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Messages - cmhitman

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 34
General Discussion /
« on: May 05, 2004, 02:46:49 pm »
...and so it gets philosophical.
I think skill comes from two places: Training and natural abillity.

couldn\'t you gather that the brute force process of test and failure is a form of knowledge aquisition and although they hadn\'t a wider scope of there actions they had knowledge enough to search for substance with the right properties to make these hard metals.
and information put to use properly is exercising wise dominion aka wisdom. wisdom is information put to good use.
Training a skill is one thing. Exercising wise dominion is another, one could argue that planeshift is a skilled project...but not a wise one. In that its living up to its purpose but hasn\'t lived up to its potential just yet.
Its nature of being a free open sourced project is always a duel bladed sword of hope and Dimness in all aspects: quality of client and development tactics.
but heck, its free and as long as it has programmers can get better.

The Hydlaa Plaza /
« on: April 29, 2004, 08:53:16 pm »
does your brother know about the planeshift project?
maybe he could help the devs inhis spar time?

General Discussion /
« on: April 29, 2004, 08:26:05 pm »
to: settings team members,
How does the arena fighting work?
Are there spectator seats?

General Discussion /
« on: April 29, 2004, 08:06:06 pm »
man, this game looks like its coming along so...
progressively great...yeah that\'s the word and beutiful work!

The Hydlaa Plaza /
« on: February 12, 2004, 11:07:41 pm »
my off topic post happened to be important..well atleast to me any way.
but dang...dude is way off in uselessville with the bet noise.
damn whemyfield you already have the title of most arbitrary

The Hydlaa Plaza /
« on: February 12, 2004, 09:58:06 pm »
i\'ve been eyeing the fan art section...real cool.
I\'ve got some i havent posted but i\'ve been thinking about it. I\'ve been thinking about joining annahs guild until i get the means to start my own... but i\'m bout to leave late

The Hydlaa Plaza /
« on: February 12, 2004, 09:51:23 pm »
my bad man. \'sup wit \'cha?
I didn\'t mean to be distant, just i\'ve been balled up in real life for awhile but i\'ve been trying to make a come back, I still dont even have my own computer from when it got stolen. but anyway whats been up with you?

The Hydlaa Plaza / ATTENTION I NEED HELP ON My greatest masterwork
« on: February 12, 2004, 09:44:25 pm »
the following is my honors english essay on the book frankenstein. We were told to write an essay discussing our views on if victors creation was evil or not. Here is my final draft, for your intellectual enjoyment. I wrote it in about an hour and a half but the ideas had been in the back of my mind for three days. after production I let a friend edit it, now I\'m posting it here so that anyone with any advice on it could help.I will be turning it in tommorow morning at 7:30 am. it is now 6:42 pm. Anyone with some advice from now till 7:12 (next thirty or so minutes) would be greatly appreciated. Well, without any further blah-blah on my it is.

edited for censorship

?Victor the dead beat God:
And his son the ultimate bas-tard?

By: Cedric Henry

The question of Frankenstein being good or evil is a funny one because he, in his monstrous state is actually more human than the world Mary Shelly portrayed in the book.
  Forged by human hands, strength and intellect amplified ten-fold, yet alone; shunned by society and lacking the love of Dr. Frankenstein who is, through creating him, his father. He is everything any human, if given his exact circumstances, would be and I argue that it is not him that is evil but the world in which he was thrown into.
    Abandoned by his father, who because of his own idealistic views on beauty, refused to receive his newly born child into the world and left to his own to fend off the prejudice of the villagers on an uncalled for lynching mission against him solely on the basis of his physical state. The animalistic side of humanity shines through as mob after mob violently oppose this friendly creature innocently looking for acceptance and maybe comradery in a cold world which seems to have no trace of love in its borders.
   Dr. Victor Frankenstein commits the first foul act against him when, on the day of his birth, he judges his baby-like reach for mother to be a death threat. Running out of the room and away from him. Fleeing from all the due responsibility he has to teach, and nurture his child.
    The sad and evil part of this story isn?t the revenge he took but his father?s fundamentally ignorant assumption that his creation was evil just because he wasn?t a beautiful creation. He was labeled: Evil from day one. Everyone he saw thought he was evil, even his own father. He was a playful young spirited thing by all of his humble refusals to exact revenge on the humans that pelted him with rocks and chased him with torches. He was a victim of matters which he had no control over and any half-intelligent person with even a drop of empathy could relate. This caused him to be not only shunned by but victimized by society until his ego was thoroughly mutated into the devious being which committed the vengeful acts against his creator. All he wanted from the family he watched and human kind was acceptance. For someone to show him any other emotion except hate. And that wasn?t even possible after he?d repented his sins against Victor, vowing to leave the human world so long as he had a companion; Victor breaking his vow turns on him, forgetting two negatives don?t create a positive and if anything he should be trying to guide his creation on his quest for inner peace and through that was the ultimate dead beat dad.
   It is common for children to act out when they are abandoned by a parent.  Growing up without a father or mother figure adversely affects people. Parents shield their children from the worlds trappings and relay information on survival. They lead us to things vital to our positive growth and development of survival skill. At least that?s what they?re supposed to do. Some, like Victor Frankenstein, cast their responsibilities into the wind hoping for them to just blow away while they actually fester into things so vile that they kill you emotionally and destroy innocence.
   Victor was dealing with life and death? Things presumable only left to God. Things they say you?d be wise not to fool with ?less you want to feel the mighty hand of God as he punishes those descending from his grace, and there was Victor? running from him. Thinking his creation was a monster? Feel the almighty hand of God.

Wish list /
« on: January 26, 2004, 07:17:52 pm »
i didn\'t call you stupid....
So your saying that the best fighter isn\'t really the best fighter but the guy with the best shield or sword or whatever special item he\'s got because hes collected animal skins all day

Wish list /
« on: January 26, 2004, 06:25:05 pm »
the whole fun in combat is out doing your opponet by:
not by each player equiping there best weapon and taking turns hitting each other  until who ever has most hit pts wins...stupid

Wish list /
« on: January 26, 2004, 06:16:53 pm »
there is no tactical edge...I\'m just putting in moves, he\'s just putting in need to devise a tactical aspect to your system.

Wish list /
« on: January 26, 2004, 06:09:59 pm »
so I send moves, he sends moves and they get executed at the same time...wait ten seconds,  and repeat?I\'m bored already.

Wish list /
« on: January 26, 2004, 05:48:10 pm »
the idea is to have intricasy (if i spelled that right)
in game combat. this is basicly just the same turn based crap

Wish list /
« on: January 26, 2004, 11:22:10 am »
furthermore, those with crappy rflexes are probably better suited to fishing or mining occupations in game. I mean in real life not everybody has what it takes to be a soldier. like in life, some people are doctors and some are soldiers. Sure they could try to switch occupations but they\'d both be crappy at each others job (until trained)

Wish list /
« on: January 22, 2004, 08:14:04 pm »
that isn\'t the \"strenght\" of the player, that is the accumulated stats of his character dfryer. essentialy the player has just created a stack of numbers with no human relation except the click.
no motor skills, reflexes, sweat.
agony of defeat.

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