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Messages - feas

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PlaneShift Mods / Re: Conversion SVG <-> Sketch XML
« on: February 09, 2016, 06:44:15 pm »
BoevenF Sir you are a rockstar! Thanks for the help!

Newbie Help (Start Here) / Re: Bought In
« on: February 09, 2016, 01:41:42 pm »
I have only just started playing in the past few days, and this will be my first post to the forums, but I feel like I have been caught already.

I have never played a game like this before, never role-played, nor even really played any online games in years.

Plane shift came as an experience. Sometimes a hard one (installation nightmare, but worth it), but something kept me here. I don't know if it was me, the game or something entirely different.

I joined because I finally had the tech and the time to play a game, and planeshift was free, mac compatible and highly recommended online. So I tried it. There was barely anyone around and I spent my time trying to understand how things worked, whether to commit or just leave now. I was intimidated by the idea of interaction (I'm not like that so an unusual and unsettling feeling for me) with people who would be more experienced and with a community they already knew and that I did not.

Some people tried being polite, but I didn't notice until too late, or was caught up trying to do something or just didn't realise because I have never, ever played with a chat like this and therefore had no clue as to what was going on at first. Then it became a habit to be aloof, my character didn't like nor trust people anyway.

Then, earlier today in-fact, just after I had read and read and read up on the forums about tips for new players and roleplaying, a guy at Harnquist's forge said hello. I took a very deep breath, thought on what many of you here on the forums had said and had a go trying out Calantha's (my characters) voice.

We didn't say much to each other, it wasn't deep or epic or long, but I got help that I needed, I didn't feel like I was an idiot, and he (I can't remember his whole name it started with A and had a last name like Elendir?) took a moment to talk to someone who wasn't being very forth coming at first and was just nice. no insane theatrics or anything, just nice. I came away from that event smiling behind my screen and a warmth in my heart - that was when I knew I had to stay and really try to explore this game and meet other players.

This will be hard, as I go on during Australian hours and have a character who dislikes people - but I will try, because there something here that I like and would like to experience more of.

I am glad that you received some needed help and have decided to keep giving it a try. I am not much further along than you but have made some progress with the much needed hand holding period especially needed with the crafting aspect of the game. The mechanic of it still make me beat my head. I have bought a few books from the guy in the library to make in game notes for myself. They are easier to use for me than the scrolls and you have the ability to same them and work out of game with them and import them back in the game to carry with you. I am handicapped and unable to work so I can be found online at all sorts of weird hours so look for me and I will be happy to assist you with what I can. Ingame you can add me to your buddy list (the rings on the left) my ingame name is feas. It will show you when i am online.
Stick around it can be maddening at times but it has alot to offer that other games do not. Well thats what I keep telling myself. Send me a whisper ooc till you get a hang of the rp. Good Luck.

Forum and Website Discussions / Re: old fart configurations
« on: February 09, 2016, 07:25:57 am »
Thank you for the browser zoom key command!

PlaneShift Mods / Re: Conversion SVG <-> Sketch XML
« on: February 09, 2016, 07:19:18 am »

I tried to convert a map I made with Inkscape 0.48.5 r10040 and received an error.

simplified inkscape file :

error running program:

Last I saw it worked with ruby 1.9, I do have a newer version of ruby installed and not sure how to downgrade to try it with 1.9 to see if that is the issue.

Thanks for looking

Forum and Website Discussions / old fart configurations
« on: February 08, 2016, 04:41:25 pm »
Is there anyway that the font size can be increased and the code boxes have a far greater contrast between text and the background?

The contrast on quotes is far better than the boxes which contain code.

Personally I would like to see the text size doubled.

Most forums I have used have these options available for users to adjust but I can not find where here.

Such as here

Yes an old sheep farmer, let the jokes begin, but I get to work with bordercollies who do you get to work with?  ;D

Fan Art / Re: Jilerel's 3D Assets and Models
« on: February 07, 2016, 04:40:16 pm »
Nice Job Again!
Can you make a circle on them for a bullseye?

General Discussion / Re: Bad guys, good RP(!/?) [OOC]
« on: February 07, 2016, 10:31:20 am »
As someone who does not like to PvP I have some concerns and questions on how this would work.

    Gear gets all beat up.
    Loose all the stuff I have worked hard to get (mine, fish, gather, farm drops...).
    The person will kill me and take all my tria and I am left to the Death Realm taking away my game play time.
So with that the following questions:

    How can someone opt out if they have no desire to participate.
    If I did decide to participate would they get everything or a token 10 tria or something trivial so as to not make a financial incentive for them to do so.
    Would a victory be declared at a certain health percentage like what is stated in the PvP guide?
    Would this happen anyplace or only in the wild?
    What are the repercussions for someone who does not follow the rules set?

I understand some people like this aspect of play and I do not wish to dictate to them how to play and enjoy themselves I just want to preserve what I like as well.

looking forward to the suggestions

Development Deliberation / Re: development build installation
« on: February 07, 2016, 10:00:09 am »
Thank you. Not a rush as it does work with what I have done so far. It looks to me that alot of the errors stem from Crystal looking for a directory and files that do not exist for some reason.
It is from the jan 7 th post in these forums.

PlaneShift Mods / Re: is this an Illegal system modification
« on: February 07, 2016, 09:47:11 am »
Thank you for the replies! I have tried the lower graphic settings.
I have had problems even with my consoles when in groups and turn them off, I still play with them on while solo though.  I wrote a simple script to do for me.

Development Deliberation / development build installation
« on: February 06, 2016, 02:57:56 pm »
So i used the optimistic installation script which seemed to go off without issue so that you for that work!

When I start ps from the development build installation (vice the regular client install) I get a few errors that point to crystal.  I don't know if they matter or not.

Here is a link to my  system info:

The installation log:

The start up log:

I was hoping to install the developer build to see if I may be able to help with small stuff.

My system was updated prior to the install.

If I need to provide any additional info please let me know.

Thanks for looking

Newbie Help (Start Here) / Re: New to Server
« on: February 06, 2016, 07:03:29 am »
Welcome! I am not much further along than you but can help you get started like others have for me. Feas Fleetrock.

Linux Specific Issues / Re: Game Crashes
« on: February 05, 2016, 08:26:10 pm »
Welcome to the game. I don't have much of a lead on you but if you want a hand give a yell.

PlaneShift Mods / is this an Illegal system modification
« on: February 05, 2016, 05:57:53 pm »
My problem:   

I have been in a few groups lately and when everyone is casting spells my system freezes and I am unable to move or do anything else until the graphic effects have come to an end. I have tried all combinations of graphic and sound settings and nothing works to solve this problem.

My Solution:

I have gone into my arts folder on my system and simply renamed folders where those graphic images reside. I have not changed any lines nor have I added any lines of code or modified any graphic files in any way. I have merely stopped them from being found on my system.

I do not believe this gives me any unfair advantage or circumvents the steps required to advance in the game. I am simply self depriving my visual experience and do not see fire balls or flying fist and other graphics when playing in a group.
 It is a simple change that can be done on the fly so I can make changes without restarting the system.
EDIT a restart is needed for changes to take affect.

There are some bugs with this way but I am able to play in a social environment this way.

Thanks for taking the time to evaluate.

Development Deliberation / Re: build problem of crystal space.
« on: February 04, 2016, 02:51:53 am »
This was a great help thanks!

In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: Player made group quest
« on: February 03, 2016, 11:24:02 am »
Thanks for all the translation help. Hope to see everyone there.

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