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Messages - Karyuu

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 615
The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: An announcment, a changing of the guards
« on: April 02, 2009, 09:38:24 am »
Are you suggesting Neko leaving is a dream? :P

General Discussion / Re: Who said dwarves are ugly?
« on: March 30, 2009, 05:14:19 pm »
* Karyuu pinches the dwarf's cheeks

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Convince me
« on: January 26, 2009, 09:52:31 pm »
My god, man. Leave. No, run.

You'll come back anyway.

Wish list / Re: better physics
« on: January 24, 2009, 02:42:14 pm »
Can you write out some examples of what you're looking for?

Server Status / Re: If Leveling....
« on: January 21, 2009, 05:20:11 pm »
Then you can't really argue in the same vein that the game won't look forked. EZP will keep floating around with features Laanx doesn't have, and feel like a different game if they keep adding up.

Server Status / Re: If Leveling....
« on: January 21, 2009, 01:05:50 pm »
Here's the thing, then: will EZ keep the features that Laanx rejects, or will they be removed as well in order to unify the whole game? If the rejected features are kept, my previous point about forking still stands. If they are removed, there is no issue and it really is just more of a testing server than Laanx.

@Mythryndel: Thanks ;) Unfortunately this is hard to come by in any MMO, even those already developed. Repetition is difficult to avoid. (I think the best end-game content was available in Ryzom, which allowed players to create their own scripted scenarios and thus expand their playtime endlessly with others.) The key is just having a lot of variety, and that takes a long time to develop. Eep.

Server Status / Re: If Leveling....
« on: January 21, 2009, 12:46:52 pm »
The project seems to be forking to me too, even with the "testing" guise of EZ. If you have one set of features on Laanx, but then completely different set of features on the other server, when it comes down to it you have two different games sharing the same art and settings.

Most games, when they divide RP and regular servers, make the RP one different only with strict anti-PvP rules and roleplay enforcement. In every other way, it's the same game using the same mechanics. This doesn't seem to be what the PS team is aiming for, so I'd too love further clarification.

Anyway, on the subject of leveling, I generally prefer hard without being too repetitive to keep me active. The problem that's always existed in PS is leveling being the same thing over and over again, with no increase in difficulty - just increase in time.

I can die now, for I will never read anything more perfect.

Forum and Website Discussions / Re: I want to change my Name
« on: January 16, 2009, 09:10:40 pm »
Markus, your only option is to create another account using another email address. I think the directions were pretty clear.

Complaint Department / Re: ezpcusa server
« on: January 16, 2009, 09:08:47 pm »
By the sounds of it, if we had GMs act like this back in MB most people would be pretty peeved too :)

Man, you guys. What the hell? :O

General Discussion / Re: PlaneShift 0.4.01 Is Released!
« on: July 03, 2008, 02:49:06 am »
You really did a nice job with the female Nolthirs! Great job yes great job! I am thinking on create one of those actually ;)

Ooh, just found this comment... Thank you, I'm glad you like the model :)

There is no stifling or censoring of any discussion here - you're free to bring up any topic you want. It appears as though we do not agree on some points, and there is some confusion floating around on what some of those points are. Nevertheless, disagreement does not equal to irresolute stubbornness. If an idea or proposal is shot down, there is a reason for it.

Changing the setting to match what the engine or art team can currently do, is completely illogical in a game at this stage of development - you have a setting and you build it, instead of building blindly and forming explanations after. Yes, not all the graphics match up right now. But the team is here to improve them.

With that said, I really cannot understand what you seem to want...

General Discussion / Re: Re: a request from the settings team
« on: May 02, 2008, 12:03:09 pm »
We barely have time to work on the client sometimes, and you want us in-game to "govern"? :P Besides, players cannot roleplay any government official - they have not the tools to enforce any rules, nor the extensive knowledge of those rules (some of which still need to be written) to play a convincing part. This suggestion has been made before, so if you're interested in reading some past arguments, definitely give it a search in the Wishlist.

How about texturing the sky with a cave roof?  And make the crystal the focus of the sky and don't vaguely obscure it behind clouds

The "sky" is far enough from the groundplane that you won't see cavern walls directly. There are clouds (as evidenced by our occasional rainfall), but as you go deeper down the levels, it will get darker and more cave-like. I greatly dislike our current skydome textures as well, so I agree that they should be made better. Just not entirely the way you envision, I think.

[...] change your settings to coincide with the technology you chose to render the world in.

And as CrystalSpace develops that technology, what do our setting members write? That "suddenly" all these things are now possible and the appearance of the world changes without reason, or some obscure reason that is forced onto the community and changes all their roleplay? People are more than willing to adapt right now and forgive us for not having next-gen graphics ;) There's no reason to nitpick like this, really.

Second, why is there a ruined temple?  We're in a stalactite, so everything is underground by default and supposedly below us is a thriving world that we'll get to see someday.  So why is the first layer a ruined area?

The first level is most definitely not a "ruined area" :] The majority of it is thriving farmland, due to the closeness of the Crystal and presence of its light. A few ruins to signify past occupancy do not destroy this image. Sure, we can make everything farms right now - but I'd prefer some visual variety at first, too. Most of the graphics right now are those of standing and populated structures.

I understand how frustrating it can be to play in an unfinished world, but what else can we do but go on building it? Instead of choosing "This isn't finished yet - let's change it" we go with "This isn't finished yet - let's finish."

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