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Messages - Migg

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I believe this will be an issue for anyone patching to the latest version, 0.7.15, if they have followed Talad's announcement and manually added the production server to PSUnreal/Config/serverlist.xml. In that case patching will fail with the error:
Error: Patching FAILED in default case -17712
To avoid this, revert changes to PSUnreal/Config/serverlist.xml before updating to the latest version. Failing to do that will most probably render your copy of PSU unusable. If that happens, you will need to reinstall. If anyone knows of a different solution (other than trying to manually fix things or reinstalling) please comment.

Having read the suggestions in the post, I think that having an in-game compass would be a nice addition to PSUnreal. I know they were none too common in the middle ages, but I'd guess a magic contraption that can point you either rim-ward or hub-ward (e.g. via some magic attraction force that makes the needle always point at the direction of the crystal) would not be out of place in Yliakum, and would quite serve the role of a compass in a ring-like world.

I do understand that such a thing would not be so IG useful most days in the Dome, where you can just turn to face the crystal, but the lower levels would greatly covet such an invention, and it would still be helpful during foggy days even in the Dome, or in the dark underground places that abound.

Complaint Department / Is it possible to register new account on Flyspray?
« on: November 28, 2021, 01:29:17 pm »
I have twice now tried to register a new account with Flyspray (Login -> Register). I enter the required details, including the e-mail I want to register with and press Send Code!. I am sent back to the main page where the following message is displayed in the banner:

Your confirmation code has been sent. Please follow the instructions contained in the message.

However I have yet to receive any e-mail, even though it's days since my first attempt at registering. What am I doing wrong?

PlaneShift News and Rules / Re: Dev Q&A Septermber 12th, 2021
« on: October 15, 2021, 03:41:30 pm »
Uadjet says: I don't recall: Do private books have an edit button for someone else?
Migg says: Yes they do

I just realized Uadjet's question was about private books, and hence my reply was wrong. To set the record straight, private books don't offer an edit button to anyone but the character who wrote the book. Public books on the other hand do, and that is why they are public: they offer anyone the option to write in them.

That is also the issue: for the author both public and private books offer an edit button, and no hint about which is which (public and private is only mentioned in the book's title when purchased from Jayose, and this information is lost as soon as the book is renamed). So only another character who is not the author, when given the books, can tell which one is public and which is private.

Welcome to PS Seisese,

Was a bug that only happens after first installing?

It has been a very long time since I first installed PS, but I don't remember ever having this bug. Are you running PS on Windows, Mac or Linux?

Wish list / Re: Please, dont whip the poor fishis anymore!
« on: May 20, 2021, 04:30:12 pm »
Excuse me, that is called fly-fishing and it's a very fine art.

Indeed it is, but the way I understand it, you have to cast your line, then pull in the slack as it gets carried by the river, trying to lure a fish before you recast again. Something tells me that if you were to constantly cast, never letting the line rest, no fish would ever take your bait. The animation needs more variety to become more believable.

Wish list / Re: Please, dont whip the poor fishis anymore!
« on: May 05, 2021, 03:17:01 pm »
I have seen the animation (Migg is a fisherman on occasion) and believe the intent was to imitate a casting motion, albeit not very convincingly. I believe the frequency of casting needs to be greatly reduced, and interspersed with motions of pulling the line in and releasing, but when fishing the rod is mostly static, so only minor movement would be required. That may be something to consider for the PS Unreal animations.

Wish list / Re: Shortcut Icon Categories
« on: May 03, 2021, 08:45:09 am »
Icons have a pretty descriptive name, if only we could search for them then finding the right item would become easier. I imagine a textbox above the icon list that, when empty, would allow the icon list to work the same way it does now, showing all icons. But start typing, and only icons with the (case insensitive) text as part of their name will be shown.

That said, this requires some development effort, so seems like an item to be relegated to PS Unreal. I have no familiarity with the interface we will have there, so this may not be relevant, if it is however I would like to see it implemented some time, and not only for shortcut icons (storage comes to mind :) )

Development Deliberation / Re: Blockchain based PlaneShift
« on: April 19, 2021, 03:00:19 pm »
Blockchain armor?  ;D

PlaneShift News and Rules / Re: PlaneShift Unreal Alpha Release 0.7.9
« on: April 04, 2021, 02:39:19 pm »
That is an amazing screenshot, being able to see the whole of Hydlaa at once is awesome! The greatest thing about PS Unreal is the unified map, gives you both a sense of perspective and helps you appreciate how large the terrain really is! Can't wait to check this out, thanks for the great work! \\o//

PlaneShift News and Rules / Re: Dev Q&A March 14th 2021
« on: March 21, 2021, 01:06:08 pm »
Even though I always try to attend in person, I enjoy reading these transcripts, and I'd like to thank you Uadjet for posting them in the forum!  \\o//

In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: The Imperial Festival
« on: March 21, 2021, 12:03:31 pm »
The festival was a smashing hit, and the High Striker was there among the games! I only brought the one game, but there were other games as well to amuse the participants.

And The High Striker it was!

The contraption was set up with Uadjet's help, who has a knack at finding the proper materials to fit any construction goal. All in all, it turned up quite realistic and it was fun to set up and a joy to behold (at least to me!)

A luminous Derghir takes a close look at the High Striker

The game was a success, and I believe players liked it. Taking a screenshot of the hammer striking however was not a smaller feat than beating the game itself! After many attempts however, I managed to snap the perfect action shot!

How hard will the hammer fall?

The High Striker proved hard to beat, but Dentritus the kran and Rorain the Ynnwn managed to launch the puck all the way up to 10 and ring the bell, in no way a small feat that allowed them to claim an adorned crate as their prize!

I certainly had fun at the Imperial Festival, and I hope everyone else had as much funn as I did. I am looking forward to another festival next cycle, but will be looking to bring the High Striker to any other event if I get the chance to do so.

In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: The Imperial Festival
« on: March 14, 2021, 02:27:30 pm »
Also I am thinking of hosting at least one of three games, with Jilerel's aproval:

The first is a game of strength, similar to what is often called the "High Striker":
This is a new game I have never played, and would require some setup with the aid of a GM.

Then another game of skill at aiming, similar to this one often called "Ring a Bottle" or "Ring Toss":
I have already played that game a couple of times at the market, albeit using copper disks instead of rings and metal vases to throw the disks into rather than bottles, mainly due to the lack of appropriate discs-looking models in the game. This is the easier to set up, and only needs locking by a GM if it needs to become a permanent fixture.

The last is a mimicry of the Mechanical Bull:
This last one uses a huge barrel, half filled with water to provide with some inertia to maintain movement and resist attempts at swift changes of attitude, that precariously rests on two horizontal parallel bars. That also needs a GM's help to set up.

Don't know which will be there, but expect to see at least one in the festival!

In-Game Roleplay Events / Re: The Imperial Festival
« on: March 07, 2021, 04:35:26 pm »
Cool!  \\o//  Can't wait to attend, festivals are always great fun! Hope to see everyone there!  :thumbup:

Newbie Help (Start Here) / Re: Picking up random items
« on: March 02, 2021, 04:34:53 pm »
You provided a nice workaround for thievery (I wasn't aware of the /roll command). But I guess I don't have to be a thief if it's considered ok to pick up ores and animal parts that I find.

The credit should go to Saroanna (that is the online character's name at least), who has an elaborate system for deciding the fate of her pick-pocketing attempts, including getting caught. The /roll command can be used in other contexts as well, such as Uadjet's Ynnwn Games, SOME games of "skill" I used to run at the market, or various other raffles and games of chance. They help fill the gap where game mechaniccs can't otherwise give you a way to quantify player effectiveness at performing tasks that require skill or luck.

As for ores, the ones spawning near (or above) the surface are OK to pick up but default quality, and you will need to wait for them to respawn. A pickaxe will let you mine for more and better quality ores, both of which will increase (along with your success rate) as you advance in mining skill. And of course animal parts can be retrieved by looting the monsters you kill in the game.

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