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Messages - Pizik

Pages: 1 ... 13 14 [15]
Wish list / Re: Economics in PlaneShift
« on: August 28, 2007, 02:54:09 pm »
I personally like the ideas suggested in the 1st post. But i think that is over complicating matters. I would  love to see (at first) a system where if Player A sells 20 Gold for 4800 trias, when Player B comes along and tries to sell 20 Gold (to the same NPC) He would be offered, for example, only 4000 Trias. Reasoning is pretty simple, If NPC has already bought Gold from Player A he will have less need to purhase Gold from Player B.

To increase the amount that the NPC would be willing to pay, a system of gradual increase in purchase cost would also be needed, for example, each merchant in the game is charged a rent by the local authorities (initially a simple method to avoid adding extra complications).

You could add to this (at a later date after seeing how this worked) the idea of increasing purchase price by calculating the amount of goods bought (as suggested in the 1st post) Say Player A comes and buys a Short sword, this could correlate to say, 2 Gold, 6 Iron and 2 Coal (just some random figures). With the purchase of the sword the NPCs current stock of those resources would decrease and thus increase the price NPC would be willing to purchase these goods for.

To make it easy on the Devs there is no reason that it could not be initially implemented on certain resources (gold would be perfect) to see how it worked before being expanded to other resources.

I believe this would make a fairly unique, interactive, economy similar to the real world that would really set PS apart from other games in the genre.

(My appologies to the original poster if i have just gone over what was already said but i had small issues working out what some of it meant and i thought it was overly complicated.)

Newbie Help (Start Here) / Re: Account life
« on: August 28, 2007, 02:57:03 am »
I dont believe accounts have a certain life span. It should still be available. Sometimes wipes of characters happen but i dont think it affects accounts.


Welcome back :)

Technical Help: Problems BEFORE entering the game / Re: all stuffed.
« on: August 27, 2007, 09:30:26 am »
If you mean the shortcut window, you should click the 4th button along from the left on the main tool bar.

Or alternatively, type /show shortcut

It amazes me sometimes how long it takes people to get their heads around a simple statement.
PS Devs dont want money for what they are doing, they do it for the pleasure of doing it. I'm not going to try and claim they are selfless because they do get something out of it, satisfaction. Lots and lots of people do like doing voluntary work purely because they enjoy what they are doing, be that creating something, providing something or just helping people.

I love the way the project works and i think it would be less appealing if i knew that people were making a buck out of it.

And I have to say that it dissapoints me that someone would have the insolence to claim that those Devs who have replied in this post are lieing, not down-to-earth or describing them (and i can only assume you are refering to the artists on the Dev team) as doodlers.  :thumbdown:

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