter. You are precious and I love you, I love you, I love you." The words echo around her, her hand stretched out into the abyss.

The words echo and reverberate in the void. They grow in volume and strength as they permeate in the inky darkness. The dark voice shouts loudly "SILENCE!" and the void goes dull under his command. A harsh pressure descents on Evirea, attempting to push her out of Allena's mind. "She claims to know you. She knows nothing. She cannot know your true nature. That is who you are. You know the truth and you cannot run from."

Evirea lets out a loud, strong, and bold laugh. She holds her ground, though her presence begins to press against the floor, drawn to her knees. "Oh, I indeed have much darkness. It is woven into my soul, into hers. But the difference between you and I is that there is more than that. There is hope, there is light, there is courage. We are all the sum of our parts, but you, oh demon, are just a wisp of one, your own pieces cut off and cauterized. You are a shadow, but she? She is whole. She is morethan you."

Evirea raises her voice, shouting into the stillness. "You know why he wants me gone, Allena-girl! He doesn't want you to remember that this is YOUR head. That this is YOUR soul. YOU are the governor here! You are the god of this place! Cast out this one that has violated your sanctuary! CAST HIM OUT!"

A ghostly image of Allena begins to form at the heart of the crumbling hall and the pressure on Evirea suddenly ceases and pours onto the fleeting image of the Nolthrir "You cannot cast out what is a part of you. I am you. I am the voice of reason. You know this You reached this conclusion long ago."

Evirea snorts as she works to her feet, her chin held high. "You? You the voice of reason? LAUGHABLE! You are not her voice of reason. Allena is not party to a voice who revels in nothing but pain and violence. She's far more clever, far more wise than any of that. You were forcibly woven into her soul, and you can be torn back out again. But we can't do it alone." The Kylros steps towards the edge of the dais. "YOU know who speaks the truth! You know who I am! You know that I love you, and that love is toxic to this thing inside!" Her hand stretches, fingers splayed. Though she whispers, there's a certain power to her voice. "Come to me, baby. Break free of him. Focus on my voice. Show this bastard what you can do."

As Evirea speaks, the dark electrical energy sparks bright between the rooms. The brighter section of dais sparks with a source of energy and the ghostly image of Allena returns slowly growing in clarity. The voice lets out a low growl of effort.

Evirea lowers her voice to a harsh cadence. "This thing is a killer of families, of children. He is a creature of destruction. He may be a demon now, but he was a man once, a broken, twisted little man. Even as he is now he is unworthy of you, of what you are. A Healer. You are a Healer: mender of wounds, binder of bones. You are at your core a being with the power to right what is wrong, to fix what was broken. This thing is not of you. It was never of you. Drive it out! DRIVE THIS SCUM OUT!"

Allena's ghostly image open's her eyes. They are stoked with fear, confusion and pain. "Evirea? What are you doing here?"

Evirea whirls towards the image. She reaches out for it, placing her hands on either side of its face. "Baazel is here. He's wormed his way into your mind like a little leech. But you have the power to push him away. This is your mind. This is your soul. This is your sacred place. So drive him, sweetheart. Push his lying tongue from every corner of yourself. Shove him back to where he belongs. You can do it. You are strong, Allena." She leans in and presses her brow against the girl's, peering directly into her eyes, her own glowing with a fire. "You are STRONG."

Allena's eyes open wider "In my mind? What do you mean? Where am I? Why is everything broken? I was just in my hall and it was fine. What happened?"

The voice of Baazel screams down "She is trying to trick you. This is not your mind. Go back to where you were. That is your mind, where everything is whole."

Evirea wraps her consciousness around the girl, the feel of it: abrasive like a mother cat's tongue, potent like a spice's fragrance, passionate like the fighter of a rebellion. "I am me," she murmurs. "That voice is not you. That is nothing but the wisp, the mere fragment, of that gods be damned demon. This is your mind. This is where you belong. And you, Allena, can put it back together again. You, Allena, can shove him out like so much refuse. All you have to do is trust me, baby. Trust me. You trust me, don't you?"

Allena looks around, holding onto her mentor for dear life "Evirea, I am scared. What is going on?" The girl throws herself into a panic. The colored area of the dais shirks around the two to be replaced by the weathered and crumbled stone.

Evirea grasps the girl more firmly, clinging to her as she clings back. "Focus on me," she murmurs. "Listen to me. Do not be afraid. I'm right here, I'm right here with you, and I'm never going away. Prreta's never going away. Yenida's never going away. Your friends will never abandon you. This truth is as eternal as he is. Find this little leech. Track down where he's sunk his teeth into your sacred space and pry him out. Pry him out, Allena. You can do this. Have faith in the girl who healed my husband with her brilliance. Have faith in the girl who knew so much so young. Have faith in yourself. Know that you have the power to drive Baazel out."

Allena freezes a moment as the electrical storm rages as Baazel exerts pressure on the small space around the two clasped figures. Allena buries her face into Evirea as she struggles to focus. Slowly a warm, purple aura surrounds the girl and the coloring expands and mends the stone slowly. "Evirea, I love you. I will never leave you."

Evirea's aura grows stronger when the girl speaks, both in the ruddy hues and in the softer shifting blue. "Far dee, kraesan kmasanmil," she murmurs. The klyran words flow off her tongue with ease, and it seems as though there is a memory connected to them, one full of tender warmth. "I will never leave you, beloved daughter."

Baazel calls out from the darkness "Don't fall for her tricks! She'll abandon you. She’ll hurt you! Don't let her!

Allena shakes her head in response to the voice and mutters quietly "never" and holds Evirea tighter and the acceleration of the repair of the hall swells.

Evirea grasps the back of Allena's head with her hand, her claws lightly weaving into her hair, her arm shifting around her waist. She glares into the darkness and her lips pull back into a fierce snarl. Her word rings out in a furious and protective rage, like that of a lioness protecting her cub, a raw sort of love, a feral and violent love that starts the battles of passion. "Mine," she screams. "My child! She is mine! Mine! MINE!"

Allena cries gently against Evirea as Baazel lets out a howl "She'll betray you like all the others!" and fades as the hall restores with a brilliant flash. The Hall regains its walls and the marble shines. The stairs become whole and the railing are polished, however they lead to the nothingness and the rooms can be seem still orbiting the hall

"Evirea, thank you. I... I was so lost"

Evirea clings to the girl as the voice fades away. Only when it stops speaking does she finally loosen her bruising grip, though it appears to take some effort. She blinks, her voice raw but genuine. "Sometimes we all get lost. I'm just glad I could help you find yourself again." She jerks her chin at the floating rooms. "We'll put you back together again. Me, Prreta, the others. We know how. You've never been alone." Her hand moves to caress the side of her face as she leans to kiss her brow. "I'm so glad you're back again."

Allena flushes and looks up at Evirea "I... I thought I was in my mind. It looked the same. I just thought..." She shakes her head and smiles broadly "It doesn't matter. You are here."

Evirea strokes the girl's face again gently, her fingers trembling. "I am here," she confirms, smiling tremulously. "I'm always here, whether in your mind or with you in the flesh. You can always come to me. I will never turn you away, Allena. I will never abandon you." Her aura begins to flicker, weakened by the energy she's extended, and her voice cracks with fatigue. "I must go now. I will return. I will bring others with me. We'll help you restore what was broken."

Allena nods "I'll be here when you come back" and smiles to Evirea as she fades.

General Discussion / Re: The 2015 Planeshifties
« on: February 09, 2015, 09:35:13 pm »

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: away for a while
« on: February 08, 2015, 06:07:21 pm »
Oh Riggy... I know your character is cool and all, but you really should try to keep PS and life separate. I know Rigwyn lost a hand, but you don't have to one up him and lose an arm.

We'll miss ya man. Get well or else!

General Discussion / The 2015 Planeshifties
« on: February 08, 2015, 06:00:45 pm »
Another cycle on the Yliakum Calendar is winding down and the snows are melting. It is a time of hope and joy for the coming season. It is a time for reflection and giving thanks for all that we have received. Let us honor the spirit of the season and recognize special contribution to our beautiful community.


Was there a player that took you under their wing and helped you get into the game? Was a particular character or RP so wonderful it deserves to be commended? How about a Dev helping with an issue you have had? A GM who wowed you with an event? If so, place your nominations for special contributes to the game and community here.

Reflect on your PS year and enjoy the memories. Unodin is fast approaching [April 1st] so get those nominations in for Players, GMs, and Devs you fell deserve some special recognition for their efforts in making PS what it is.

In-Game Roleplay Events / [RP] Thorns and Daggers - A Long Day
« on: February 01, 2015, 05:13:48 pm »
A Long Day

To say that Allena enjoyed being blind would be grossly inaccurate. She felt so useless and hated stumbling around in the matted grey; however it did afford her certain advantages. When had shielded her from the stares. It had, after a time, offered her some confidence. No one had expected anything from her so she had no fear of disappointing anyone. It had also afforded her time to think.

She had been so busy while she had lived in fear of dying. Running around trying to fix everything one final time and trying to find the words for goodbyes. But she had lived and now things seemed to have slowed for her. Her friends were still fretting over her and she knew she should be more concerned, but next to facing true death, things just didn’t seem to matter. She felt eerily at peace.

Maybe this is the harmony, the balance, Yenida was always talking about, she thought. She doesn’t want to save you. She just wants to recruit you for her own means. To change you like all the others. Allena shook her head and let out a sigh. What is wrong with me?

Allena hated that question and it kept resurfacing. The answer was even harder to face: a lot, an increasing amount that even she was not privy to.  Every time her friends had made trips into her mind, they returned with a new look of concern and shared with her less and less. It is because they don’t trust you. They think you are a monster. The—

Allena called back with her anger flaring. How she hated her self-doubt. So much hate. How can I be a healer? Her peace was fading as quickly as her eye sight was returning to her right eye. Her left was all darkness. I suppose I should be thankful for that. At least I can function now.

Evirea’s treatments were working wonders on her vision. Her right eye was nearly back to normal and she was learning to deal with the lack of depth perception. Maybe I can get back out there and try to help again. It was a hopeful thought, but one she needed. She felt like such a burden on all of her friends.

You, help? You’ll just get in the way, like you always do. Allena let out a low growl as her self-doubt returned. Today is going to be a long day.

In-Game Roleplay Events / [RP] Thorns and Daggers - The Word of a Coin
« on: January 22, 2015, 11:47:52 pm »
The Word of a Coin

Alderan watched the spinning silver disc glisten in the low candle light. The disc sung against the hard wood of the table as moved in a circle around the small divot the coin had left when he had flicked it onto the table. The shimmering silver held his fate on its edging.

Alderan hated setbacks. No, no. That wasn’t exactly true. He relished them. He lived for the thrill of altering plans on the drop of a coin. What he hated was the unnecessary cause of these particular setbacks that had left him deeply agitated.

His apprentice had been murdered. Alderan had not truly cared for the boy so much for the time and effort he had spent recruiting him and grooming him. All of that work for him to have died so foolishly. All he had to do was to follow directions, but instead he had confronted her and lost. He had lost and now was refuse. He had drawn attention to their cause and had complicated matters.

Doubt sparked in the back of his mind. Had he chosen the wrong sibling? No, no. The son had been the logically choice. His jealousy and rage had made him an ideal recruit. He had been easy to manipulate and the daughter had her own purpose to serve. He had played his hand logically. The fault had lied with the training of his apprentice if anything.

But what was done was done and, in all honesty, things could have turned out much worse. The boy had been little more than an instrument to him. A means to an end and he had failed. The situation had changed yet time was till on his side. The coin slowed and vibrated on the rings of one of the two faces. Yes. Time was indeed on his side. He could yet bide his time. Alderan smiled as he looked at the coin slowly coming to a halt to show a savage ‘B’ on the face before him. Yes. He and the coin were in agreement. He would wait.

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